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Hello and welcome everyone. This is Minoo at Anglo-Link.
First, let me thank all of you who have posted questions for me on Youtube, on
Facebook and on our website's forum. Today I'm going to share the answers to some of
the questions that our memebers have posted on our Anglo-Link forum,
as I think they're quite useful for all of you. I'm going to start with one general
question and then move on to some specific language points. Looking at the first
question then, it comes from
Senvin and he or she asks: "How can I increase my vocabulary?"
Now, Senvin himself suggests
reading newspapers,
reading magazines,
and listening to others.
And another member, Shanu, suggests looking words up
randomly in a dictionary and then practising them.
Now, as I said in my previous video,
If your objective is to converse with native speakers of English, really
the best way to improve and increase your vocabulary range
is by listening, because that will help you with the listening
comprehension at the same time. Now, there's nothing wrong
with looking up words randomly in the dictionary or reading.
But, if you're learning vocabulary like that,
please remember
and make sure
that you learn the pronunciation of the words as well.
Look those words up in a dictionary, in a talking dictionary,
and repeat those words after the native speaker
until you're perfectly familiar with the pronunciation as well.
Let's look at some specific language questions that Anglo-Link members have
posted for me on our website. The first question I've chosen
is from Kameswari.
Referring to my video lesson on the difference between 'going to' future and
using the Present Continuous Tense for the future
Kamaswari says:
"In the third example of the comparison between 'going to' and Present Continuous
I get confused,
as the 'Going to' example uses a future time marker.
The Sentence is:
"He's going to see his lawyer next week."
And Kamaswari's questions is:
"Why can't we use
"He's seeing his lawyer next week."
Now, to remind you,
both sentences are correct.
You can say: "He's going to see his lawyer next week."
Or: "He's seeing his lawyer next week."
But the meanings are different.
"He's going to see his lawyer next week."
means that he has planned, he has decided to do this,
but he hasn't made an appointment with his lawyer yet.
Whereas, "He's seeing his lawyer next week."
means that he has already made an appointment.
This appointment is in his diary
and there's a specific time and date, although
the time and date are not specifically mentioned.
If you still have any doubts about the differences between 'going to' future
and the Present Continuous
for the future, have a look at my video.
This now brings me to the next question,
posted by Andrei,
who asks about the expression 'to be about to'.
He says:
'to be about to' or 'to be to',
Aren't those expressions similar to 'to be going to'?
What are the differences if any?"
As I've just explained, 'to be going' to indicates a personal plan
or decision for the future.
For example: "I'm going to open my presents now."
Or it can be a plan for the distant future:
"I'm going to visit Japan next year."
Whereas, 'to be about to' is only for something that you've decided to do
right away.
So you can say:
"I'm about to open my presents."
But you can't say: "I'm about to visit Japan next year."
And the expression
'to be to'
for example: "I am to visit Japan next year."
is not really a personal plan or decision. It's an extermal one. It
means you are expected to, you're supposed to or you're obliged to do this.
Right then, the next question is still about Tenses and it's to do with the Present Perfect
with the verb 'work'.
It's posted by Sunilk
who says: "I have worked
for the ABC company for two years."
Is there a mistake in the above sentence?
I want to express that I worked in ABC
from 2009 to 2011
and that I left the company in 2011."
A very good question. It comes up quite a lot:
The use of the
Present Perfect Tense, especially with the verbs
'work' and 'live'.
Remember that "I have worked for ABC
for two years." is exactly the same as "I have been working for ABC for two
This is because the verbs 'work' and 'live'
can be considered either as action verbs
or state verbs.
If you consider them to be action verbs you can put them in the Present Perfect
Continuous Tense.
"I have been working
for such-and-such a company for so long."
If you consider them to be state verbs you can't put them in the continuous tense
and you switch
to the Present Perfect Simple.
"I have worked for ABC
for two years." So,
If you want to indicate that you worked in a company and it's over, it's
finished or you lived somewhere and it's over and finished,
avoid using the Present Perfect.
Just use the Past Simple Tense: "I worked for ABC for two years."
And ideally, you should specify the period in the past.
So: "I worked for ABC for two years
between 2009
and 2011."
If you have any doubts about the use of state verbs, especially with the Present
Perfect Tense,
you may want to watch my video on state verbs. That's where I clarify these
points for you.
Staying with the tenses: A very good question
one of our members.
Present Simple or Past Simple?
They say "We are studying a story called "Journey to the Centre of the Earth".
The teller said that the story happened or started in
And there's a question in the story saying "In what year does Journey to the Center
of the Earth
take place?
My question is:
Is 'does'
here right or wrong,
and why?
A very good question which also comes up quite often.
This has to do with the use of the Present Simple Tense
to tell jokes and stories.
It's very common to use the Present Simple Tense instead of the Past Simple Tense
in order to make the story
more immediate and more engaging.
A lot of writers and people who tell jokes use the Present Simple Tense
instead of the Past Simple Tense. So, don't be surprised if you come across this.
Right, moving on...
The next question I've chosen
is from our member Opeyemi.
He says:
"In the Present Simple versus Present Continuous video tutorial,
you said "Our company produces glass."
Is it not our company
produce glass?
and why?
Words like 'company',
'police', 'government', 'team' etc...
that refer to a group of people can take both the singular and the plural verb.
It depends on the verb.
If the verb refers to
the group as a whole,
then we use
the singular verb, and if the verb refers to each member of the group doing the
same thing,
we use the plural.
For example, we would say: "The company produces
the product". Because it's the company as a whole.
But, "The police are searching for more evidence.", because every member
in the police group is doing the same thing.
In the UK, we often use the plural form, but finally, it's really the decision of
the speaker
which form is the most suitable.
And that brings me to our last question which is
a fun question.
Our remember Shanu says: "What does 'O.K.' stand for?
One of my friends said to me that he was told by the teacher that 'O.K.' stands for
Order Keft. Is this true?"
Now, the origin of this expression is not very clear, but the common belief is that
O.K. stands for 'All Correct'.
Now, you would say 'All Correct' should abbreviate to 'A.C.' But,
if you think about it phonetically,
All Correct
phonetically abbreviates to 'O.K.',
and then, it's been spelt out as 'OKAY'.
So really, there's no difference between O.K. or Okay.
Right then, this brings me to the end of this question and answer video. I hope
you've enjoyed it
and if you have,
please click
the 'Like' button.
And, do post all your questions for me either on Youtube or on Facebook or on our
If you post your question on in our forum, you will be able
to get more answers from our members as well and exchange your opinions.
Well, thank you for watching! I look forward to seeing you in our next video.
Bye now!