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PSYCHO CYBERNETICS by Maxwell Maltz, MD | A Read Aloud of CHAPTER 4 | Psycho Cybernetics
This is a reading of the 4th chapter of Psycho Cybernetics.
You can purchase the Psycho Cybernetics book on Amazon by clicking here: (*I do not make a commission)
Psycho Cybernetics will help you 1) discover the success mechanism within you 2) improve
your self-image and turn the key to a better life 3) de-hypnotize yourself from false beliefs
4) learn to utilize the power of rational thinking 5) use the DIY tranquilizers that
bring peace of mind 6) remove emotional scars and give yourself an emotional face lift and
MORE! Happiness is a habit. Learn to acquire it through Psycho Cybernetics.
Part of my Developing A Success Mindset Video Training:
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