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We’ve all been there. Stuck with aches, pains, and runny nose, and the cough medicine in the cabinet is five years old.
The question is, do you take it and risk it? Or toss it and suffer?
Hey pill poppers Julia here for DNews.
嗨各位藥罐子們,我是 DNews 的 Julia。
We’ve talked on DNews before about food expirations dates or "sell by" dates as they’re sometimes called.
And we’ve found well...there is less actual rules and more like guidelines.
Most food lasts well beyond that date. Others, well you have do a quick sniff test.
But have you ever noticed that medication has an expiration date too?
Rachael Lee asked us, "Can you get sicker from expired medicine?"
Rachael Lee 向我們提出了一個問題:「吃了過期的藥會病得更嚴重嗎?」
The FDA started slapping an expiration date on medicines in 1979.
從 1979 年起,FDA (美國食品藥物管理署) 便下令了所有藥物都要標示保存期限。
So it’s been over 30 years since that decision, and has it made a difference?
距離現在已超過 30 年了,這個法令造成了哪些影響呢?
Typically the expiration date is set a year to five years beyond the date of manufacture.
一般而言,保存期限是設定在製造日期後的 1~5 年。
It’s less of an expiration date and more of a date of guaranteed potency.
Basically after that date, manufacturers can’t guarantee the drug will be 100% potent, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be unsafe or less effective.
But there’s some evidence that some medicines can hold their potency for quite awhile especially in controlled conditions.
A study conducted by the FDA on behalf of the Military found ways to extend the life of medicines in storage in a program called SLEP or shelf life extension program.
FDA 替美國軍方做了一個研究,試圖找出能夠延長藥物壽命的儲存方法。該研究的名稱是 SLEP,延長架儲期計畫。
They found that they could extend the life of 88% of the drugs in government facilities by at least a year by simply keeping them in climate controlled storage.
他們發現有 88% 的政府單位藥物在受控制的保存環境下,可以延長壽命至少一年。
Most drugs lasted on average five and half years past the expiration date.
而絕大部分的藥物能超過保存期限 5.5 年。
While civilians like you and I might not have access to tightly controlled storage facilities, there’s always the fridge, which some experts recommend a cool, dry place, for extending the life of your medication.
But maybe drugs last longer than five years even without chilling in the Fed’s fridge.
或許藥物不需要冷藏在政府的冰箱裡也能延長 5 年的保存期限。
One study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that some medicines can hold their own for decades.
In this study, all the drugs were all 28-40 years past their due date.
研究中,所有的實驗藥物都能超過保存期限 28~40 年不等。
They only looked at a handful of medicines, 8 different medications with about 15 different compounds between them like caffeine, aspirin, or hydrocodone.
他們僅僅觀察了少量的藥物,約 8 類 15 種不同的化合物,像是咖啡因、阿斯匹靈和氫可酮(麻醉藥)。
They found that most, 12 of those compounds remained in amounts of at least 90% decades after their expiration date.
他們發現高達 12 種化合物在超過有效期限 10 年後,依舊保有 90% 的效用。
And that 90% is crucial, that’s how much of the good stuff a drug needs to be considered "effective" by the FDA.
90% 這個數字相當關鍵,因為 FDA 認為「有效」的藥物必須至少含有 90% 的有效成分。
So most of the decades old medicine didn’t break down or lose it’s potency.
Although two medicines, aspirin and amphetamine, seem to lose some of their juice after all that time.
They were present in amounts less than 90%.
實驗結果顯示他們的效用不足 90%。
But before you go popping grandma’s pills, which you shouldn’t take anyone else's pills anyways…that’s illegal.
But really the FDA recommends listening to those expiration dates.
不過其實 FDA 還是建議要遵照保存期限。
They caution that drugs gone bad could be "less effective or risky due to a change in chemical composition or decrease in potency."
FDA pharmacist, Ilisa Bernstein, straight up says "If your medicine has expired, do not use it."
FDA 藥師 Ilisa Bernstein 很直接地告訴大家,「如果藥物過期了,就別用了。」
Especially with life-saving drugs like an EpiPen.
特別像是 EpiPen(腎上腺素注射筆) 這種緊急救命的藥物。
If a drug’s expired, the FDA recommends tossing it.
如果藥物過期了 FDA 建議直接把它丟掉。
The best way to dispose of a drug is usually on the bottle or some cities have prescription medicine take back programs.
So look into that if you’re worried about all the leftover medication in your bathroom cabinet.
So it seems drugs last longer than their "good by" date, but at the end of the day I’d still listen to the FDA just to be on the safe side.
所以即便藥物過期後依然能保持有效,聽從 FDA 的建議終究還是會比較安全。
But it’s not just medicines that expire, there’s lots of common things you didn’t know have an expiration date.
Trace has the whole list of things in your house that go bad, right here.
Trace 在這部影片中整理了一份完整的清單。
Bleach is what is being used by the CDC in their labs and it has an expiration date of only six months from the day of manufacture.
漂白劑在 CDC (美國疾病管制與預防中心) 的實驗室中使用,而它的保存期限通常只有 6 個月。
So like, 3-5 months once you get it home.
差不多是你買回家的 3~5 個月左右就到期了。
So have you ever used expired medicine before? noticed anything weird? Tell us about it down in the comments below. And thanks Rachel for your question.
你曾經用過過期的藥物嗎?有任何異狀嗎?請在下方的評論欄告訴我們,並且感謝 Rachel 的提問。
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