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  • When I was a kid, my parents would tell me, "You can make a mess, but you have to clean up after yourself."


  • So freedom came with responsibility.


  • But my imagination would take me to all these wonderful places, where everything was possible.

    但是我可以通過我的想像力,到達那些美好的、一切皆有可能的地方 。

  • So I grew up in a bubble of innocence --or a bubble of ignorance, I should say, because adults would lie to us to protect us from the ugly truth.

    所以我很天真地,或許也能說是很無知地慢慢長大了。因為大人們總是會撒謊, 不告訴我們醜陋的事實。

  • And growing up, I found out that adults make a mess, and they're not very good at cleaning up after themselves.

    在我長大之後, 我發現大人不但也會把事情搞亂,而且他們並不是很擅長清理事後殘局。

  • Fast forward, I am an adult now, and I teach citizen science and invention at the Hong Kong Harbour School.


  • And it doesn't take too long before my students walk on a beach and stumble upon piles of trash.

    過了沒多久,我的學生就在沙灘上發現了大堆的垃圾 。

  • So as good citizens, we clean up the beaches -- and no, he is not drinking alcohol, and if he is, I did not give it to him.

    所以作為好公民, 我們清理了沙灘上的垃圾。嗯他不是在喝酒,就算是, 酒也不是我給的。

  • And so it's sad to say, but today more than 80 percent of the oceans have plastic in them. It's a horrifying fact.

    很悲哀的是,在今日有超過 80% 的海洋空間裡有塑膠垃圾。這是一個很駭人的事實 。

  • And in past decades, we've been taking those big ships out and those big nets, and we collect those plastic bits that we look at under a microscope, and we sort them, and then we put this data onto a map.


  • But that takes forever, it's very expensive, and so it's quite risky to take those big boats out.

    但這需要很多的時間,成本很高,而且用開這些大船出海是很有風險的 。

  • So with my students, ages 6 to 15, we've been dreaming of inventing a better way.

    我和我從 6 歲到 15 歲不等的學生們便一直夢想著發明出一個更好的方法來處理 。

  • So we've transformed our tiny Hong Kong classroom into a workshop.


  • And so we started building this small workbench, with different heights, so even really short kids can participate.


  • And let me tell you, kids with power tools are awesome and safe.

    你也許不知道, 小孩使用重型工具其實很棒也很安全。

  • Not really.


  • And so, back to plastic.


  • We collect this plastic and we grind it to the size we find it in the ocean, which is very small because it breaks down.

    我們收集了一些塑膠, 把它研磨到在海洋中發現時的大小。因為塑膠在海裡會被分解,所以最後會變成非常的小。

  • And so this is how we work.


  • I let the imaginations of my students run wild.


  • And my job is to try to collect the best of each kid's idea, and try to combine it into something that hopefully would work.


  • And so we have agreed that instead of collecting plastic bits, we are going to collect only the data.


  • So we're going to get an image of the plastic with a robot -- so robots, kids get very excited.


  • And the next thing we do -- we do what we call "rapid prototyping."


  • We are so rapid at prototyping that the lunch is still in the lunchbox when we're hacking it.


  • And we hack table lamps and webcams, into plumbing fixtures and we assemble that into a floating robot that will be slowly moving through the water and through the plastic that we have there -- and this is the image that we get in the robot.


  • So we see the plastic pieces floating slowly through the sensor, and the computer on board will process this image, and measure the size of each particle, so we have a rough estimate of how much plastic there is in the water.


  • So we documented this invention step by step on a website for inventors called Instructables, in the hope that somebody would make it even better.

    我們把這個發明的過程紀錄了下來,並發佈在一個叫做 Instructables 的發明家社群上,期望著有人可以將它改良得更好。

  • What was really cool about this project was that the students saw a local problem, and boom -- they are trying to immediately address it. [I can investigate my local problem]


  • But my students in Hong Kong are hyperconnected kids.


  • And they watch the news, they watch the Internet, and they came across this image.


  • This was a child, probably under 10, cleaning up an oil spill bare-handed, in the Sundarbans, which is the world's largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh.

    在孟加拉孫德爾本斯地區, 全球最大的紅樹林之一,一個不到 10 歲的小孩正赤手空拳地處理油污。

  • So they were very shocked, because this is the water they drink, this is the water they bathe in, this is the water they fish in -- this is the place where they live.


  • And also you can see the water is brown, the mud is brown and oil is brown, so when everything is mixed up, it's really hard to see what's in the water.


  • But, there's a technology that's rather simple, that's called spectrometry, that allows you see what's in the water.


  • So we built a rough prototype of a spectrometer, and you can shine light through different substances that produce different spectrums, so that can help you identify what's in the water.


  • So we packed this prototype of a sensor, and we shipped it to Bangladesh.


  • So what was cool about this project was that beyond addressing a local problem, or looking at a local problem, my students used their empathy and their sense of being creative to help, remotely, other kids. [I can investigate a remote problem]

    這個項目有趣的地方在於它不只是解決或是研究一個本地問題。我的學生們運用同理心和創意,幫助到了遠方的其他孩子。 [我可以研究一個遠方的問題]

  • So I was very compelled by doing the second experiments, and I wanted to take it even further -- maybe addressing an even harder problem, and it's also closer to my heart.

    做完這些實驗後,我得到很多動力,想要把這些計劃更推進一步:可能是解決更複雜的問題, 或是我做些我心頭上更在意的問題。

  • So I'm half Japanese and half French, and maybe you remember in 2011 there was a massive earthquake in Japan.

    我是日法混血兒。你可能記得在 2011 年時,日本發生了一場巨大的地震。

  • It was so violent that it triggered several giant waves -- they are called tsunami -- and those tsunami destroyed many cities on the eastern coast of Japan.


  • More than 14,000 people died in an instant.

    超過 14000 人的生命在一瞬間逝去。

  • Also, it damaged the nuclear power plant of Fukushima, the nuclear power plant just by the water.


  • And today, I read the reports and an average of 300 tons are leaking from the nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.

    我依據多個報告的平均數據,算出在今日約有 300 噸的核污水正從核電廠流到太平洋。

  • And today the whole Pacific Ocean has traces of contamination of cesium-137.

    所以目前整個太平洋中都含有微量的銫 - 137 元素。

  • If you go outside on the West Coast, you can measure Fukushima everywhere.

    如果你到美國西岸, 到處都可以測量到福島的痕跡。

  • But if you look at the map, it could look like most of the radioactivity has been washed away from the Japanese coast, and most of it is now -- it looks like it's safe, it's blue.

    但當你看著地圖, 似乎大部分的核元素都被海水帶離了日本的海岸。大部分的海域呈現著表示是安全的藍色。

  • Well, reality is a bit more complicated than this.


  • So I've been going to Fukushima every year since the accident, and I measure independently and with other scientists, on land, in the river -- and this time we wanted to take the kids.


  • So of course we didn't take the kids, the parents wouldn't allow that to happen.

    當然我們沒有真的把他們帶到現場, 他們的父母肯定不會尤許的。

  • But every night we would report to "Mission Control" -- different masks they're wearing.


  • It could look like they didn't take the work seriously, but they really did because they're going to have to live with radioactivity their whole life.

    這讓他們看起來好像並沒有那麼嚴肅以對, 但其實他們很認真對待這個議題,因為在他們接下來的人生中得面對這些輻射。

  • And so what we did with them is that we'd discuss the data we collected that day, and talk about where we should be going next -- strategy, itinerary, etc...


  • And to do this, we built a very rough topographical map of the region around the nuclear power plant.


  • And so we built the elevation map, we sprinkled pigments to represent real-time data for radioactivity, and we sprayed water to simulate the rainfall.


  • And with this we could see that the radioactive dust was washing from the top of the mountain into the river system, and leaking into the ocean.


  • So it was a rough estimate.


  • But with this in mind, we organized this expedition, which was the closest civilians have been to the nuclear power plant.


  • We are sailing 1.5 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant, and with the help of the local fisherman, we are collecting sediment from the seabed with a custom sediment sampler we've invented and built.

    在當地漁民的幫助之下,我們在距離核電廠 1.5 公里的海面上,利用我們自行發明與製作的工具收集了海床上的沉澱物。

  • We pack the sediment into small bags, we then dispatch them to hundreds of small bags that we send to different universities, and we produce the map of the seabed radioactivity, especially in estuaries where the fish will reproduce.


  • And I will hope that we will have improved the safety of the local fishermen and of your favorite sushi.


  • You can see a progression here -- we've gone from a local problem to a remote problem to a global problem.


  • And it's been super exciting to work at these different scales, with also very simple, open-source technologies.


  • But at the same time, it's been increasingly frustrating because we have only started to measure the damage that we have done.


  • We haven't even started to try to solve the problems.


  • And so I even wonder if we should just take a leap and try to invent better ways to do all these things.


  • And so the classroom started to feel a little bit small, so we found an industrial site in Hong Kong, and we turned it into the largest mega-space focused on social and environmental impact.


  • It's in central Hong Kong, and it's a place we can work with wood, metal, chemistry, a bit of biology, a bit of optics, basically you can build pretty much everything there.

    它在香港的市中心,而我們可以在那裏做木工、金工、 化學實驗,甚至還能牽涉到一點生物學、一點光學的實驗。基本上你可以在這裡動手做出任何東西。

  • And its a place where adults and kids can play together.


  • It's a place where kids' dreams can come true, with the help of adults, and where adults can be kids again.


  • Acceleration! Acceleration!


  • We're asking questions such as, "Can we invent the future of mobility with renewable energy?", for example.

    我們會提出像是:「我們可以用再生能源創造未來的移動方式嗎? 」之類的問題。

  • Or, "Can we help the mobility of the aging population by transforming very standard wheelchairs into cool, electric vehicles?"


  • So plastic, oil and radioactivity are horrible, horrible legacies, but the very worst legacy that we can leave our children are lies.


  • We can no longer afford to shield the kids from the ugly truth because we need their imagination to invent the solutions.


  • So citizen scientists, makers, dreamers -- we must prepare the next generation that cares about the environment and people, and that can actually do something about it. [Imagination is more important than knowledge. | Albert Einstein]

    所以,公民科學家、製作者、夢想家們,我們一定要培育好下個世代,讓他們關心環境和人類,他們才能真正做出改變。[想像力比知識還重要。| 愛因斯坦]

  • Thank you.


When I was a kid, my parents would tell me, "You can make a mess, but you have to clean up after yourself."


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B1 TED 塑膠 核電廠 小孩 大人 學生

TED】我是如何教孩子們愛上科學的--原田凱撒 - TED講座 (【TED】How I Teach Kids to Love Science | Cesar Harada | TED Talks)

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    CUChou posted on 2021/07/31
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