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- You're better at toast.
- No, let them hear you,
please, say-- - No, you're so good.
- No, say something nice. - Come on.
- He's shy.
Okay, to my husband I've been married to for two months
in one week.
It's been the best two months in one week ever.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
Welcome to Love Like!
A show about what love looks like today.
- And today we're your hosts!
Patrick and Paolo!
- Welcome to our home! - Yay, this is where we live.
Here's out living room-- - Family room.
Here's out kitchen-- - That's our dining room.
- Sorry, dining room, so what's, oh yeah.
- That's our kitchen.
You know you're a real Oprah fan if you have
a vision board, especially if you have two vision boards,
then you're like a hardcore Oprah fan.
One of these was supposed to be mine and one of these
was supposed to be his, but his visions are much grander
so he's taking-- - Wait, he has no vision!
You have, what is your vision, you have no vision!
- Take turns describing how you first met,
only one sentence at a time.
- Patrick massaged me.
- I was a massage therapist.
- And I went to go get a 25 minutes massage on my back.
- So I went into the quiet room and I said, "Paolo?"
and then he came out.
- I wasn't sure is Patrick was straight or gay when I
first met him, so I had to go back for a second massage.
- And then he came back for a third massage,
and after that third massage--
- I knew he was gay.
That sounds really bad!
No just, no because, I just knew.
- The rest is history.
- We're soul mates.
(upbeat music)
I kind of knew for a couple months that I wanted to get
Patrick rings.
I finally had surprised him when we took a trip to
San Francisco and that's where it all started.
(upbeat music)
- We were, like, playing around making videos and he
takes hi book bag off and puts it down and he's like dancing
on the train 'cause we're the only ones in there.
- Oh my God, this is so cool, we're in San Francisco,
I'm so happy!
What can go wrong?
- We get on the bar, we're like half way to the city
and then all of a sudden Paolo's like--
- No! My book bag!
He's like, "It's okay, it's okay!"
I'm like, "No it's not okay, like oh my God!"
- We finally find out that it's at the police station
in the air port.
- The thought they had to close the airport because
they thought I had some kind of bomb.
And I even told security 'cause he said,
"What's in your book bag?"
And I said the only thing I have in my book bag is
Oprah Magazine and then a watch.
- I was like, "We'll get you a new Oprah Magazine,
"it's okay."
- I didn't want to tell anyone about the rings because
I didn't want, like, this is like the one thing I worked
so hard to surprise him!
- He was straight up lying to them so I wouldn't know.
- I had one of our close friends, I text her,
I said, "Hey can you call Patrick?
"I need him distracted 'til I talk with security."
- So then I get on the phone with her and she's like,
"Oh my God, did you hear the new Britney album?
"I love track one, did you listen to track three?"
And I'm like panicking 'cause I'm like they're arresting
Paolo and then I hang up on her and then the door closes
and I'm like stuck outside by myself.
- The apologized to me and said that they found the book
bag and that it was okay.
But it was one of the scariest days of my life
because I did not want to lose the rings.
Like, how could I do that?
On March 13 of 2011, whem we went to the restaurant.
- When we walked in they were like,
"Oh, we have your table ready."
We have a beautiful view, we have our dinner,
we have wine, it's so beautiful and lovely.
- But I'm not really listening to him,
I just kept nodding my head because I kept thinking
about the rings and if this is all gonna work out.
- And then they come out with dessert.
- The waitress comes a box of rings on each dish,
one for me and one for Patrick.
I knew that this, this is the moment that I've been
waiting for.
We unwrap the box and then I just said that I want him,
when we can in the state of California,
I want him to be my husband.
- I feel like I kind of, maybe, didn't give the reaction
he wanted.
- I thought he'd be like, "Oh my God,
"this is so beautiful!"
- I just kept saying, "What are you doing?
"What are you doing? What are you doing?"
- He was just like, "Oh my God, what's happening right now?"
- My parents got divorced when I was in college so I was
kind of like, "Marriage is stupid, whatever."
- After I declared my love for him and why he means
the world to me, our conversation, kind of, it shifted.
- I just, kind of, told him exactly what I was feeling,
the anxiety about the idea of marriage.
- Once we started talking about it, that kind of like,
he just came back to us and the relationship
and what it means.
- It's not about being perfect, it's just about, you know,
being hopeful and giving it a shot and, you know,
seeing what happens.
- Our good friend Jameson's mom gave us these pillows
'cause-- - For our wedding.
- For our wedding, do you get it?
Mister-- - And mister.
If I sit on the end of this bed to put my shoe on,
he yells at me.
- That's not, okay, it's just because it's so much
work fixing this damn bed!
I am so organized in our home,
we are so very neat.
I Swiffer the floor every day, I Windex, I Pledge,
I clean.
- Knowing him now, when he first came to my apartment
that I lived in when we met, I'm like,
"How did you not break up with me?"
Because I had, like, stacks of mail all over the place.
- Oh my God, his room was so dirty!
Piles of dirty clothes, his bathroom had junk.
Can he hear me say this?
- The fact that he stayed with me through that,
that's pretty good.
- If you can change one thing about me,
you would change?
- I would just make you a little more confident
'cause you should be confident,
you have nothing to be insecure about.
Your favorite thing about me is blank?
- That's easy!
Your smile.
Your favorite thing about me is?
- How much you make me laugh. - Aww.
I don't really want to know this.
My worst habit is?
(Patrick laughs)
- Um, like, the way you eat.
It's really messy.
You're gonna break my teeth with that.
- That's how he eats.
I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
- I do not spend any time in the kitchen.
- And he's telling you the truth.
- The kitchen scares me, I go in there and I get water
and I get out immediately.
We've been together for eight years and I've never
helped him bake once, ever.
Is that true? - It's scary.
So I'm basically in a cage and I can't see anything,
and where are you, Patrick?
- I'm in the kitchen!
- I'm going to be telling Patrick how to make these cookies.
So this is my recipe, and it's pretty easy to make, for me,
and for Patrick it's gonna be pretty difficult, I think.
- Oh my God.
- First thing you have to do is pre-heat the oven to 350.
- Does that mean where it says bake?
- Yes, just press 350, enter. - Okay.
Oh good, yeah.
- So now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do
our dry ingredients first.
- My God, okay.
- So measure 3/4 of a cup of flour.
Now when you open it, be careful, 'cause it's gonna
make a lot of mess 'cause it's a new bag,
so open it very carefully.
- Okay.
- What are you doing? - Nothing.
- Open the baking soda. - Okay.
- There's like four spoons, get the one that says 1/2,
one slash two.
- Half a teaspoon.
- You're gonna do 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt.
- That's so weird. - Mix the dry ingredients
together. - Like with my hands?
- No, with your hands? That's disgusting!
Just with a spoon or something, whisk.
- Whisk? - Yeah.
- Is that what you said?
- You know what-- - I know what a whisk is.
- So mix it, now put that on the side.
Do you see the butter? - Yeah.
- So half a cup of butter, that whole stick.
- I feel like Paula Dean.
- Now you see the peanut butter?
- Yeah. - Okay so we need a half
a cup of that, that you're gonna mix with the butter.
- So disgusting.
- I don't know how you're doing,
but it doesn't sound right.
You see the brown sugar and the white sugar?
- Yeah. - Yeah, use a half a cup.
- Of what? - The sugar.
- The white sugar? - Yes, the white sugar.
- Okay so then where does that go?
- It goes into the bowl with the butter
and the peanut butter.
Okay, now you're gonna do the light brown sugar,
you're gonna put a half a cup of that.
- Just trying to clean as I go.
- See the little, the bottle, that beautiful looks like
a woman's body, the vanilla?
- Yes. - You can add one teaspoon
of that, and now you're gonna mix the ingredients.
- Don't you need liquid in there or something?
- Don't ask questions, just keep going.
Get whatever you have in front of you that's clean
and put a cup of the oats.
- Where do I put them? - On the floor,
where do you think you're gonna put them?
Did you really put them on the floor?
- I'm just following your directions.
- Were you gonna roll the dough on the floor?
Why would you put it on the floor?
- You told me to put it on the floor.
Okay one cup, in the bowl you said?
- Yes, in the bowl.
With the orange spatula, mix it.
I'm not cleaning this kitchen after,
that's all I know.
- This is exhausting.
- Fill up that teaspoon.
You're gonna do, like, three lines of four.
- So now what?
- While that's baking for 10 minutes and the timer's on,
you're gonna make the filling.
So let's try to-- - We have filling?
So three tablespoons of butter?
- Then you're gonna do one cup of powdered sugar,
you're gonna get a half a cup of that peanut butter.
- Oh God. - Okay, so the last thing
ingredient, hallelujah, is the heavy cream.
- I kind of think it's good.
Oh, that is hot. - Yeah, be careful!
- Am I making, like, an Oreo or something?
- [Voiceover] Yeah, it's like an Oreo.
- Like smash it? - [Voiceover] Yep.
- Oh my God, that looks really good.
- Can I go see now?
- It's cookie time!
Three. - Uh huh.
- Two, one! (screams)
- They look...beautiful.
I am gonna be supportive, give me a sec.
This frosting is good.
- They're kind of hard.
I think he was a little mean, he was a little unclear,
he would tell me to throw things on the floor
when he didn't want me to really throw it on the floor.
But in spite of all that, I think I really followed
directions well and I think that this was a success.
I would like to do it one more time and I would,
maybe, not leave them in the oven as long.
- Um, there's not gonna be another time.
Thank you all for coming here, I'm gonna ask you to leave
'cause we're never gonna do this again.
- It's not that dirty, though, look.
Here's Jesus. - He's watching us!
- He's, like, looking at this gay wedding like--
- Stop everything!
- I never noticed that before, it's freaking me out a lot.
- Okay, whatever.
Okay, and those are my parents and that is his family
and those are wedding gifts from our good friend,
I don't like to name, Dropa Robin Roberts.
- My mom is blank?
Your mom is Mrs. Home Depot!
- For real, you could go into Home Depot with her
and be like, "Where's whatever," and she knows exactly
what aisle it's in.
- 60 aisles at Home Depot and she will tell you
what aisle is the hammer, what aisle is the screws,
what aisle is the washer.
Ms. Dorie knows everything!
- The last time he caught me lying was blank?
- My birthday?
'Cause he always says he gets me something,
but then that's not what it is.
I snoop in the house, I snoop in the closets and everywhere
and it's not what he says it is, and so I give up.
- This is our closet.
And this is how fair we are in this relationship.
- Yes. - These are Paolo's shoes,
and he gets all of these, and then these are my shoes
right here.
These are actually Paolo's favorite shoes.
- Because I don't the dust going on them.
- They have to be protected.
- I've only worn them, I've worn them twice!
So I want them to be in, what's that thing called?
The myth-slonia?
- Smithsonian? - Yeah.
- He likes going, not likes, he loves going to museums.
My attention span, like lose, I just,
I get so bored easily.
So I, yeah, you won't find me at the museum
and he loves them and I don't and we fight about that,
So I'm doing this for Patrick, he helped my by baking
and now I'm going to help him by giving him a tour
of the Craft and Folk Art Museum, yay!
- Hi. - Welcome to the Craft and
Folk Art Museum.
We have three exhibitions right now so let me go ahead
and give you a preview before Patrick--
- Great. - The title of the work is
Paper Works. - Oh, I got it.
Paper Works, that's why 'cause everything is--
- [Both] Made out of paper.
- Okay, that is something I will remember.
You can bring Patrick up here.
- One thing about this is that the base material
is still paper.
It's sort of like a two dimensional plane,
but it's also a sculpture because you can walk through it.
You can walk around it, you can experience--
- You can see all the way around it.
I love that. - Exactly.
- Okay, so Patrick's in the car, I'm about to go get him
to surprise him where we are.
He's gonna love this!
He's really gonna love this.
(upbeat music)
Patrick! - Hello.
- Welcome to Chicago! - That was so quick.
I loved it.
- So sorry.
This is gonna be such a dream for both of us!
Close your eyes, don't open them yet, okay?
I'll tell you when.
Okay, open your eyes!
Welcome to the Craft and Folk Art Museum,
you're gonna have the time of your life and I'm
gonna give you a tour!
- Oh my God, I was like blinded, wait.
Are you sure you wanna come in with me?
- I want to go there so bad.
I'm changing, today is a new day.
Listen, if you have any questions, just you know,
don't ask me yet, on this.
Now tell me what you're feeling, are you excited?
- Yeah, which one are we going to?
- Okay, so don't ask questions right now.
I don't know about that one yet, let's go to this one
'cause I know about this one.
This is beautiful, let me tell you why.
The artist, his name is Lorenzo.
I don't remember his last name, but if you look closely,
look at the cuts and look at how it's been painted over it.
Now, what the cool thing about this is that it's like a
360 that if you go from the inside, this is the only time
you can really look at an artwork,
you can go all the way around.
- You're so good!
- Don't touch, when you go to a museum you never touch
anything! - I know that!
Do you know that? - Yes, I know that.
I was yelled at earlier.
I think just the details in here are just remarkable.
Now we're gonna go by Phranc with a P.
You don't have to read it 'cause I'm telling you
what it's about.
That's different from what I'm gonna tell you.
- It's a PH. - Oh, yeah PH.
Yeah, that's what I said, with a P.
The fascinating thing about Phranc is that she just,
is just great at what she does.
We have shoes, life vests, and shorts.
What's the thing they all have in common?
- Are they paper? - Yes.
Phrank uses paper.
You could actually use it. - No way.
- Yeah, that's the special thing about it.
No, you can't. - You're making it up.
- I'm so sorry!
This is not my cup of tea, but I'm learning something.
- Usually I have to read all the little things on the walls
to like know what's going on and he's, like,
pulling me away 'cause he's so bored and he wants
to leave, but I can't believe, actually,
how much information he knows about these people.
I don't know if it's all true.
- Now you gonna leave me alone for a couple years?
- No, I'm saying, are we gonna go to another one next week?
- We'll talk about that later.
- I didn't know where we're going,
but I kind of didn't think it was somewhere for me,
I was thinking it was more for him, like,
an ice cream shop.
It touches my heart that it was actually something for me
that I would want to do.
Usually we'll just do the things we can agree on,
but maybe sometimes it's cool to, like,
go to something that you really want to do.
Or for you to, like, go see something, like a documentary,
or something that I really want to go see.
It just broadens the relationship.
- We did it!
We did it.
There is just no one like him anywhere.
Some people say that about their significant other
and like, "Do you really mean that?"
But I mean everything I say about him.
- I just think he's like a magic person.
Like, if he dreams of anything, he can make it happen
and he's done it so many times.
It's, like, really amazing to watch.
- Our love it special, it really is.
Like, he's my best friend, but don't tell him.
That's the end of our show, thanks for watching!
- Do something cute to end the show.
- Let's do our-- - Oh yeah, we did this--
- This is so good!
Oh my God, we did it!
It was great, that's all I'm gonna say.
- I can't wait to watch this.