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  • {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf1404\\cocoasubrtf340 {\\fonttbl\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Verdana;\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0

  • Times-Roman;} {\\colortbl;\\red255\\green255\\blue255;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}

  • \\paperw11900\\paperh16840\\margl1440\\margr1440\\vieww10800\\viewh8400\\viewkind0 \\deftab720

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 \\expnd0\\expndtw0\\kerning0 \\outl0\\strokewidth0 \\strokec2 To prepare - please

  • think and write down what is the purpose of you wanting to look at your past lives. There

  • can be many reasons - you could be curios or you may want to discover information about

  • relationships or your current life purpose. Please keep paper and pen ready. Once you

  • are finished with this guided meditation, write down everything you remember. Don\\'92t

  • worry if it doesn\\'92t make sense at first \\'96 it will in time as you continue meditating.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 In this guided meditation you will discover a way to past life regression.

  • You will receive information which will make sense as you keep meditating and delving deeper

  • into your past and your past lives. You will feel the connection between your past and

  • your previous lives in your emotional guidance system and you will be able to analyse and

  • apply this information in relation to other experiences in your current life, not just

  • your past lives. Looking into your past and your past lives can help you identify any

  • negative or ineffective emotional, mental and physical patterns or blocks that exist

  • in your current life, it can help you identify it and then help you replace it with new ideas,

  • create a positive outcome which will manifest in your new reality. It\\'92s not about avoiding

  • the thought or experience it\\'92s about finding a better thought or thought pattern, another

  • experience to allow you to be your fulfilled self and live your purpose. \\'a0

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Taking a look at your past life is very empowering. That extra glimpse into

  • the past, that insight into the storyline and dysfunctional dynamics, provides the mind

  • with something it can now understand. The mind might not like the story, but past life

  • revelations can put the issues into a context that finally makes sense. Once the mind satisfies

  • itself with an explanation that integrates all the seemingly irreconcilable complexities,

  • it can then move onto other things \\'97 like asking for and allowing those things most

  • wanted. Thoughts attract other thoughts, and our emotions follow quickly behind. If we

  • can just stop fixating on hidden core issues, then we are again free to follow our bliss.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Loosen your clothes and lie down on a bed or sit in a comfortable chair.

  • Your hands and legs should be completely free. Don\\'92t cross your hands or legs and don\\'92t

  • lay them on each other. Both hands should lie on either side of the body. Say to yourself

  • \\'93I am recalling a time in the past when I have walked on earth in another form.\\'94

  • You can also say "what I most need to see", "what I most need to heal", or "the explanation

  • for my life's purpose", "about a past personality", or "a special need". If any images, words,

  • or thoughts come to mind, don\\'92t ignore them or fight them, no matter how irrelevant

  • they may seem. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 In the event of an emergency sound or experience while playing this or

  • any other hypnotic recording automatically at that time you would find yourself coming

  • to full awakening consciousness. And regardless of what was going on around you, you would

  • be able to handle it logically and relaxed. So let go and recognise that the more you

  • have experience with the hypnosis such as this or any other you will find that the more

  • exposure the better the experience. Because you recognise and accept that any time during

  • or after this hypnosis you can bring yourself to full awakening consciousness merely by

  • counting from one to three. And at the count of three your eyes will be open and your mind

  • will become clear and alert, your entire body will become well rested and relaxed.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 When you find yourself in a past life, you will feel everything you felt

  • then, you will be aware of what is going on around you, and what the source of your pain

  • or anxiety is. Once you have identified the source you can then carry the understanding

  • into your present life with an intention of letting go and your current body will no longer

  • be carrying those ancient weights. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Now close your eyes and start deep breathing. Take a few deep breaths observe

  • your breath, your chest rising and falling, your rib cage expanding and shrinking, your

  • belly rising and falling. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Remember to do this process slowly. You must focus on completely relaxing

  • your body and your mind so that images of your past lives can be brought gently into

  • your conscious awareness. Each time you do this exercise you will go ever more deeply

  • into yourself. The deeper you go, the more answers you get.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Now ask for your Higher Self, your Guides, your Guardian angels, and whatever

  • other servants of the universe you like to be present for the entire session and to keep

  • you safe and protected at all times. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 \\cf2 You are slowly going into a state of deep relaxation. Slowly and surely,

  • your entire body and mind are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing. You are going deeper and deeper

  • and deeper, into a state of deep relaxation. Each and every muscle of your body is now

  • relaxing. Everything is so peaceful and quiet. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 One, the muscles of your face are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Two, the muscles of your neck are slowly loosening and are relaxing, relaxing,

  • relaxing. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Three, the muscles of your shoulders are losing their stiffness and are relaxing,

  • relaxing, relaxing. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Four, both of your hands are totally free and their muscles and are relaxing, relaxing,

  • relaxing. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Five, the muscles of your chest are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Six, the muscles of your back and lower back are loosening and are relaxing,

  • relaxing, relaxing. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Seven, the muscles of your stomach are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Eight, the muscles of your buttocks are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Nine, the muscles of your thighs are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Ten, the muscles of your lower legs are relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 You are now in a state of deep relaxation, going still deeper and deeper

  • and deeper. Your whole body, from the top of the head to the toes of your legs, is totally

  • relaxed. Deeper and deeper, feeling better and better, quieter and quieter.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 You are now in a place of perfect peace and stillness. Your body feels completely

  • relaxed. Take a moment to bask in this feeling of relaxation. Feel the warmth of your body

  • and it's safety. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Now consciously connect with your inner vision. On the screen of your mind,

  • imagine yourself being on a path towards which leads to a beautiful and calm lake that is

  • covered in mist. See yourself taking slow steps, walking closer and closer towards the

  • lake. Take another step and as you get closer you start seeing that on your left there is

  • a very comfortable bench with cushions. Sit on on this bench and rest on it for a moment

  • while you gather your thoughts about what you want to get from your journey through

  • time. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\fs26 As you ponder about the questions and purpose of you looking into the past you

  • notice that there is a sign right beside the lake, pointing towards the reflection of the

  • lake, it says "MY PAST LIVES". You can see that the lake is so still it looks like a

  • mirror that\\'92s covered in mist. Below the myst is the reflection of the lake which is

  • the gateway to your past lives. While you are resting on the comfortable bench, let

  • the love surround you. Know that at all times that you are completely safe.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 If you do not want for the mist to go away and see what is being reflected

  • on the lake from your past, that is just fine. It does not matter why. Give yourself permission

  • to relax and just enjoy being on the comfortable bench. If you do want to see the reflection

  • of your past in the reflection of the lake then rise from the bench and move gently in

  • front of the lake. Before starting your journey back through time, please declare the following

  • to make sure that your past life journey is a safe and pleasant one. "Throughout this

  • journey through my past lives, I am always completely safe and protected." "I will see,

  • hear, and experience everything about my past lives as if I was watching a movie. Just as

  • a movie cannot harm me, my journey through my past lives cannot harm me." "I am clear

  • on my intention for my past life journey\\'94. When you are ready to look into the clear

  • reflection of water to see your past all you will have to do is say "Action" in your mind

  • for the mist to be lifted. If the mist does not disappear, then you are not fully ready

  • and see yourself going back to the seat. After a moment, you can continue and try again or

  • sit on the seat and wait for the meditation to be over and come back to it another day.

  • Meditating without action is preparing you for results that you want.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 When the fog lifts, you will see an image of yourself in a past life. This

  • will be the past life that you most need to see or the past life that most closely matches

  • your special intention. \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 If you are having difficulty seeing yourself on the Past Life Screen reflection,

  • ask to see the feet of your past life personality. Try to see what it is that you are wearing

  • on your feet. Are they shoes, sandals, boots, or are your feet bare?

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\fs26 Once you see your feet, slowly look up to see the rest of you. Once you are in

  • focus, look at your reflection in water. Take a moment to steady the image, then say "Action!".

  • The movie of you in this past life will not start rolling until you say so.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 So when you are ready, get close to water, look at yourself in the reflection

  • of the lake. Once you have a clear view of the individual who was you in a past life

  • say "Action". \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0 \\cf2 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 It\\'92s time to come back. See yourself pulling away from the lake and going

  • back to the comfortable bench. Sit on it and take a minute minutes to rest. Now get up

  • and start walking back onto the path where you began your journey. Like a deep sea diver

  • come back up slowly to the surface of your conscious awareness. You have been to a deep

  • place within you and you must readjust to your normal waking state.

  • \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\f1\\fs24 \\

  • \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl360\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 \\cf2 You will now come out of the state, on the count of three, feeling refreshed

  • and relaxed. \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 One, You are coming out of the state, totally fresh.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Two, You are now opening my eyes, fully energized.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\

  • \\f0\\i\\fs26 Three, You are now in your normal conscious state, nearer your goal.

  • \\f1\\i0\\fs24 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl280\\partightenfactor0

  • \\cf2 \\ \\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl320\\partightenfactor0

  • \\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 Once you are finished, write down everything you remember and reflect silently

  • on what you have learned and how these lessons can be applied to their current life.Don\\'92t

  • worry if nothing makes sense \\'96 it will in time as you continue meditating. Soon,

  • you will be able to connect dots and remember your past.}

{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf1404\\cocoasubrtf340 {\\fonttbl\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Verdana;\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0

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催眠導引式冥想|前世回溯 (Hypnotic Guided Meditation | Past Life Regression)

  • 100 11
    陳盈達 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary