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Hello scoliosis family!
This is the first in a series of videos I'll be making,
that will be less than a minute long
and basically they're tips for helping you live with scoliosis using yoga.
I've got bronchitis at the moment;
Everything's feeling pretty compressed in the lungs,
so it's a nice lead-in to this tip, which is all about
bringing some love to the compressed area.
It's as simple as putting your hand on the concave side,
of the scoliosis, and breathing into that area.
As you breathe in,
imagine the ribs are expanding,
imagine the lungs are expanding,
and imagine you're lengthening your spine.
Just like this (inhales through nose, ribs expand)
Just repeat this lovely deep breath
as many times as you need to,
to feel some movement in that area.