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  • Youve probably noticed that filling up your car with gas is a lot cheaper than it

    你最近可能發現 油價比前幾個月便宜

  • was a few months ago. That’s because the price of oil has fallen, and while that’s


  • good for the consumer, for countries like Iran, Russia and Venezuela, whose economies

    這對消費者當然是好事 但對伊朗、俄國、委內瑞拉來說

  • rely heavily on oil exports, it spells disaster. Reports suggest that Venezuela has been hit

    油價下跌可是一場災難 因為他們經濟高度仰賴石油出口

  • particularly hard by the oil price drop. But why? And what is the country doing to do help

    報告指出 委國因油價重挫受創最深 這是什麼原因呢?

  • solve the problem?


  • Well, with one of the largest oil reserves in the world, Venezuela relies heavily on

    委國石油儲藏量全球名列前茅 高度仰賴石油出口

  • oil exports, in fact, oil generates around 95 percent of it’s hard currency income.


  • So, as oil prices have dropped by over half since June, the Venezuelan economy has really

    自6月以來 油價下跌過半 委國經濟受創嚴重

  • suffered. The results of which can be seen in the lives of the Venezuelan people.


  • The country relies heavily on imports for food and other necessities. It’s reported


  • that long lines for the state run grocery stores are now the norm, as food supplies


  • are extremely limited. Venezuelans are being pushed to the limit and the army has even

    因為糧食供應極度有限 委國人早已忍無可忍

  • been called in to patrol food queues and keep order. Medical supplies are also a rare commodity

    政府甚至出動軍隊巡邏、管理排隊秩序 醫藥資源也極為短缺

  • in Venezuela.

  • Unfortunately, Venezuelans have been in this position before. Prior to oil prices falling,

    不幸的是 委國並非首次遇到這種情況 油價下跌前

  • the country had been in a deep recession, with out-of-control inflation. Food and medical


  • supplies have been in short supply for years and economists are placing the blame on Venezuelan

    糧食、醫藥供應短缺多年 經濟學家認為

  • President Maduro and his unsustainable policies.


  • Currently, the government funds free health care, state education, food and gas subsidies.


  • Venezuela also provides oil to 13 other countries within the Caribbean basin for what many experts

    此外 委國提供石油給加勒比海盆地13國

  • argue, are giveaway prices. Until now, Maduro has been reluctant to make changes to these

    價格卻低到「形同免費」 馬杜洛不願改變這些燒錢的政策

  • costly policies as he strives to continue former President Hugo Chávez’s popular


  • socialist ambitions for Venezuela.

  • So with his people on the verge of starvation just what is President Maduro doing about

    眼見人民可憐挨餓 馬杜洛又做了哪些事?

  • the situation?

  • Well, in January 2015, Maduro went on a tour of China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria

    2015年一月 他前往多國爭取金援

  • and Russia in a bid to secure some financial aid for Venezuela. Experts argue that it was


  • a desperate move, but Maduro did manage to secure a 20 billion dollar investment deal

    專家認為此乃馬杜洛最後一搏 但最終成功與中國簽成200億美元投資案

  • with China and significant financing from Qatari banks. But critics argue that the money

    並獲得卡達銀行大量資金援助 但也有人批評金額太少

  • still isn’t enough to provide the economic relief that Venezuela desperately needs.


  • With the situation showing no signs of improving, widespread protests have broken out across

    由於情況未見好轉 全國爆發大規模抗議

  • the country, but these demonstrations have only been met with threats of violence from

    但政府僅是武力鎮壓而無作為 只想維持社會秩序

  • the government in order to keep public order. There’s no doubt that tensions between the

    毫無意外 政府與人民雙方關係緊繃

  • state and it’s citizens have reached a boiling point and even Maduro has acknowledged rumours

    衝突一觸即發 馬杜洛甚至承認確實耳聞到消息

  • of the numerous coup plots to overthrow him.


  • To learn more about how low oil prices are hurting other countries too, take a look at


  • our video now

    請觀看影片 別忘了訂閱我們的頻道

Youve probably noticed that filling up your car with gas is a lot cheaper than it

你最近可能發現 油價比前幾個月便宜

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