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  • On this episode of China Uncensored, I've been working on the railroad. All the livelong

    在這一集的「中國解密」中, 我一直建造鐵路,漫長的每

  • day.


  • Hi, welcome to China Uncensored, I'm your host Chris Chappell.

    嗨,歡迎收看「中國解密」, 我是節目主持人 Chris Chappell

  • The United States is way behind the rest of the world when it comes to trains. There isn't


  • a single high-speed rail line in the whole country.


  • The company XpressWest has been trying to build a high-speed line between Los Angeles

    多年來 XpressWest 公司已經嘗試著建造一條 洛杉磯與拉斯維加斯之間的高速鐵路

  • and Las Vegas for years. It would reduce travel time from four hours to 80 minutes. The project

    它可以將整段旅程由 4 小時減少到 80 分鐘 這個計畫

  • has been stalled because they couldn't get a federal loan.


  • But now they have a major investor from across the Pacific.


  • It's called The China Railway Group. It's the second-biggest industrial company in the

    中國中鐵股份有限公司, 它是世界第二大的

  • world.


  • Last month China Railway International USA announced that they've signed a joint venture

    上個月,美國中鐵國際集團宣布 他們已經與 XpressWest 公司簽署一份

  • with XpressWest, and that construction will begin in September 2016.

    合資協議書,而且,這項工程將會在 2016 年 9 月開工

  • China Railway International USA is owned by a consortium of five subsidiaries of Chinese

    美國中鐵國際集團是由 5 家中國國營企業子公司 組成之企業聯盟所擁有

  • state-owned enterprises, which includes the China Railway Group. (can show on screen:


  • China Railway Group , CRRC Corp , China State Construction Engineering Corporation and China


  • Railway Signal & Communication Corporation.)


  • The 21 Century Business Herald reported the project will take three years and cost nearly

    21 世紀經濟報導指出 這個計畫將耗時 3 年,且成本將近

  • 13 billion dollars.

    130 億美元

  • So where's all that money going to come from?


  • Uh... that's not really clear yet. But China Railway International USA at least promised

    嗯... 這還不是很清楚 但是,美國中鐵國際集團至少承諾

  • to put up the first hundred million.

    支付最初的 1 億美元

  • And if this all works out, China and its consortium of subsidiaries of state-owned enterprises

    假如這些都解決了,中國及它的 國營企業子公司合資企業

  • will have its foot in the door to be a part of other high-speed rail projects. Like that


  • line between San Francisco and Los Angeles that people have been talking about for 20

    就像那條討論了 20 年的舊金山與洛杉磯之間的路線

  • years. China Railway International USA recently sent in their proposal for designing, building


  • and financing it.


  • And a related Chinese company broke ground last month on a new factory in Massachusetts

    另外,一個同類型的中國公司 上個月在麻州為新工廠動土

  • where they will be building 284 subway cars for the Boston transit system.

    這間新工廠將為波斯頓的運輸系統打造 284 部地鐵車廂

  • But do we really want the Chinese building American railroads?


  • What's that, Shelley? Oh.

    Shelley 你說什麼?噢!

  • Um, yeah,sorry about that whole, Chinese Exclusion Act thing.

    嗯... 是啊,關於 「排華法案」這件事 真的很抱歉真的很抱歉!

  • Ahem. So why does America want China involved in building its transportation this time around?

    嗯... 總之,為什麼美國這次想要中國參與 美國交通系統的建造呢?

  • Like so many things, it comes down to money.

    就像很多事情一樣,就是涉及到 「錢」 的問題

  • According to this World Bank report, the cost of building high-speed rails in China is up


  • to 46% lower than it is in Europe.

    比在歐洲便宜 46% 以上

  • That's partly because the Chinese government is more efficient at building straight rail

    一部份的原因是因為中國政府 能有效率的直接建造直線鐵路

  • lines through people's neighborhoods.


  • And of course the cost of labor there is cheaper.


  • But that doesn't mean those factors will carry over to the United States. It's just that

    但那並非意味著那些因素會轉移到美國 其實這只是因為

  • China is willing to put up a lot of the cash and take big risks.


  • China has the largest network of high-speed rails in the world and plans to double its

    中國有著全世界最大的高速鐵路網 而且中國還計畫在 2020 年之前

  • size by 2020. China is also in talks to build or sell high-speed trains in more than 20

    將規模擴大成兩倍 中國也正在與 20 個以上的國家洽談建造或銷售

  • countries.


  • So how did China manage to conduct all this high speed rail development? Simple. They

    那麼,中國是如何發展高速鐵路呢? 很簡單

  • stole the technology from Japan. In fact, at least one Chinese economist has

    他們從日本竊取技術 事實上,甚至有一位中國經濟學者

  • praised China's "bandit innovators."

    稱讚過中國的 「俠盜創新者」

  • It's like when I steal my neighbor's lawnmower. I'm really giving him value... When I offer

    就像是當我偷了我鄰居的割草機 然後以合理的價格為他割草

  • to mow his lawn with it at a reasonable priceand the lawns of all the neighbors down the street.

    也為整條街的鄰居割草... 我其實給予了他價值...

  • China sees railways as a way to increase its international prestige. And they do it by

    中國視鐵路為增加其國際聲望的一個方法 而他們藉由

  • being cheaper than the competition--even if their profit margins are thin at first.

    比競爭者便宜的成本來達成目標 即使一開始他們的利潤很少

  • But Chinese railways still have image problems... after that deadly high-speed rail crash in

    但是在中國政府當局企圖掩蓋的 2011 年致命高鐵事故之後

  • 2011 that the Chinese regime tried to cover up.


  • The whole system was so corrupt that the Chinese government eventually dissolved the entire

    整個系統貪腐至極 以致於中國政府最終裁撤了整個鐵道部

  • Ministry of Railways, and gave former Railways Minister Liu Zhijun a suspended death sentence

    並且以受賄及濫用職權等罪名 判決前鐵道部部長劉志軍

  • for bribery and abuse of power.


  • Part of the reason the US has failed to develop its own high-speed rails is that private investors

    美國無法發展自己的高速鐵路的一部分原因是因為 民間投資者

  • see it as a big risk, despite the boon to the economy it would bring from having better

    認為高速鐵路風險高 僅管更好的運輸系統會帶來經濟上的效益

  • transportation, not to mention the joy of commuters. The costs are high and the return

    更不用說通勤者會有多高興了 而且如果政府沒有提供足夠的資金

  • on investment, questionable, if the government doesn't put up enough funding.

    則成本太高,而且並不 一定會賺錢

  • The government doesn't put up funding because of opposition on the right. House Majority


  • Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California representative, has said he would block federal funding for

    眾議院多數黨領袖加州眾議員凱文·麥卡錫 曾說過他會阻擋聯邦政府資金

  • any high-speed rail in California.


  • No word on how US lawmakers feel about having another country funding theseboondoggles.

    至於美國議員是如何看待讓其他國家來資助這項... 浪費公帑的計畫,他們也不置可否

  • So what do you think about the US's lack of high-speed rail and the idea of China filling

    對於美國沒有高速鐵路以及 中國來填補這缺口的點子,你的看法如何?

  • the gap? Leave your comments below and check back next time for more episodes of China

    歡迎到下面的版面留言 並再次收看「中國解密」

  • Uncensored. Once again I'm Chris Chappell, see you next time.

    我是 Chris Chappell,下次見

On this episode of China Uncensored, I've been working on the railroad. All the livelong

在這一集的「中國解密」中, 我一直建造鐵路,漫長的每

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