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But isn't it un-American and wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion?
因為信仰歧視別人 難道不違反美國價值?這不對吧?
But, Jimmy, the problem
不過 吉米 問題在於..
Uh, I mean, look, I'm for it...
But, look...
但是 聽好..
We have people coming into our country
that are looking to do tremendous harm.
You look at the two-
Look at Paris.
Look at what happened in Paris.
I mean, these people, they did not come from Sweden
我的意思是 這些人 他們可不是來自瑞典
Look at what happened in Paris.
Look at what happened last week in California,
with...with, you know, fourteen people dead.
Other people going to die,
they're so badly injured.
We have a real problem.
There's a tremendous hatred out there.
And what I wanna do is find out what-
you know, you can't solve a problem
你知道 想解決問題
until you find out what's the root cause.
And I wanna find out what is the problem
what's going on.
And, it's temporary
I've had so many people call me and say thank you.
很多人打電話給我 向我道謝
Now, if you remember, when I did that a week ago
如果你記得的話 一個禮拜前 我說那番話時
it was like bedlam
All of a sudden --
and you watch last night
and you see people talking.
They say, "Well, Trump has a point.
他們說 「川普說的有理」
We have to get down to the problem."
The people that are friends of mine that called,
they said,
"Donald, you've done us a tremendous service,
「川普, 你真是幫了我們大忙」
because we do have a problem
and we have to find out what is the --
「我們一定要找出來 到底..」
-and we have to find out what is the-- -those might have been prank calls
-those may have been prank calls -No, no
-那些電話搞不好只是惡作劇 不是 不是
One of the things I find fascinating about Donald Trump
仔細觀察 川普很有趣的一點
is the way he uses language
differently than other candidates for political office,
especially president of the United States
Whereas his opponents and the political class in general seem hyper-aware that
their words would be picked apart and used against them
Trump willfully disregards this fact.
As a lifelong salesman, he has a huckster's knack for selling a feeling
生意人出身 他有著強迫促銷的天份 訴諸情感
even if the ideas and facts that underscore it are spurious, racist or just plain incomprehensible
就算這些想法事實謬誤百出、充滿歧視 令人摸不著頭緒
so I thought it would be illuminating to look at a Trump answer to a simple question
因此 仔細觀察川普如何回答這問題 有助於釐清一些事實
In this case Jimmy Kimmel asking Trump whether or not it’s wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion
在脫口秀節目上 主持人吉米訪問川普 因信仰歧視別人是否不對?
referring to Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the United States
This 220 word, exactly 1 minute answer displays
從這220字、一分鐘長的回答 看得出來
I think, a range of the things that Trump uses all the time in his speech
看得出來 川普慣常的說話方式
The first thing to know is how simple this language is
首先 他使用的語言非常簡單
Of the 220 words, 172, or 78%, are only one syllable
220字裡 172個字只有一個音節 佔78%
and often they come in a rhythmic series like a volley of jabs ending with one of his buzz words
這些字帶有節奏 連珠砲似一連串的攻擊 以他特有的口頭禪結尾
we have to get down to the problem
39 words, or 17%, are two syllables long
39個字兩個音節 佔17%
only 4 words have 3 syllables, 3 of which are the word tremendous, tremendous, tremendous
三個音節的字只有4個 其中有三個是tremendous(嚴重)
and just two words are 4 syllables long
California, which he’s forced to use because it has less syllables than San Bernardino
像是California(加州) 他不得不說這字 因為比San Bernardino(聖貝納迪諾槍擊案)音節少
and temporary, which he swallows
and it’s temporary, I’ve had so many people
「這只是暫時的 有很多人..」
this breakdown fits with the study done by the Boston Globe
that put all 2016 presidential candidates’ announcement speeches
through the Flesch-Kincaid readability test to determine their respective grade level rankings
以Flesch-Kincaid適讀性公式分析 得出相對應的年級程度
Donald Trump’s speech came out at the 4th grade reading level
川普的演說 約略是四年級的程度
Now for reference, Ben Carson came out at 6th grade
相對來看 Ben Carson是六年級
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were speaking at an 8th grade reading level
and Bernie Sanders was a way up in high school, a sophomore, to be exact
而桑德斯則高得多 更精確地說 是高二的程度
Now this isn’t only down to word or syllable choice
不過 語言牽涉的不只是字或音節
it’s about sentence construction, too
Trump favors simple sentences like
we have a real problem, there is a tremendous hatred out there
Rarely does he use complex sentences or independent clauses
He also favors the second person a lot of the time, addressing listeners directly with commands
他也愛用第二人稱 直接用命令句
Look at Paris, Look at what happened in Paris, Look at what happened in Paris, Look at what happened last week in California
Or implicating us in what he’s saying as if we’ve already agreed
或者暗示我們 仿若我們早同意他所說的一切
and you watch last night, and you see people talking
He’s really good at this, at framing negative response as an over-reaction that was subsequently realized as such
他深諳此道 將負面質疑包裝成反應過度
if you remember, when I did that a week ago it was like bedlam.
像是「如果你記得的話 一個禮拜前 我說那番話時 大家亂糟糟吵成一團」
All of a sudden – and you watch last, and you see people talking.
「突然間- 昨晚你看, 大家開始在說...」
They said, “Well Trump has a point. We have to get down to the problem."
「他們說 『川普說的有理 我們一定要找出問題來』」
Maybe the most important technique Trump utilizes and he does this more than anyone I’ve ever heard
或許 川普最厲害的一招在於 每句話結尾的字
is ending his sentences with strong punchy words.
總是鏗鏘有力 而且他是我看過使用最多次這招的人
A lot of times he’ll rearrange the beginning of a sentence awkwardly, so that he can end strong.
他經常調換句子順序 雖然有點怪 卻讓句子能有個有力的結尾
For example, here, it would probably be more natural to say
舉例來說 這句話或許這麼說比較自然
you can’t solve a problem until you find out what the root cause is
you can’t solve a problem until you find out what the root cause is(想解決問題 要先找出背後原因)
but he brings the is forward to end on root cause
他卻將is往前 以root cause結尾
he does the same here
and it looks like he was going to about the same in the end before Kimmel cuts him off
他原本也打算在這句這麼做 卻被主持人吉米打斷
these final words are crucial for Trump
這些結尾的字 對川普來說極為重要
They’re pointed and taken together sketch the theme of the entire answer
harm, dead, die, badly injured, problem, root cause
harm(傷害)dead(死掉) die(死) badly injured(傷重) problem(問題) root cause(原因)
thank you, bedlam, point, problem, service, problem
thank you(感謝) bedlam(一團亂) point(有理) problem(問題) service(幫了忙) problem(問題)
In some sense, it’s these words that audiences remember
在某種程度上 觀眾會記得這些字
especially when the rest of the speech is incoherent
Like the best salesman, Trump keeps it simple, he repeats a lot
川普像個萬能銷售員 力求簡單、再三重複
we have a real problem, what is the problem
we do have a problem, we have to get down to the problem
and he uses his favorite words over and over
他也不斷重複口頭禪 一而再、再而三
tremendous, tremendous, tremendous service
tremendous(嚴重) tremendous(嚴重) tremendous service(幫了大忙)
and he always seems to have friends who are part of the group that he’s currently insulting
他攻擊的對象裡 也經常包括他的友人
calling him up and thanking him for the privilege
many of them called me they said you know Donald, you’re right, we have a problem and look, there is a problem
「很多人打電話給我 他們說『川普 你說得有理 我們真的的遇到問題 問題真的存在』」
Donald Trump knows when to sound incredulous, or forceful
He has good comedic instinct, you can even call him witty
他本性詼諧 甚至可說是風趣
but you can’t call him smart or well informed
the best salesman could sell you a TV without knowing anything about it
最棒的銷售高手不需要懂電視 就能把產品賣給你
because the TV isn’t what matters.
What matters, is you.
And if you are an American citizen who, for years
has listened to politicians sound sophisticated while accomplishing nothing
對於政治人物華而不實的語言 早已司空見慣
you might just be primed for something
that is everything they are not.
But the next time you feel like Donald Trump has a point
下次 若你覺得川普說得有理
do yourself a favor
and look at his words.
張大耳朵 仔細聽聽他說的話
Hey everybody, thanks for watching. I want to point you in the direction of my friends over at Wisecrack
哈囉 感謝收看 我推薦朋友Wisecrack頻道
who do some awesome work, some awesome video essays. If you like my stuff, you're definitely going to
他做得很棒 有些影片內容很讚 若你喜歡我的作品 一定也會喜歡這頻道
like what they do. They talk about books, movies, and my personal favorite is definitely 8-Bit Philosophy,
內容包括書籍、電影 我大推8-Bit哲學這個系列
which is like philosophy explained with Nintendo graphics. So well done. I wish I had thought of that.
他們用任天堂動畫解釋哲學 做得極好 當初我怎沒想到
Anyway, go over there, click there, subscribe, watch a video. If you guys want to help me out, as always,
總之去看看 點擊這裡 訂閱、觀看
you can click right here, pledge a dollar or three dollars or five dollars to my channel.
捐款請點這裡 小小幾美元捐款至我的頻道
Help me start 2016 right. We're going to do some awesome stuff in the next year.
幫忙我2016年 繼續明年推出精彩影片
I can't wait to see you guys next Wednesday for the next video and I will see you...
等不及下禮拜三再相見 屆時有新影片
Well, I just said I'll see you next Wednesday, so bye!
我剛說過下禮拜三再見 那麼拜啦