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The average American produces 4.3 pounds of trash a day. That's almost 1600 pounds a year, but if we took some simple steps, we could go off the trash grid and minimize thousands of pounds of waste into just a single jar.
一般美國人平均每天製造 4.3 磅的垃圾,一年就將近 1600 磅了,但如果我們從一些簡單的步驟做起,我們就可以減緩製造大量垃圾,並且將垃圾量從上千磅減少到一個玻璃罐大小。
So this is my trash jar.
- Two years of trash in this tiny little jar? - Yep.
- 這個小瓶子裡面裝的是兩年份的垃圾?- 沒錯。
That's crazy. I mean I probably produce 20 times this much in a day.
這太誇張了,我可能一天就製造出 20 個玻璃瓶的垃圾吧。
Yeah, this is everything basically that I couldn't compost, or couldn't recycle, or couldn't figure out what to do with.
Where did you get this idea to become zero waste?
It kind of all started when I was a senior at NYU studying environmental studies.
And one day after class, I went home to make dinner, and I opened my fridge, and I saw that everything in there was packaged in plastic, and I felt like such a hypocrite.
We're supposed to be saving the planet, and here you are making all of this trash.
I feel like it's really important to live your values, and my values are having a really low environmental impact. I have to live like I want that, and so that's why I decided to change my lifestyle.
What was the easiest part about reducing your waste?
I think it was just like seeing that I didn't have to do that much to produce very little waste, and by composting and buying in bulk, I essentially eliminated 80% of my waste.
我覺得就是知道我不用做很多事就能夠製造非常少的垃圾,光是製作堆肥跟選擇購買散裝物品,我基本上就已經降低 80% 的垃圾量了。
Buying package free means needing to have containers to buy things that you can't hold with your hands, for instance, like I buy bulk olive oil, so I bring a Mason jar to fill it up; I'll pick up some beer from a local shop that sells it in growlers that are actually reusable, so that's like a totally waste free way to drink.
- I imagine you get asked a lot of questions about how do you do this. I've been curious about a few things, so I'm gonna throw out a few questions too. - Sure.
- 我想應該有很多人問你一堆關於你怎麼做到的問題,而我對某些事情很好奇,所以我也要問你一些問題。 - 沒問題。
- Plastic toothbrushes? - I use a compostable bamboo toothbrush.
- 塑膠製的牙刷?- 我用的是可分解竹製牙刷。
- Sponges? - I use a compostable dish brush.
- 海綿?- 我用可分解碗盤刷。
- Paper towels? - Cotton napkins.
- 廚房紙巾? - 棉質餐巾。
- Plastic cookware? - Wood or stainless steel utensils.
- 塑膠廚具?- 木製或不鏽鋼廚具。
- Cotton balls? - Reusable cotton rounds.
- 棉球?- 可重複使用的棉質圓墊。
- Dryer sheets? - Dryer balls that I make myself.
- 防靜電紙?- 我自製的防靜電球。
- What about shampoo? - Bulk castile soap.
- 洗髮精呢?- 散裝肥皂水。
- Makeup? - Organic vegan makeup in recyclable packaging.
- 化妝品?- 用可回收包裝盒的有機植物製化妝品。
- Feminine products? - Menstrual cup.
- 女性生理用品?- 月亮杯。
- Gift wrap? - Why?
- 禮物包裝?- 為什麼需要呢?
- Okay, so you are going to teach me how to make toothpaste. - Yes.
- 所以接下來你要教我怎麼自製牙膏。- 沒錯。
What do I do?
So we're gonna mix two tablespoons of organic coconut oil, and then a tablespoon of baking soda, and then about 20 drops of the organic peppermint oil.
我們要把兩大湯匙的有機椰子油和一大湯匙的小蘇打,還有大概 20 滴有機薄荷油混在一起。
- So this is how you make your toothpaste. - Mm-hmm.
- 所以你就是這樣做牙膏的。- 沒錯。
- Let me see your teeth. They look very nice. - Yeah.
- 讓我看看你的牙齒。看起來狀況很好。- 對啊。
What does your dentist think about this?
They haven't gotten mad at me yet.
So I'll just take this spoon and scoop it onto my toothbrush.
It's not bad. It's actually kind of salty.
Yeah, that's the baking soda.
Yeah, my teeth really do feel cleaner so, thank you.
So do you have any garbage cans in your home here?
No, I don't have any garbage cans in my home.
- Because you don't have any garbage. - Exactly.
- 因為你沒有垃圾要丟。- 沒錯。
It really does compel me to wanna try to reduce my waste, so what tips can you give me or somebody else that wants to do that as well?
Yeah, I would suggest, you know, look in your garbage can and see what your garbage is, and until you do that you don't really know what you're reducing, right?
Step two, using a reusable bag instead of a plastic or paper bag. Just like easy one time changes.
I mean, and then the last one would be to actually make your products yourself, so learn how to make toothpaste, learn how to make deodorant. It's a really fun thing to do.
What is your ultimate goal?
Before I lived my lifestyle, I wonder, you know, why is there all this trash and why is that okay? And we have to find solutions before it gets out of control.
在我開始這樣生活之前我常想,為什麼會有這麼多垃圾,而為何這樣是正常的? 我們必須找到解決方案,在一切失控之前。
I've never told anyone, oh, you should live this lifestyle or you have to live this way. I kind of just live my lifestyle, put it out there, and see what happens.
Be sure to check out another episode of "Going Off Grid" with Mike Basich and his 225 square foot tiny home.
記得看看另外一集「活出欄外」拜訪 Mike Basich 和他 225 平方英尺的小房子。
I like to think of it as getting back to the basics of humanity. I like feeling connected to the Earth.
This episode is a part of "Seeker Stories".
這是「Seeker Stories」系列中的一集。
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