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  • Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Alice.

    哈囉!歡迎來到 6 分鐘學英語。我是 Alice。

  • And I'm Neil.

    我是 Neil。

  • So Neil, did you sleep well last night?


  • Um, yes, thanks. Why do you ask?


  • Today we're talking about how much sleep we need.


  • Ah, I like a good eight hours myselften at the weekend. How about you?


  • Six is enough for me. But did you know this? Humans sleep around three hours less than other primates like chimps, who sleep for about ten hours.


  • So you're a chimp, Neil... at the weekends, at least! Are you ready for the quiz question?

    所以你是黑猩猩啊 Neil,至少在週末的時候是!你準備好要回答測驗問題了嗎?

  • OK, I'll assume that means yes. Right. What's another word for sleepwalking?


  • Is it... a) narcolepsy? b) restless legs syndrome? or c) somnambulism?

    是 a) 嗜睡症? b) 不寧腿症候群?還是 c) 夢遊症?

  • I will go for b) restless legs syndrome, since there's a connection with the legs.

    我選 b) 不寧腿症候群,因為它們兩者都和腿有相關。

  • Well, we'll find out whether you're right or wrong later on in the show.


  • So what keeps you awake at night, Neil?


  • Not much, to be honest. I usually sleep like a log and that means very heavily indeed!

    其實沒有什麼事情能吵醒我耶。我時常都熟睡得跟塊木頭似 (sleep like a log) 的,意思是我真的睡得很沉!

  • But sometimes my own snoring wakes me up, and then I can find it hard to get back to sleep.


  • Snoring, for those of you who don't know, means breathing in a noisy way through your mouth or nose while you're asleep. [snores] ... like that... How about you, Alice?

    打鼾 (snoring) 這個詞,對可能比較不了解的人說明一下,意味著在你睡覺的時候,透過嘴巴或鼻子發出吵雜的聲音來進行呼吸。(鼾聲大作) 像這樣...Alice 你呢?

  • Very good, yes. Well, that's quite ridiculous!


  • Anyway, for me, it's drinking too much coffee during the day.


  • It's the caffeine in coffee – a chemical that makes you feel more awake which can stop you from sleeping at night.

    咖啡裡的咖啡因 (caffeine) ─也就是一種會使你更有精神的化學物質,會讓你在夜裡睡不著覺。

  • But there are so many things that can keep us awake these days.


  • Oh yes. Radio, TV... techy stuff like 24-hour internet, computers, smart phones. I love my phone and it's never far from me!

    對呀。收音機、電視.... 整天 24 小時的網路、電腦和智慧型手機之類的科技產品。我愛死了我的手機,一直都把它放在我的身邊!

  • Well, let's hear what Professor Jerome Siegel, from the University of California, found when he studied the sleep habits of three different hunter-gatherer communities who have very little contact with modern society.

    讓我們來聽聽加州大學的教授 Jerome Siegel 在他研究三種來自不同的狩獵採集社群,但都與現代社會接觸極少的人們的睡眠習慣時,發現了什麼現象。

  • They don't have artificial light, electricity, batteries, or any of the gadgets that we rely on today.


  • Their sleep was not that different from ours.


  • The range of sleep period was about 6.9 to 8.5 hours.

    睡眠的時間大概是 6.9 到 8.5 個小時。

  • If you actually measure sleep in current populations in the United States or in Europe, they're definitely at the low end of what's been reported.


  • They certainly don't sleep a lot less than we do, but they clearly don't sleep more.


  • Professor Jerome Siegel found that people in these communities don't go to bed until several hours after sundownjust like us!

    Jerome Siegel 教授發現,在這些社群中的人們就如同我們一樣,在日落後的幾個小時過後才會上床。

  • But one big difference is that very few of them suffer from insomnia, which means having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

    但一個巨大的不同點是,他們很少有人有失眠的困擾。失眠 (insomnia) 的意思是一直維持清醒的狀態,難以入睡。

  • Now, I don't have a problem with insomnia. And hunter-gathererspeople who live by hunting animals and gathering plants to eatdon't either probably because they take a lot of physical exercise during the day.

    我沒有失眠的困擾。而狩獵採集的人們 (hunter-gatherers),也就是靠著狩獵動物和採集植物為生的人,之所以也沒有失眠的困擾或許是因為他們在白天時花費了許多的體力。

  • Yes, that's right. Taking exercise is an important factor in sleeping soundlyor wellat night.

    是的,沒錯。做運動是夜晚睡覺時能否安穩入眠 (sleeping soundly),或睡得好 (sleeping well) 的重要因素。

  • But these days our minds can be so active that it becomes very difficult to fall asleep.


  • Let's listen to Professor Kevin Morgan, from Loughborough University here in England, talking about how cognitive behavioural therapy can be used to help people with insomnia.

    讓我們來聽聽來自英國羅浮堡大學的 Kevin Morgan 教授說明認知行為療法如何被運用來改善失眠。

  • If you have a train of thoughts which would otherwise keep you awake one way of dealing with this is to block those thoughts.


  • What I'd like you to do is repeat the word 'the' in your mind at irregular intervals


  • the the the the the the the the the

    the the the the the the the the the

  • And what you'll find (is) that the mind space required to do this, blocks out almost everything else.


  • So Professor Kevin Morgan suggests saying one word over and over again at irregular intervals.

    所以 Kevin Morgan 教授建議的是,一次又一次地以不規則的時間間隔重複說著一個單字。

  • Irregular in this context means not spaced out evenly.

    不規則 (irregular) 在這個段落裡代表不平均地分配。

  • Doing it can help to block out the thoughts that are stopping you from getting to sleep.


  • It sounds like a very simple solution. I wonder if it works?


  • Um, there's one way to find out, Neil. Try it yourself!


  • Um, I will.


  • OK. And cognitive behavioural therapy by the way is a treatment for mental health problems that tries to change the way you think.

    好喔。順帶一提,認知行為療法 (cognitive behavioural therapy) 是一種試著改變思維方式,來改善心理健康問題的治療方式。

  • Well, I usually count sheep if I can't get to sleep. Do you do that, Alice?

    我在我睡不著的時候都會數羊。 Alice,你會這麼做嗎?

  • No, not usually. No. OK, I think it's time for the answer to our quiz question.


  • I asked: What's another word for sleepwalking? Is it... a) narcolepsy? b) restless legs syndrome? or c) somnambulism?

    我問的是:代表夢遊症的另一個單字是?是... a)嗜睡症? b) 不寧腿症候群?還是 c) 夢遊症?

  • And I said b) restless legs syndrome.

    Neil:然後我的答案是 b) 不寧腿症候群。

  • Sorry, Neil, it's actually c) somnambulismthe roots of this word come from Latin.

    Neil 很抱歉,事實上是 c) 夢遊症。它的字根來自拉丁文。

  • Somnus means 'sleep' and and ambulare means 'walk'.

    Somnus 代表「睡眠」,而 ambulare 代表「行走」。

  • Narcolepsy is a condition where you can't stop yourself falling asleep, especially during the day.


  • Narcolepsy...


  • And restless legs syndrome is a condition that makes you desperate to move your legs around, especially when you're sitting quietly or trying to get to sleep.


  • ... get to sleep...


  • Neil! Wake up!


  • Oh, hello Alice! Sorry.

    喔,哈囉 Alice!抱歉。

  • Hello! Can we hear today's words again, please?


  • Oh, OK, yeah:


  • Sleep like a log.


  • Snoring.


  • Caffeine.


  • Insomnia.


  • Hunter-gatherers.


  • Soundly.


  • Irregular.


  • Cognitive behavioural therapy.


  • Well, that just about brings us to the end of this edition of 6 Minute English.

    我們來到了 6 分鐘學英語節目的尾聲。

  • We hope you've enjoyed this programme.


  • Please do join us again soon. Bye.


  • Good bye.


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Alice.

哈囉!歡迎來到 6 分鐘學英語。我是 Alice。

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