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Hi, I'm Rick Warren.
I'm the author of "The Purpose Driven Life"
and pastor of Saddleback Church in California.
I'd like for you to listen to the next couple minutes
as if your life depends on it,
because it does.
I want to share with you the most important thing
you need to know in life: how to get to know God,
how to begin a relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ,
so you can have your past forgiven,
learn your purpose for living, and gain a home in heaven.
Do you know why you exist?
The Bible tells us that God is love
and God created you to love you.
In fact, God wants to have
a personal relationship with you.
Did you know that?
God knows everything about you, and he wants you to know him,
and he loves you in spite of everything that's happened
in your life: your failures, your weaknesses,
your mistakes, your sins.
Nobody's ever gonna love you more than God does.
Unfortunately, most people never get to know God
in a personal way.
For most people, God seems a million miles away.
You know, we feel disconnected from God.
You know?
Do you know why we feel that way?
It's because we have lost our connection to God.
It happened because we all have a natural desire
to run our own lives without God.
We don't want God to tell us what to do.
We want to be in charge, we want to be God,
and that attitude of denying God the right to tell us
what's right and what's wrong in our lives, it's called sin.
And you know what?
We've all done it. We've all sinned.
The Bible says, "Everyone has sinned;
we've all fallen short of God's glorious standard."
We've all said no to God in our own different ways.
None of us is perfect,
and the bad news is that that attitude,
our sinful attitudes and our actions,
they have separated us and disconnected us from God.
That's why you feel so far away.
The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah,
"Your sins have cut you off from God."
Now, obviously, that's a big problem for us,
but since God loves us, he came up with a plan to solve our sins
and our separation problem,
and that plan of reconnecting you to God
is called salvation.
Now, God not only wants you to know him
and love him here on earth,
he wants you to be able to spend eternity with him
forever in heaven.
Now, before I tell you about God's plan to save you,
it's good news,
let me first identify some of the man-made ways
of salvation that don't work.
You know, some people try what I call "salvation by heritage."
Here's their reasoning:
"You know, my mother and my father knew God,
"so I assume I'm gonna be automatically included
"in God's family.
I'm gonna be saved too."
You know, if you think about that for just a minute,
you quickly realize the idea is illogical.
For instance, if I said to you, "You know,
"my father was married, and my grandfather was married,
"and my great grandfather was married,
then I'm automatically married."
You see how illogical that is.
And like marriage, salvation is a personal choice.
It's a decision to love and trust the Savior
that God sent, Jesus,
and nobody else can make that decision for you.
Now, there's another false way that people
try to get to heaven: spiritual salvation.
It's what I call "salvation by sincerity."
It goes like this-- you ever heard this?
"You know, it doesn't really matter at all
what you believe about God as long as you're sincere."
Well, that's illogical too,
'cause you can be sincerely wrong.
I mean, I can pick up this glass and think it's filled with tea,
but actually it's filled with poison.
If I drink it, I'll still die.
I'll be sincerely dead because I was sincerely wrong.
It takes more than sincerity to know God
and be accepted into heaven.
Heaven is God's home,
so you and I have to abide by his rules for getting there.
That makes sense.
There's another misconception about heaven, and it's this.
Some people imagine that God has this scale,
and at the end of your life, he's gonna weigh all your
bad actions and all your bad attitudes,
and he's gonna weigh all your good actions and all your
good attitudes, and if in the end, you know,
the scale tips this way...
you got a little bit more good than the bad
that you did in this planet, then God's gonna let me in
because I've earned my way into heaven.
You know, that's a very popular idea,
but there's one problem with it.
God tells us the exact opposite in the Bible.
The Bible says this,
here's the bad news: "The wages of sin is death."
You see, God's not just the God of love,
he's the God of justice, so he makes sure that evil
gets punished, that we don't just get away with it,
that people like Hitler don't just get away with it,
that all evil gets punished.
The problem is I've got some evil in my life and so do you.
But here's the best news you're ever going to hear.
Are you listening?
The penalty for everything you've ever done wrong in life,
every mistake, every fault, every sin,
every selfishness has already been paid for by Jesus Christ
when he died on the cross for your sins.
That's why he's called the Savior of the world.
You see, being saved, quote "saved,"
salvation is not something that you do
for yourself or earn.
It's something that is done for you by God.
That's the good news.
Jesus came to earth, he lived a perfect, sinless life,
so he never sinned, then he died on the cross for you
so you don't have to pay for your sins.
Trusting in him and in his perfection,
not your imperfection, that's your only ticket to heaven.
The only way any of us get into heaven is by
God's mercy and grace.
It's all been done for you.
That's why it's called the gospel.
Do you know what the word "gospel" means?
It's just the Old English word for "good news."
It's the best news in the world.
Now here's what Jesus said.
He said, "I am, I am the way,
"I am the truth, and I am the life.
No one comes to the Father," that's God the Father,
"except through me."
That's a pretty strong statement.
Notice Jesus doesn't say, "I might be the way."
He doesn't say, "I point the way."
He doesn't say, "I teach the way."
He doesn't say, "I'm looking for the way."
He says, "I'm it. I am."
And he doesn't say, "I'm one way."
He says, "I am the way. I'm the only way.
No one comes to the Father."
Nobody gets into heaven except through God's plan,
which was to send Jesus to be the bridge
between heaven and earth.
The way to heaven is through faith
in God's Son, Jesus Christ.
You know, as a young man, I studied all the major religions
of the world.
I actually lived in Asia for awhile.
One of the things that I discovered is that
every religion deals with this idea of truth.
In Japanese, it's shinjitsu.
For instance, the Hindu Scriptures, the Vedas, says,
"Truth is very illusive.
It's very hard to find and very few people find it."
It's not very encouraging.
Buddhism-- at the end of his life,
Buddha made a very famous statement.
He said, "I'm still searching for the truth."
He said, "I haven't found it."
Muhammad claimed to be a prophet of God's truth.
But none of these religious leaders claim to be the truth,
claim to be God, claim to be the source of truth.
That's what makes Jesus unique.
Jesus says, "I'm it. I am the truth.
Not that I point to it or teach it, but I am the truth."
And he also said this: "When you know the truth,
the truth will set you free."
So, the big question is really this: if Jesus is the truth,
how do I get to know him in a way that sets me free?
Well, I'm no authority on this,
but let me tell you what Jesus said.
He said, "You do four things.
First," he says, "you admit."
I admit.
I admit that I'm disconnected from God.
I admit that I have sinned against God
and I've sinned against other people.
I've hurt other people in my life with my attitudes
and my actions.
Now, admitting my sin is called confession.
That's the Bible word.
And the Bible says this: "If we confess our sins--"
This is a great promise.
"If we confess our sins, God is faithful and he can be
depended on to forgive us of all our sins."
All we've got to do is confess it and he will
"purify us from all our sinfulness."
Now, not only does this first step,
the step of confession or admitting,
prepare me for the perfect place in heaven,
it also sets me free from all the guilt, and shame,
and regrets I've been carrying here on earth.
And let me tell you something, that's a burden
I don't want to carry the rest of my life.
You don't need to carry all that junk from year to year.
You can be forgiven completely of anything and everything
you've ever done wrong, not because you deserve it,
'cause you don't, but because of God's mercy and grace.
So, the first thing I do to get God's salvation is I admit it,
I need it.
Second, the Bible says, "I repent."
Now, what does that mean?
What does repent mean?
Well, repent comes from the Greek word metanoia,
which literally means "meta" is your mind,
"meta" means a change
and "noia" is your mind, which means to change my mind.
When I repent, it just means I make a mental U-turn,
I think in a new way,
and I turn from thinking my way to God's way.
The third thing I do, Jesus said, is I believe.
I believe that God came to earth
about 2,000 years ago in the form of Jesus Christ,
that he died to pay for all my sins even though he didn't
deserve to die, and that he came back to life,
rising from the dead 3 days later
after he died on the cross.
He came back to life on Easter to prove that he really was
who he said he was.
He's our Savior, he's the Son of God.
Now, the Bible says this about believing: "If we confess
"with our mouth that Jesus is Lord
"and we believe in our hearts that God raised him
from the dead, we will be saved."
That's promise. Okay?
Now, it doesn't say you might be saved.
It says you will be saved.
That's an absolute certainty, and I can tell you one thing,
God does not lie.
The Bible also promises this:
"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
and you will be saved."
So, let me review.
I admit my sin; I make a mental U-turn and I say,
"God, I'm gonna think your way, not my way,"
I repent and change my mind about who's gonna be in charge;
and number three, I believe, I believe that Jesus died for me
even when I didn't deserve it; and then fourth and finally,
I receive,
I receive God's free gift of salvation
and forgiveness in my life.
Let me give you another great promise out of the Bible.
It says this in the first chapter of John,
The Book of John: "To all who received him,"
talking about Jesus.
"To all who receive him, and who believe in his name--"
Think about these words, receive and believe.
"Jesus gives the right to become children of God."
Okay, this is how I get in God's family.
There are two very simple but key words in that verse:
believe and receive.
I believe in Jesus and I receive him into my life.
Now, you may be thinking, "That's it?
"I mean, you've gotta be kidding me.
"That's it?
"For eternal salvation, there's gotta be more.
Salvation cannot be this simple."
Well, it is.
God made it so simple,
no one can say it's too hard to understand.
It's simply believing and receiving.
Receiving, in faith, the gift of all that God has done for you
in Jesus.
Here's what the Bible says: "It is by grace you have been saved,
"through faith--and this is not of yourselves,
it's the gift of God-- it's not of works."
In other words, you can't work for it, you can't earn it,
you can't earn your way to heaven.
"It's not of works, it's a gift of God,
so no one can brag about it--can boast about it."
It is only by God's grace, God's mercy that you and I
have any hope of getting into heaven.
God's already done everything you need to get to know him,
to be forgiven,
to begin the life that he created you to live
in the first place, and to spend eternity with him in heaven.
What you need to do is just receive the gift.
You say, "How do I do that?"
Well, you do it by having a conversation with God.
You know, that's all prayer is.
It's just talking to God.
It's just--you don't have to use any fancy,
complex religious words, say "thee"s and "thou"s,
or theological terms.
You just tell God how you feel.
You tell him how grateful you are for all he's done,
that, you know, that he's shown mercy and grace to you
rather than--and gave you what you needed not what you deserve.
You just talk to him.
So, to end our time, what I'd like to do is I'd like the honor
and the privilege of introducing you to God and leading you
in a prayer of salvation.
Now, this prayer, you don't have to say it out loud
'cause God knows every thought you've ever had,
including the ones you've got right now.
But God has been waiting this moment--for this moment
all your life.
In fact, a thousand years before you were born,
God knew that you would be listening to me right now.
So, what I want us to do is let's bow our heads in prayer.
And why do we bow our heads?
Just to show humility.
It kind of focuses our attention, okay?
You know, it doesn't make the prayer any better,
but it's just a simple act of humility.
And I'm gonna lead you in a simple prayer.
First, I'm gonna pray for you,
and then you follow me in a prayer.
Let's bow our heads.
Lord, I've been your friend for a long time,
and I've known you now for many, many years,
and I thank you for the relationship that I've had
with you, and I thank you that one day,
somebody helped me get to know you just like I'm about to help
a new friend get to know you.
And I thank you, Lord, for all the changes in my life,
for all the good.
Thank you that I know that I'm not afraid to die
'cause I know where I'm going when I die,
but more than that, I'm not afraid to live
because I know you're gonna help me every day
and it's not a religion
but it's a daily relationship.
So, I'm now asking you to help this person in the same way
that you helped me, to hear their prayer as they
honestly commit themselves to you.
Now, you pray.
I'm just gonna say a prayer and as I pray it,
if this represents the words of your heart, you just, you say,
"Me too, God. Me too."
Dear Jesus, thank you for making me and loving me
even when I ignored you and didn't know you.
I want you to say that in your mind.
Dear God, dear Jesus, thank you for making me and loving me
even when I ignored you,
I didn't know you, I went my own way.
But today, I realize that I need you in my life
and I want to take these steps to get reconnected to you.
I need your salvation.
I admit I've done a lot of wrong things in my life.
Just say, "God, you know that."
I've done a lot of wrong things in my life,
and I've sinned both against you and other people,
but I want all that to change.
I want to repent.
I want to turn from my way to your way.
I want to make a paradigm shift.
I want you to help me start thinking in a new way.
I want to start living your way.
I'm sorry for my past, and I ask you to forgive me
and give me a clean conscience.
And then say this: God, take away all the guilt
for all the things I've done.
From this day forward, I want you to be the Lord
and manager and president of my life.
I don't understand it all, but I thank you for dying on the cross
for me and for coming back to life to show everybody
that you are God.
Please help me understand it more.
As much as I know how, I want to receive you into my life.
Make me a new person inside.
Give me a fresh start on life.
I accept your gift of salvation.
I want to learn to love you and trust you, God,
more each day.
Now, look up here and let me close.
Did you really mean that when you prayed that prayer,
or are you just going, "Me too."
If you did, let me share a verse with you.
The Bible makes this incredible promise:
"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Now, God never lies, so if you sincerely meant that prayer that
you just prayed, then you called on the name of the Lord,
and based on the truth of God's Word and the promise
of God's Word, you have been saved forever.
So, congratulations!
I mean, really, congratulations.
You say, "Well, I may feel different."
You may feel different, you may not feel different.
Feelings come and go.
I had a little delayed reaction when I gave my life to the Lord.
I didn't get happy about it 'til a few days later,
but the more I understood it, the more I began to see the joy.
Feelings come and go.
What matters is that God keeps his promise.
Now, there's a whole lot more I'd like to share with you
that'll help you grow spiritually,
help you get started in discovering and living
God's purpose for your life.
So, here's what I want you to do: send me an e-mail.
Just send me an e-mail to
And just send me a one line note that says,
"Rick, I prayed that salvation prayer."
And you know what I'll do? I promise you, I'll do this.
I will immediately e-mail you back some material
that I've written to help you grow.
It's free, there's no cost to it.
It's just my gift to you, but I want to help you grow.
E-mail me at PastorRick@Saddleback--that's
S-A-D-D-L-E-B-A-C-K., and I'll send you that material.
And by the way, tell somebody else
who's already made this decision
that you have made your decision for Jesus Christ.
God bless you.