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In the aftermath of a terrorist attack, we’re always left asking the question: how could anyone do this to another person?
While nothing can excuse their actions, maybe psychology can help us understand the mind of a terrorist.
Hello, everyone, I’m Julian and this is DNews.
大家好我是 Julian,你正收看 DNews。
Terrorists are defined as a non-state group that uses violence against non-combatants for political gain.
Their goal is to instill fear, and they achieve it by targeting innocent people where they feel safe.
This brutality is hard for us to comprehend, so some may reason that a terrorist must be mentally unstable in some way.
According to psychologist John Horgan, who has written multiple books on the subject of terrorism, psychologists have been trying for over 40 years to identify the personality disorder that defines a terrorist.: are they psychotic? Are they anti-social? Is there one defining characteristic that unites them?
心理學家 John Horgan 已經出版數本恐怖主義相關著作,他表示,心理學界已經花了 40 年研究恐怖份子的人格疾患,像是他們是否精神異常?是否有反社會人格?有沒有關鍵的共同人格特徵?
Unsatisfyingly, there is no one archetype that every terrorist neatly conforms to.
There are risk factors and common threads though: recruits are often motivated to join terrorist groups because they feel alienated or disenfranchised, or they think they're the victims of a social injustice.
They may be frustrated by other methods of political change, wanna take immediate action, and don’t have a problem with violence against the state.
Psychologist Steve Taylor from Leeds Beckett University in the UK writes that it’s often adolescent men who are drawn to this life, because they’re at a point when they are looking for a sense of belonging and purpose.
英國利茲貝克特大學心理學家 Steve Taylor 曾寫過,加入恐怖團體的多是青少年,因為他們正在尋求歸屬感與人生目標。
Once in the group, they develop an "us" vs "them" mentality that makes it easy to switch off empathy to the victims of their attacks.
To them, the deaths they cause are more akin to destroying an object than ending a life.
Strangely though, sometimes they draw arbitrary lines.
Horgan interviewed a former Irish Republican Army bombing instructor who left the group after the IRA murdered a pregnant officer.
Horgan 曾訪談數人,包括前愛爾蘭共和軍 (IRA) 炸彈教練,他在 IRA 謀殺一名懷孕軍官後退出團體。
Other people Horgan spoke to became disillusioned when their group robbed a bank. To them, the killing was acceptable, but theft was not.
Sometimes though, recruits are just bored and looking for adventure, or they’re worried about not leaving a lasting legacy.
People with little going for them in their former lives are more likely to support the actions of a group rather than form opinions as an individual and voice dissent.
This groupthink can lead to further radicalization of all the members; wanting to support and look out for each other also becomes another motivation for killing.
Dr. Clark R. McCauley, director for the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict at Bryn Mawr College, points out, modern militaries use the same techniques by stripping soldiers of individuality and placing the goals of the group first.
布林茅爾學院,所羅門艾許族裔政治衝突中心主任 Clark R. McCauley 博士指出,現代軍隊也運用相同的技巧剝奪士兵的個人思維,讓他們以團隊目標為首要任務。
Terrorists who do disagree with the group will feel pressure to remain silent, because they fear the consequences of voicing dissent.
Horgan points out they don’t have the option to really leave either, as state governments will offer little sympathy for deserters.
Horgan 表示,他們也無法選擇退出,因為政府並不會同情前恐怖份子。
It’s tempting to boil down terrorists to one trait or other.
The so-called "Islamic State," or ISIS, is a group that’s stated goal is to create an Islamic state, and so a facile conclusion is their faith is to blame.
「伊斯蘭國」或 ISIS 團體,開宗明義就是要建立伊斯蘭教國家 ,所以簡單來說就是信仰造成他們的惡行,
But according to political scientist Dr. Max Abrahms, groups like that are quote, "ignorant people with respect to religion and they are generally the newest members to the religion."
但根據政治學者 Max Abrahms 博士所言,類似團體是由「對宗教一無所知的人組成,這些人通常是新進的信徒。」
Horgan agrees with this assessment, saying that young converts are more susceptible to recruiters because they lack a deeper religious knowledge that would help them reject extremist arguments.
Horgan 也同意這個說法,他認為新信徒較容易受到煽動,因為他們對宗教缺乏認識,更容易接受極端的論點。
But Horgan insists that even if a perfect model of a terrorist could be identified, it wouldn’t be very useful.
但 Horgan 強調,就算能找到完美符合恐怖份子的性格模型也沒什麼用。
After all, you can’t arrest people just because they have the potential to join violent extremists.
Instead, he says we should be focusing on understanding the paths that lead them there and giving them options to get out.
Horgan 認為更需要關注的是瞭解恐怖份子走上歧途的原因,並提供他們出路。
Plenty of people who join up with radicals eventually become disenchanted.
They realize that the group doesn’t really serve their ideals, or isn’t the utopian society the recruiters made it out to be.
Of course, Horgan and the people who study terrorists have a tough job cut out for them.
當然,Horgan 和其他恐怖主義學者的研究工作十分困難。
Terrorist groups rely on fear tactics because they are tiny minorities, and the people who leave and are willing to talk to researchers are an even smaller subset of that.
It’s a pressing problem that’s tough to study, so hypotheses abound but there’s very little in the way of actual data. Once again, more research is needed.
Even though there are a lot of paths people take to join a group like ISIS, for some reason an unusually high number come from one town in Belgium. Lisette explains why over on Seeker Daily.
雖然類似 ISIS 等團體的成員來自各地,但不知原因為何,非常多人來自比利時的小鎮,請看 Lisette 在Seeker Daily 的介紹。
Among all European nations, Belgium is responsible for the highest number of recruits per capita to have left to fight in Syria and Iraq, so there is some way to the argument that Belgium is a terrorist hotbed.
Whether you’ve been directly affected by terrorism or not, we encourage you to find a way to help.
Doing good anonymously is great, but spread the word and try to get others involved, too. Let’s try and make the world a better place, and we'll see you next time on DNews.
為善不欲人知很好,但提倡公益呼籲他人也很重要,讓我們一起改變世界,下次 DNews 再見。