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Hey what's up? Rob here from Man vs. Pin, and this is my niece Lindalee.
-Hi. - Lindalee has been helping us out
on Man vs. Pin for all of our Pinterest projects, and every time that you're on the show,
people say in the comments there should be a Kid vs. Pin for Pinterest. You know the site. Right?
Big fan? You've got your own board full of pins, all that good stuff?
What are we going to make? - Bouncy doodle balls.
Bouncy doodle balls? I don't think that's the name of the pin. You been drinking today?
- No. - I have. All right. Here's all the things you need.
Half a teaspoon of borax. So open that up for me. Come on. Do it with one jab.
- Is that poisonous? - Um, maybe. Throw that in there.
Four teaspoons of corn starch. Yeah. All right. So fill this up four times.
Oh, here we go. Four. Four tablespoons of warm water. One—
- Two, three, four. - Three, four, all right.
In a separate bowl, we need one tablespoon of white glue.
- Oh! - And then we need one teaspoon of fluorescent paint.
- So we add that. Mix away. Good job. - ♪ I'm mixing you in my party girl, party girl.
I don't know what I'm singing yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A party girl, a party girl. ♪
- Pour it in. - Master godfather.
- Ew! - That doesn't look like a bouncy ball.
As you stir, a sticky, hard, slimy material will form. Take the material and continue to work it with your hands.
- Oh. - I think you just have to like do that.
- Yeah. - Oh my gosh. It feels really bad. It feels like a brain.
- Right Rob? - It feels exactly like a brain.
This one is a little too runny, so I think we'll give it one more try, one more time.
Here we go.
- Oh, yep. - Why am I doing this for life?
I ask myself that same question every week. You know, it doesn't really look like the picture. Does it?
- No, it does not. - Can you maybe form that into like a little ball?
- Try bouncing it over here. - Let me try it again.
- Yeah, that's not bouncing. - Wait, maybe you have to roll it in here.
No, you don't do that. I don't think that that worked. That was a fail.
♪ Fail, fail, fail. Fail, fail. ♪
- Wave to everybody. - Bye bye.
- Thank you. - Oh God. Okay.
All right, well that was a [beep] disaster. So I decided to try this out again on my own
minus the direction and help of a 6-year-old. So I followed all of these asinine instructions
again for a third time—precise scientific [beep] measurements and all—
and after fondling it for a little while, I was finally able to secure some form of putty.
I turned on the black light, and it did most certainly glow.
Did it harden into a ball? No. Did it bounce?
Absolutely not. So you know what? [Beep] this pin. However I was determined to make this work.
Bouncy balls, when you get them in the grocery store for 25 cents in the little machines,
that was a [beep] awesome day. Am I right? I clicked around some more on this vindictive devil site
until I came across another recipe on the 36th Avenue. This one used some slightly different ingredients.
Honestly I'm just [beep] tired of saying them all so just check the description.
Now a bunch of chemical reactionary mumbo jumbo happens. I don't [beep] know what's going on,
but it started turning into a hard gacky-like substance as soon as I began to pour it in.
I fished it out and started molding it into a ball. A couple minutes later, boom.
Take a look at that [beep]. Bouncy balls. Now it doesn't glow in the dark because I didn't add that paint,
but it bounces. I did a little bounce test between this one and the real thing,
and mine held up pretty damn well. I mean, what do you expect? Two minutes ago,
this thing was a bunch of glue and cornstarch. This is a goddamned miracle as far as I'm concerned.
Want to see more Kid vs. Pin? Leave your comments below and while you're at it,
do me a favor. Hop on over to my niece's channel. She was the small human being
that we were working with a little bit earlier before. She has her own channel where she reviews
Dr. Who episodes. She reviews toys. She interviews celebrities on the red carpet.
It's ridiculous. She's 6. She very well may be some sort of robot child. I'm not sure.
Head on over there. Subscribe to the cuteness and blow her mind tomorrow when she wakes up
and has all these [beep] new subscribers. I'll see you next time.