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-Hi, guys.
-Hey, everyone.
We're Brooklyn and Bailey.
And today we've decided to do Babysitting 101 because we've
been getting lots of babysitting jobs during the summer.
And it is very important to do your best
when you're babysitting because then the parents will
be so happy, they'll want to hire you again,
and then they'll go tell all of their friends.
-It's like free marketing.
-Honestly, it is.
-Free marketing for your own little business.
It's so cool.
So first off, you'll want to go to one of your local community
centers or hospitals.
And they have a class you can take that shows you and teaches
you how to do CPR, in case one of the kids
gets in an emergency and they need it.
And after you do that class and you
learn how to do all of the medical things,
you should have your parents spread the word that you're
ready and want jobs for babysitting.
-So once your parents have spread the word
and you finally get a babysitting job,
it's very important that you ask the questions, like, what's
their schedule, what's their bedtime routine, what
do they eat, are there any allergies?
-It makes you seem like a responsible, interested
And it makes the parents like you more because you're
on the ball and you know what all
of the kid's needs and wants are.
So it'd be good.
So it's very important for you to be the one asking questions.
-So when the parents leave, try to get
to know the kids-- like their ages, their names--
so they feel more comfortable around you.
And be their friend, be cheerful, make them happy,
do something funny, so they feel like they
can get to know you better.
-But also make sure that they know that you mean business.
-So you're not all fun and games and no business.
Be fun and games and business, so that it's like--
-You're in between.
-It's a double package.
-Double for one.
-So here are some things you definitely
do not want to do while you're babysitting.
-Turn the TV on because it distracts you
from watching the kids, and then the kids are not
doing anything active-- they're just sitting on the couch.
Another thing is you do not want to have guests over.
No family, no friends, no boyfriends or girlfriends.
None of that.
-Nothing that will distract you from watching the kids.
-And also, no long phone calls or texting your friends
while you're babysitting because that also distracts you
from actually babysitting.
-You also want to stay home, preferably.
If you have a car, preferably, stay in the house or the house
premises, like the backyard.
-Yeah, because if you go out on long walks to the park,
that's fun for the kids but it also invites accidents,
and it's kind of hard to keep all of the kids wrangled
together when you're at the park.
And another major don't is do not snoop.
Do not snoop.
Do not try on clothes.
Do not ruffle through their personal items.
-Because you are an invited guest in their house,
and you should not be the one looking
through all of their private stuff.
-You have no rights to do that.
Some things to do, while you're babysitting,
are fun activities with the kids.
You want to interact with them and give them
some fun active things to do.
So you can do crafts or play games,
or if you're with little girls, you can play dress up
or princess.
And you can download apps on your phone,
or you can make fun music videos or just funny videos,
in general.
And you can usually distract the kids
for like an hour with those-- those fun apps and stuff.
And some other things to do, while you're babysitting,
is to certainly pay attention and to also be kind to the kids
so that they know that they can trust you.
-And you can periodically text the parent updates,
like, I just fed the kids, now we're
going to go play a board game because lots of parents
usually worry about what the kids are doing
or how the babysitter is doing while they're gone
and it's really good for them to know what you're doing.
-I would worry about my kid.
-And last of all, you want to clean.
-It's really good when you clean.
Parents don't usually feel like they
need to rehire you when they come home
to a dirty, messy house.
I once had a babysitting job, where
the parents had just-- they said, oh, it's okay.
When the kids are in bed, you can just sit around and relax.
But I saw that the house needed a little bit of cleaning.
And so I went ahead and vacuumed the floor
and put the dishes in the dishwasher.
And when they got home, they were so happy,
they paid me extra.
So cleaning is very important when you're babysitting.
And I had an experience like that, one time.
And they actually called my mom, the day
after, and were raving about how awesome it
was to find you were a babysitter that cleaned up
their house without them having to ask them to do it.
And it's just a really good thing to get you rehired.
And it makes the parents like you a lot more.
And then they go tell their other friends about you.
And it's the free marketing again.
-So when bedtime rolls around, if the parents give you
a specific time to put the kids to bed,
you need to put them to bed at that time.
-And if you have a kid that's having a hard time going
to bed, there are things you can do, like read them a story.
-Read them books.
I mean, you can sing them songs.
I sing them lots of fun songs, sometimes.
-And if the kid's having more trouble,
after you've tried everything, you can text the parents
and ask them what they do with their kids.
And just try to keep them-- try to calm them down,
so they feel like they can go to sleep.
So when the parents come home, give them
an honest report about what happened when they were gone.
And be like, your kids are so adorable, we had so much fun,
we made this video-- here, watch it--
so they know that you had a good time with their kids
and you interacted with them.
And if you did have trouble putting one of the kids to bed,
just tell them that you had trouble.
And be like, what can I do better next time, when
you call them-- or call me-- so that you can fix it, next time.
And then the kid will go to bed easy.
Every parent wants to see their babysitter
and see that they're as involved as they would have been
or that they care for their kids as much as they do.
So the big question that we know you've been asking is,
how much do we charge for babysitting?
And it honestly depends on the family.
Generally, you don't want to be the one to bring up money.
You want the parents to be the one to bring it up.
And if they give you a price, and you think it's reasonable,
then go ahead with it.
But if they ask you now, what do you usually
get paid for babysitting, our general idea is--
-If they have three kids and under, just say, $4 to $5
an hour.
And if they have three kids and above, say,
it's usually $1 an hour and $1 per kid.
So that's our general consensus for money,
but not everyone has to do that.
Honestly, just make sure that you do the best that you can
and have it be as much fun for the kids
and make sure that you leave the house cleaner
than when you came.
Your goal is to have either them texting your parents about what
a great babysitting you are or have their kids
telling their parents, wow, we had so much fun
with this babysitter.
Bring her again.
We had so much fun.
-I want her to come again.
-That is like your bottom line goal.
You want that.
We're going to LA this weekend.
And we're so excited to meet all of you guys at VidCon.
And while we're down there, we're
having a meet and greet on Saturday.
We're actually having two meet and greets.
And you can get the details below.
-Be sure to check us out on Twitter, @brookeandbailey.
And we'll see you next week.
(SINGING) Say it like you know it's true.
Only you can decide if you'll see this
through because you can do anything.
Yeah, you can do anything.