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  • Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo- -doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.


  • Hello. Hi. James from engVid.

    哈囉,我是 engVid 的 James

  • You might have noticed that my voice changed. I went from soft to loud.


  • Now, many students I find have a problem when it comes to electronics.


  • They don't know whether they should use, or if


  • they should use "up", "down", "on", or "off". Today is a basic lesson on those things. So,

    up, down on, off 這些字。今天就是個相關的基礎課程,那麼

  • let's go to the board and take a look.


  • Now, when we talk about electronics, which could be something as simple as your cellphone-okay?-what

    當我們說到電器時, 比如說... 你的手機之類的

  • happens is people want to use them, which is fine if you're doing it for yourself, but


  • when you're talking to other people and you want them to do something for you. You notice


  • that this cellphone is, would you say "down" or "off"? All right? That's the lesson we're

    你的手機是 down 還是 off?可以嗎?這是今天課程的

  • going to do today. What do you say when you want to change the condition of this cellphone?


  • We'll start right now.


  • E, so are we going to turn up the volume or turn on the volume? Well, I notice

    好!所以我們要調高音量應該用 up 還是 on?

  • "dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-d- unh-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh"


  • the music is already on. This is low volume and this is high volume, but how do we change


  • them? Let's start with some basic definitions.


  • First, "turn", that was a turn. It's to move around a centre. Here's a centre, I turn around

    第一個是 turn,像這樣,繞著一個中心轉一圈,這裡有個圓心,我繞著它

  • a centre, or to reverse a position. Interesting. Both of these definitions we need to understand


  • if we say: "turn up" or "turn on". The first one, to turn around a centre, we have to go

    當我們說 turn up 或是 turn on 的時候。第一個,繞著中心轉,我們來回顧一下

  • back in time a little bit. You're from the Modern Age, so when you press your toys, you


  • just press. But when I was a little boy a long time ago, when the Indians rode on the


  • plains... I'm not that old, but I feel that way. What happened was we used to have televisions

    草原上奔馳的時候... 其實我沒有那麼老啦,但感覺起來就像那樣。當時我們有的是電視和

  • and radios, and we would turn, we would turn them if we wanted more volume.


  • So if you look over here, where I said turn means to reverse a position, you have 360.

    所以你看到這裡,當我說 turn 時我的意思是再轉某樣東西,你有360度可以轉。

  • So, I feel like we're doing an old science lesson. And boys and girls, we will now demonstrate


  • the turning mechanism. Here we go. We will turn up the power, and turn down the power.


  • Which means reverse. So we're going to look here, and you notice I have to turn. Okay?

    這邊的 turn 指的是旋轉,你看到我必須旋轉開關了,對嗎?

  • This is a very old machine. Some of you won't recognize this. It's a film projector. Yeah,


  • we don't use these now. Anyway. But the point was: The technology, you had to actually do


  • something with it, and that's where we get the ideas for "up", "down", "on", and "off".

    而這就是我們對於 up, down, on, off 這些字概念的來源

  • We're switching. We're either reversing the position or moving around a centre.


  • Now, when you have a lot of movement or 360, which is basically a circle... All right?


  • When you have a circle, this is why we talk about turning up and down, because as you

    這也就是為什麼我們要使用 turning up and down,因為當你轉它時,

  • turn it, you can increase the power or decrease the power, or make the sound higher or make


  • the sound lower. In fact, in the old days, they used to do this for television, radios,


  • and lights. You would turn up and you would increase it so it would get more. So here's


  • the 360, or you would go more, more, more, more, more. Or you would turn it down and


  • decrease it and you would get less, less, less, less. So the room could be darker if


  • you're talking about light. If sounds all of a sudden the voice would get lower, lower


  • and disappear. Okay.


  • So that's why when we talk about volume on televisions or radios,


  • we say: "Hey, could you turn up the volume?" And if you think about this machine, okay?


  • Turn up the volume,


  • turn down the volume. See? So turning.


  • You don't use it now because we have new machines,


  • but that was what the idea was for English. Now, "turn up", "turn down", you understand.

    但英文的用法就是這樣子來的。所以你了解 turn up, turn down 了。

  • We increase going one way, decrease the other. Higher or lower. And you just think up is


  • more, down is less.


  • So what about the "on/off" thing? On/off. Well, think about it this way: On/off for

    那麼 on 跟 off 呢?這樣說吧,他們比較像是是非題

  • us is like yes or no. -"Do you want to use it?" -"Yes. Turn it on."

    你想用它嗎? 是的,打開它吧。

  • -"Do you not want to use it?" -"No. Turn it off."

    你想用它嗎? 不用,關掉它吧。

  • And that's the light switch. When you want to have light,


  • you turn it on. Yes, light. When you don't want it, turn it off. No. Another way of thinking


  • of it is if you like The Avengers, or Hercules from when I was a little kid:


  • "I have the power!" Usually, with electronics, it's about power.


  • When you turn something on, you give


  • it power or electricity, like your lightbulb. And because of that, it goes on and starts


  • to work, and it will continue to work until you take off the power. That's why we say:


  • "Turn on the power", so it can continue going.


  • There is no increase or decrease; it just works.


  • "Attaching", so we say: "We attach power". "Attach" means when you have something, you

    再來是 attach,這個字的意思是你把某樣東西貼在另一樣東西上,

  • put it on something so it stays. Now it's attached to my hand. See? Now it's not attached.


  • Well, here is a lightbulb. It doesn't have power, so we attach the power, and then we


  • have light. No li-... No power or no electricity, no light. Lightbulb is off. So that's what


  • we talk about with the "turn on" and "turn off". You want to think: Am I attaching power?

    我們怎麼使用 turn on, turn off,你可以想「我有讓電器通電嗎?」

  • Yes? Then you have light. Or not attaching power? No light. "Off" is separating or preventing.

    有,所以你就有了光,還是沒有?那就沒有光。off 是分離、避免的意思,

  • When we separate, we prevent the power to go to the light. Because we stop it, there


  • is no light. So this is why we have "on" or "off". Sorry. "On" or "off" for power, and

    這就是為什麼我們有了 on 或 off,用在電力上,我們會說

  • we say: "We're turning on the power", and "turning off the power". But if we want more


  • light, we will turn it up and increase it. Or if we want less light, we will turn it


  • down and decrease it.


  • Now, I'm going to do a little quiz with you, because this was an easy lesson, but an important


  • one. So in the future, the full statement should be: If you want the lights on:


  • "Could you turn on the light, please?" If you want the light off:


  • "Could you turn off the light?"


  • If you want more light, you should say: "Can you turn up the light?" and think of the light


  • going up, up, up; increasing. And if it's too much light, you go:


  • "Could you turn the lights down, please? I just woke up." You'll get less, less light.


  • Ready for the quiz?


  • Let's go.


  • [Snaps]


  • Are we ready? I want to do a quick recap. A "recap" means to go over something again

    好了嗎,我會快速複習一次,recap 的意思是把某些事情重新講一次,

  • to help you remember. So let's go. So, "on" or "off", we're talking about power. Think

    用來幫助你記起來。開始吧,on 跟 off,跟能量有關,

  • "yes" or "no". Do I want it on? Do I want it off? Yes or no? When we turn something...


  • Or sorry, "up" and "down", it's comparative. Think higher or lower. So we turn on the power

    抱歉... 調高或調低,這是可以比較的。想想「高」跟「低」,所以我們把電力調高

  • or turn off the power, like the light. Turn on the light, turn off the light. Okay? When


  • we go up or down, it's comparative, so something is changing in intensity or direction. So

    當我們用 up, down時,這是可比較的,所以有某些東西在強度或方向上會改變,

  • it's going higher volume or lower volume. Okay?


  • So we're going comparatively, higher or lower. Cool.


  • Okay? So, let's do some sentences. We have four, here. Okay? First one:


  • "John asked if we had air conditioning because he was hot. I said I would turn it __________."


  • Which one?


  • Now, if John is hot and he's asking if we have air conditioning, probably he cannot


  • hear it or see it. So, I would probably have to turn it


  • "on" because he was hot.


  • If we had air conditioning working, the room would be cool, and he wouldn't have to ask.


  • So we add power to the air conditioning. Yes, we want power, and yes, we want air conditioning.


  • I just turned it on.


  • Next question. Let's go here:


  • "The radio was too loud in the car. Mr. E asked me to turn it __________." "off" or "down"?

    車上的收音機太大聲了,Mr. E問我能不能把它「關小聲」一點,是 off 還是 down?

  • Well, "too" we talk about


  • how intense or strong something is, and usually we say it's comparative, so higher or lower.


  • Too salty, too much salt. Too loud, too much sound. It doesn't mean we don't like the thing.


  • Or if it's too little, we don't have enough. It doesn't mean we don't like it, it means


  • there's more than we want. We want some, but less. So let's take a look. Comparative over


  • here we have for higher or lower. If the music is too high, we want it lower.


  • That means we want to turn it down.


  • So: "Mr. E asked me to turn it down." Not off, he likes the

    所以 Mr. E 會要我把它調小聲一點,而不是關掉,他喜歡

  • music, just not so loud. He's got little worm ears.


  • Number three: "The room was dark because the lights were off, so Mr. E turned __________ the lights."

    第三句:房間裡沒有開燈,黑黑的,所以 Mr. E 把燈「打開」了

  • This one's a little easy. I want to help you,


  • because if the room were dark, there are no lights. What's the opposite of "off"?

    因為如果房間是暗的,就表示沒有開燈。那麼 off 的相反詞是什麼?

  • Let's take a look. Over here, the opposite of "off" is "on". We need to add power to the lights.

    看看這裡,off 的相反詞是 on,我們需要把電力通給電燈。

  • So when we add power and turn on the lights, we will be able to see. So:


  • "Mr. E turned on the lights."

    Mr. E 把燈打開了

  • And number four, what would that be?


  • "While your computer is turned __________, go do the quiz at engVid."

    當你的電腦 ___ 時,來做做 engVid 的隨堂測驗吧!

  • Huh? Well, I will leave it for you to think


  • about for a second. Your computer.


  • Do you think you know the answer? Let's take a look.


  • Can you see me? Yes. That means your computer must have power. Correct? That means your


  • computer must be "on". If your computer is on, you can see me.


  • And while you're doing that and it's on, I'm going to suggest that you go do the quiz at

    當你正開著電腦看著我的時候,我會建議你去 engVid 的網站上做這個測驗,

  • www.eng as in English, vid as in video (, okay? Well, you're probably already there,


  • but if you're on YouTube, go there, do the quiz. See how well you understand the lesson.

    但如果你是在 YouTube 上看這部影片的話,去 engVid 的網站,做這個測驗,看看你對今天的課程有多少了解,

  • Okay? Anyway, I've got to go, but I look forward to seeing you soon.


  • And as always, thank you for joining us and don't forget to subscribe.


  • Chao.


Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo- -doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.


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