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  • Welcome to Holland.

  • It was here, that 400 years ago we first witnessed the extraordinary effects that money and the

  • market can have on our collective minds.

  • And how it can lead to pretty mad behaviour.

  • Since the 2008 financial crisis there has been much talk of economic bubbles and every

  • now and then the story of the Dutch Tulip Mania of 1637 pops up.

  • During this mania single tulip bulbs were traded for amounts of money worth upscale

  • houses in Amsterdam. How this happened and why tulips of all

  • things were the centrepiece of this economic folly will be explained in the coming few

  • minutes.

  • To the Dutch the long 17th century is known asde gouden eeuwor the golden age.

  • And

  • it’s easy to see why. In this period the tiny republic of the united Netherlands conquered

  • a global empire, started the first joint stock company,

  • invented the modern stock exchange, successfully

  • invaded Britain, founded New York City, defeated the biggest empire in the world, and subsequently

  • wrote the declaration of independence on which this one was based. All the while dominating

  • global trade in anything from sugar and spice to everything, well awful.

  • With all those novelties and developments also came a new sort of society.

  • While other European countries had aristocrats

  • with elaborate court cultures supported by a huge class of poor people, the Dutch were

  • inventing the middle class.

  • The hard-working self-made burgers of the Dutch republic had

  • no titles to show who was king of the hill so they needed another way to settle hierarchy.

  • The answer back then as it is today was consumption.

  • No not that consumption, the more happy, buying things, consumption.

  • Much like today there was fierce competition within this class to outshine each another.

  • Now because of their protestant beliefs the Dutch of this period may seem a bit boring

  • compared to the more flamboyant peoples of the world.

  • But in their own way the rich and famous did show off. They did so by wearing fancy neckwear,

  • commissioning very costly art and consuming all the new exotic products that global trade

  • brought into the city.

  • One of the products that the Dutch merchants brought to Holland

  • was the Tulip. It thrived in the Dutch climate, became a symbol of the golden age and has

  • remained a symbol of the country ever since. In the 17th century it became very fashionable

  • for the well to do to plant tulips in their gardens to demonstrate how much they were

  • in sync with the age of success, and of course to show off their wealth.

  • Tulips were such a powerful symbol of success in the golden age that this man: Claes Pieterszoon,

  • a brilliant

  • doctor, writer and scientist, changed his name to Doctor Nicolaes Tulp after the Dutch

  • word for Tulip. Doctor Tulp was the author of the book commonly known as the book of

  • monsters

  • in which he recounted stories of medical wonders and introduced the European

  • public to exotic animals such as the Orang Utan.

  • Nowadays doctor Tulp is mostly known for being

  • the subject of one of Rembrandt most famous paintings. But when the painting was made,

  • however, the shoe was very much on the other foot and it was Tulp who made Rembrandt famous.

  • But there were many other ways that could be and were used to show off, so why was it

  • the tulip that created such a mania?

  • In order to understand that we must look at the flower's nature and its process of growth.

  • Firstly tulips are not that easy to breed. It takes around

  • a decade for a seed to grow into a flower. Then after just a few years of show the flower

  • dies. The tulips do produce offspring in the form of seeds but those again will take

  • ten years of care until they grow into flowers. Luckily however you can make a few clones

  • every year that the flower blossoms. These clones will become flowering bulbs in a much

  • shorter period of only 3 years.

  • The second important characteristic is that tulips only blossom during a few weeks every

  • year, between march and may.

  • During this time that Holland looks like this and

  • tourists come from all over the world to visit de Keukenhof.

  • In this period the tulips cannot be moved or they will perish. You have

  • to wait for the flower to go back to its bulb-form and retreat completely below ground. Then

  • between June and September the flower can be moved safely, to be planted in autumn,

  • so it can blossom again the coming spring. Because of this the flowers can only be exchanged

  • between people during a limited time each year.

  • So, let me sum that up: 1. Tulips are very slow to grow.

  • 2. You can only make a few clones each year. And

  • 3. You cannot move them whenever you want.

  • But these issues by themselves did not create the tulip-mania. Normal tulips were in fact

  • quite affordable despite these difficulties.

  • True. Some tulips however were unusual. Instead of being one uniform colour they showed these

  • distinctive marks.

  • Because these tulips were so rare they became the ultimate status symbol.

  • Nowadays we know that the lines on the tulips are the result of a disease called the Tulip-breaking

  • virus.

  • The virus affects the bulb and actually slows the development of the plant.

  • If you want to create a mosaic tulip you only have to infect a normal tulip’s bulb

  • and

  • voila!

  • Quick sidenote there: that makes it sound quite nice and not like a disease at all.

  • but the virus does harm the tulip quite badly and in many cases even kills the plant.

  • 400 years ago the reasons behind the flame-like patterns were unknown. What was

  • known was that they were very, very rare and due

  • to the limited cloning were going to remain

  • so. Even more so because seeds from rare broken tulips produce normal single colour offspring.

  • Now, imagine amongst all the normal flowers in your garden you spot one broken tulip.

  • You may want to sell that flower, reasoning that you payed 10 florins for your entire

  • flowerbed and you can make it all back and then some by selling the one flower to me,

  • since I offer you 12 florins for it. Of course I cannot actually take the flower

  • with me, because pulling it out the earth would kill it. So what you actually sell to

  • me is a promise of a future sale of the tulip. I buy from you the right to move the bulb

  • when it is ready to be moved. On the stock market this right to buy something for a certain

  • price somewhere in the future, is a derivative known as a ‘future’.

  • So Imagine I know I can sell the tulip future to my brother, who is willing to pay 25 florins

  • for it. I then reason that I can either keep the right to the flower myself

  • or sell it on again to a rich friend of mine who will pay up to 50 florins for such a rare

  • specimen. Now so far this may cause a quick rise in

  • price but it does not yet make it a bubble. People are still willing to pay money for

  • actually owning the flower. But to the business-savvy dutch middle class

  • the rapidly rising price spelled opportunity. Now more and more people started buying tulip

  • futures, not because they wanted to own the flower but because they thought they could

  • make a profit, selling it on again. These people speculated on the future price of tulips

  • being higher that the price they had payed. But of course there was a limit to what even

  • the richest men were willing to pay for a tulip. As soon as the price in the market

  • exceeds this real price we have an economic bubble. People are only buying the flower

  • as a means of speculation not to actually plant it in their garden.

  • All you need for the bubble to burst is some indication that there

  • will be no more buyer for an even higher price. As soon as the confidence in future profitable

  • sales disappears prices drop back to the natural price level.

  • As the date of the actual tulip exchange grew closer people started to realise they had

  • paid fortunes for only a flower and they started doubting whether this had been a wise

  • investment. When in February of 1637, possibly due to plague scares, no one showed up for

  • the flower auction in Haarlem, the flower market collapsed. The speculators who owned

  • the futures tried to sell their investment in a frenzy, trying to minimise their losses,

  • speeding up the price drop. Within a few days in February, the price of

  • tulips dropped from the equivalent of a house like this, to that of a house like this.

  • The tulip suffered severely from its role

  • in the affair. So much so that Doctor Tulp had the tulip marking his front door, chiselled

  • off following the mania. But when he died 37 years later, the tulip’s reputation had

  • recovered and the flower marks his final resting place to this very day.

  • The good news for you is that nowadays, you can go to Amsterdam an indulge in buying as

  • many tulips as you like

  • By current rates you would need to sell millions of tulip bulbs to buy even the smallest canal

  • house

  • The bad news though is that no amount of money will buy you the the real deal.

  • The mosaic tulips at the heart of the 1637 bubble like

  • the Semper Augustus, the most expensive of

  • them all, are all extinct and none of us will ever see what the fuzz was really about...

  • Thank you for watching. If you liked our video please click here to subscribe to our channel

  • for more interesting videos in the future.

Welcome to Holland.

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鬱金香狂熱:第一次經濟泡沫化 (Tulip Mania: The First Economic Bubble)

  • 169 17
    swtso posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary