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  • RealSpace is a 3D Design Studio... and we provide professionals like you

  • with exceptionally high quality 3d rendered images animations.

  • Our stunning photo realistic media

  • helps our clients communicate their vision to their clients...or in any

  • situation where approvals are required, such as regulatory boards and even

  • potential buyers.

  • Whether you were selling a house or designing a skyscraper a picture can be

  • worth a thousand words. A photo accurate render is both beautiful and functional,

  • communicating your ideas while inspiring others...

  • but most importantly, it can accelerate your projects through to the next stage

  • of completion.

  • Letting you get down to the business of creating and building your

  • projects. Faster, easier, and far more cost effective in the long run.

  • Our clients are idea people and business people who want to reduce the

  • amount of valuable time and money they spend on lengthy written proposals.

  • They're architects trying to win approval from counsel, interior designers trying

  • to get client sign off, or developers looking for potential buyers.

  • All of these business professionals can use RealSpace 3D imaging to

  • speed up the process.

  • Our cutting edge technology can show you how the morning sun will stream into

  • that new kitchen contract

  • at say 10:00AM pacific standard time,

  • or what it will look like in the evening,

  • even at a time is precise as 6:30PM on a summer evening in chicago.

  • Our renderings can show your clients or colleagues exactly how the kitchen would

  • look with LED lights...the room effect if you move that beam a few feet over...

  • or how great it but but if you went with the granite instead.

  • How does this make your life easier?

  • You save time by being able to show exactly what your ideas will look like.

  • Your client's really understand your vision and sign-off faster.

  • Your project gets the green light from regulatory bodies quickly and

  • efficiently.

  • And by seeing that the region rendering of your ideas, you can even avoid costly

  • mistakes.

  • Our clients choose RealSpace because we make sure you were 100%

  • satisfied with the final images or video.

  • It's done right and nothing short of that.

  • We offer extremely competitive rates and exceptional value

  • by helping you advance your project more quickly, saving you

  • valuable time and eliminating unnecessary headaches.

  • We are professional and easy to work with.

  • Hey, people like us and we like them.

  • Visit our FAQ section on the website for more information, or even better give

  • us a call. We love to hear from clients about their projects and how we can help.

RealSpace is a 3D Design Studio... and we provide professionals like you

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RealSpace 3D 渲染組合 (RealSpace 3D Rendering Portfolio)

  • 74 6
    Jin Chen posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary