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Today I'm going to show you how to make a mini indoor bow and arrow.
Start by taking a lolly pop stick, putting it in a bowl of water
And leaving it to soak for half an hour.
Next dry it off, then using a small pair of scissors or nail clippers
Cut two small grooves at each end of the stick.
It should look like this.
Next take a short length of dental floss
Wrap it around the grooves at one end of the stick, and tie it on.
Then we need to gently bend the stick into a bow shape
Wrap the floss around the grooves at the other end, tie it on with a knot
And cut the end off using scissors.
And there we have it, our completed bow.
If you want to customise your bow, use a ball point pen to draw a design on
before you bend it into shape.
To make the arrows, we're going to use a cotton bud
And cut the end off using a pair of scissors.
Firing it takes a little bit of practice, but you soon pick it up, and its safe to use indoors.
If you want to make a flaming arrow, first you need to reinforce the cotton bud tube
With a shaved down cocktail stick.
Otherwise the plastic arrow melts and the cotton bud falls off.
Next roll the cotton in some Vaseline
Get it into position ready to fire, and light the arrow.
The arrow will stay alight long after its landed
So you should only do this outside, somewhere safe where nothing can catch fire
And keep some water on standby to put it out.
It you like this project, maybe you'd like to take a look at some of my other videos
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Happy shooting, stay safe and as always, thanks for watching.