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What’s up guys it’s me Jeremy. Quite a few champions in League end up with low win
rate’s and are underrepresented in soloqueue, due to how difficult they are to play. However,
if you put in the time and effort to get good at a champion that is really hard to play,
you can have a lot of success, since these kinds of champions tend to not get nerfed
as harshly as some of the others, due to the fact that them being super hard to play holds
them back a tiny bit, and in fact these champions on the list are all incredibly powerful if
you put in the time to get good at them. As we count down the top 10 hardest champions
to play in league of legends, we’ll be measuring them by how hard the champion is to get good
at and play at a really high level. Anyways, let’s get started.
At number 10, we have Cassiopeia. With her micro mechanics of having to deal with her
poison, as well as having to kite and position to be effective on her, since she is fairly
immobile and can get bursted down easily, added into an ultimate that is fairly easy
to outplay, and thus extremely hard to hit properly, and this solid snake mid laner is
left with a kit that requires a lot of mechanical skill, and really smart play to set up her
ultimate. She has a ton of outplay potential due to the movement speed bonus on her Noxious
Blast, but making use of that effectively, to dodge skillshots, kite, and micro her poison
so that it doesn’t run out all at the same time, can be quite challenging for someone
new to that style of champion. When played at a high level, she becomes super strong
through, since her kit is quite powerful and has a fair amount of tools, but getting to
that level is extremely difficult. Next up at number 9, we have Bard. Now, Bard
might not be the most mechanically difficult champions, but landing his ultimate and making
use of a magical journey is really really tough, especially since one bad play, one
bad ultimate can potentially do as much to cost your team the entire game. His kit is
quite unforgiving if you mess up, due to the fact that his skills can help your enemies,
and so you really have to have a good knowledge and awareness to make plays with his portals.
And when you throw out his ultimate, you have 10 people to consider that you could potentially
hit, rather than the normal 5 of a regular skillshot, and depending on who you hit, the
outcome of a fight can change dramatically, and getting to the point where you can hit
his ultimate effectively and reliably is incredibly difficult, and is one of the main reasons
why Bard has a low win rate. At number 8, it’s Twisted Fate. Now Twisted
Fate’s mechanics as well aren’t too crazy, as they are mostly limited to picking the
right card in a high pressure situation, and aiming your wild cards to hit multiple targets.
And so his mechanics only waver on the above average range in terms of difficult, and so
what truly makes him really hard to play, is the decision making required to perform
well with him. Twisted Fate does not have a very high damage kit, nor a lot of outplay
potential, and so you need a lot of good awareness and understanding of the game as a whole,
in order to effectively make plays with him. If you mess up your teleport or go for a bad
roam, you will get punished quite hard, since when Twisted fate is behind his damage is
almost negligible, and his impact on the game becomes that of a glorified support. But,
if you can manage to make really smart plays, and have really good positioning in fights,
as well as picking the right cards when you have people jumping in on you, Twisted Fate
can be one of the best champions to carry games with, due to his global presence he
can pull off. Next up at number 7, we have Thresh. Now at
first glace, thresh doesn’t seem too crazy, but to play him at a high level actually takes
a really high amount of mechanical skill, as his mechanics within his kit are actually
quite hard to pull off. Landing his hook against a decent player is tough, since the skillshot
is incredibly slow, and so people tend to use mobility to dodge it really easily, and
so you have to get good at pulling off madlife hooks to just be able to land the ability
most of the time. As well as positioning his lantern in a good spot for your teammate to
be able to click on it is actually a lot harder than it seems, when you are put into a high
pressure situation. And let’s not forget, the mechanic of using his flay to stop someone
using a mobility spell such as Shyvana Ultimate, or Gragas Bodyslam, is not only extremely
difficult since his flay is so fast, but it’s also ridiculously important to succeeding
with thresh, since it drastically improves his kiting and outplay ability, and without
being able to do it, makes you significantly worse at kiting. And he’s not super tanky,
so jumping in at a bad time with a hook or missing one completely can get punished quite
hard as well. However, if you do manage to perform extremely well mechanically on thresh,
he becomes one of the strongest supports in the game, and allows you to perform an insane
amount of plays with his kit. At number 6, we have Vayne. Now, she’s a
champion that’s super hard to play, because her kit is really unforgiving. If you mess
up her kiting mechanics and get hit by even as much as one skillshot, that can very often
mean instant death for her, since her stealth isn’t too hard to beat with a pink ward
or upgraded sweeper lens. And so, her auto attacking and kiting mechanics are incredibly
difficult to pull off, because you essentially have to dodge everything or you get wrecked.
Not to mention, that landing her condemn on a target to stun them, is quite difficult,
and requires some really smart maneuvers. But, if you can kite and dodge with her absolutely
perfectly, she is quite the hyper carry, and can really dominate teamfights.
Next up at number 5, we have Riven. Riven makes the top half of the list, due to the
insane amount of mechanics that she requires to pull off effectively, as well as the decision
making required with her in teamfights. Knowing when to enter a fight is really tough, since
she can get punished and locked down by crowd control so easily, that if you enter a fight
too early, you get punished super hard, and if you enter too late, you can miss your opportunity
to kill everyone. Not to mention, the mechanics involved around using her kit efficiently
is extremely complex, and so using them to combo and and maximize her damage effectively
and efficiently is incredibly difficult, not to mention microing her auto attacks, and
dodging skillshots, and we’re left with an incredibly difficult champion. However,
she’s extremely snowbally, and so if you can pick up some kills early, a skilled riven
player can completely steamroll an entire game with the tools she has on her kit.
And at number 4, it’s Draven. Although Draven might be the easiest champion on this list
to play at an average level, when it comes to getting really good at him, learning to
micro manage his axes is actually insanely difficult, since in order to maximize his
dps you often need to effectively be able to juggle three axes in a chaotic, high pressure
teamfight, and holding onto his axes in teamfights while kiting and dodging your opponents is
really important to keeping his damage high, and is really difficult to micromanage. In
addition, similar to Thresh’s Flay, you have to get used to stopping mobility spells
with his stand aside in order to effectively outplay and kite a lot of champions, which
can be quite difficult. His strength in lane is quite high, even if you don’t have the
best mechanics, but his teamfighting is incredibly difficult, and can be significantly weaker
if your individual skill can’t hold up to him. However, if you can pull it off he has
some of the highest raw dps in the entire game, and can really run away with a lead,
due to his raw power when you aren’t dropping his axes.
At number 3, we have Azir. Mastering the Azir mechanics involving his mobility and kiting
is actually extremely difficult, since you have to micro manage three soldiers around
your opponents, while keeping them in range, and going for plays with his shifting sands
is actually incredibly difficult since it’s fairly easy to outplay, and if you jump into
a fight by missing your shifting sands, he dies really fast and gets punished really
hard. In addition, due the incredibly short range on Emperor’s Divide, the skill is
insanely hard to land, and making plays with it as well is crazy difficult, and overall
is a big reason as to why his win rate overall is quite low, but is actually positive in
the master and challenger tiers. The shurima shuffle where you jump in behind someone and
then ult them back is such a powerful play, but it’s quite easy to outplay, and is incredibly
difficult to pull off, and is super easy to mess up, but it’s a really important part
of being able to do well with his kit, especially when it comes to acquiring an early lead.
As well as the decision making involved in his zone control is quite complex and require
a lot of game knowledge to be good at. But, if you can manage to play him perfectly, he’s
one of the strongest mid laners in the entire game right now, and has a ton of power that
you can use to make plays. And at number 2, it’s Yasuo. Yasuo is another
champion who get’s punished quite hard if you make a mistake. If you mess up with him
windwall, or miss a tornado, his overall kit becomes a lot less powerful. The Yasuo mechanics
of micromanaging your tornado, as well as his mobility and maximizing his windwall is
quite difficult, and both in lane and in teamfights, he has a lot of trouble, and is easily outplayed
if you don’t know what you are doing. His laning phase is quite weak if you don’t
understand how to outplay a lot of champions, and his skills require a lot of set up and
preparation to pull off, which is quite difficult to manage as a whole. In addition, setting
up a good ultimate in teamfights is ridiculously hard if you don’t have other knock ups in
your team comp, and so charging up a knock up can be almost impossible, since he gets
completely shut down when he gets hit by just one crowd control spell, and in the high pressure
chaotic situation of a teamfight, wind walling effectively, and getting off a good ultimate
is extremely difficult, but if you can make use of his kit effectively, he becomes super
strong, and has a ton of outplay potential through kiting his opponents and setting up
his skills effectively. And taking home the number one spot, it’s
Lee Sin. Honestly, any of the top 3 champions could have taken the number one spot, as it
was kind of a toss up, but I chose to put lee sin, mainly because of him being fairly
weak currently, which makes him somewhat harder to pull off the really powerful plays with
him. Landing the sonic wave certainly isn’t easy, and setting up ganks with him requires
a lot of creativity, since he doesn’t really have much crowd control in his kit until he
hits level 6. In addition, the insec play of jumping behind someone and ulting them
back is actually extremely difficult to pull off, mainly because of how easy it is to outplay
the lee sin with a flash or mobility spell to not only deny the play entirely, but to
have him kick the target away, which would acutally help them in a teamfight. In addition,
teamfighting with lee sin is super hard since it’s hard for him to find a role in what
to do if you can’t make an insec play, since he isn’t going to deal enough damage unless
he’s snowballing. Managing his passive is also fairly difficult, and since he essentially
has 6 abilities, maximizing the use out of all of them is not only super difficult, but
really important in order to manage his energy effectively and get the most power out of
his kit. Lee Sin was once a lot easier to play, but now that he isn’t that strong,
succeeding with him is extremely difficult, and the mechanical skill required for him,
as well as the game knowledge and creativity needed to get results out of him is quite
insane, and it’s a big factor in his super low win rate, and so Lee Sin takes my number
one spot for the hardest champion to play in league of legends.