I hithimuponFacebookand I said, "Hey, I thinkyou'recuteand I'd liketotakeyououttodinner." Andweendedupchattingabouthischildhoodferrets 'til 4 a.m.
But, I'vealsobeenrejected, a lot, throughouttheyearsbyguyswho, eitherdidn't likehowaggressive I wasordidn't likemeas a personordidn't findmeattractiveor, I don't know.
Theydon't alwaystellme.
So, whoknows?
Gooutthere, ladyfriends. I imploreyou.
Andthenexttimeyousee a cutie, hithimup.
I'd liketoaskyouout, um, withthis, here.
That's a presentforyou, 'cause I thinkyou'rerealcute, and I wannashowyouthatuh... that I likeyou, and I wannacuddle.