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Hi My name is Ethan Waldie
And this is our November 4th update video
I am going to tell you a little bit of how far we
gone in the past 4 months
So what you can see behind me is all 33 of our computers running
We do 64 RasberryPis
But due to the lack of sufficient power
And we are working on our current power supply And then we will be able to step it up to
64 nodes
So essentially what we have been focusing on is
How to scale this problem up
Because you run into a lot of networking and technical issues
Especially when you start getting more and more Raspberry Pis
And we had to find a lot of different ways to
servicing the software on the Raspberry Pis
So I know that we run a PSSH which is a Parallel SSH client
Which allows us to SSH all the Raspberry Pis at once
especially when you want to something like power off by software
Because hard powering off the Raspberry Pi can sometime lead to corrupted operating systems
Which is obviously a pain
Another thing we are working on is the network
We reorganized the network from a DHCP to a Static IP network
This makes the system more manageable especially when the
Cisco router (up here) wasn't behaving like it the way supposed to be
As well we also have been working on our GalaxSEE
Which simulates essentially galaxies in space
And how it works is just like this I have a thousands stars in my galaxy and
I place them in random positions in my Matrix and
What I used is Newton's law of gravitations to calculate
the force in between every single particle
For Example 40 thousand particles I have about 40 thousand forces to calculate
And What I do is run the simulation over multiple time steps
Say I Run it over a thousand years
And when I run it over a thousand years You can watch the simulation in real time
on the monitor behind me
and This gives you a really good sense of how the super computer "Does"
You can also use the switches to watch the communication in real time
And because the switches have so many lights on them
You can actually watch between different integral methods
So different methods that integrate the program between the multiple computers
How the communication shifts from a direct communication to a Barnes-Hutch
Kind of simulation
or a PPM distribution simulation