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hey guys whats up its dylan skellydun when did this become my thing?
spirit fingers
it's very very very very very very very very very long time and that kind of an
I'm gonna tell you why stressed I am so stressed I mean two plays I'm working
forty plus hours because there's no one else to and ya know life is just throwing me so many dang
curve balls that I can't even i don't even play baseball I just want them to stop ok stop throwing balls
at me and were putting my dog down tomorrow like I don't need this kind of stress like I'm
so stressed I have so many stress pimples you could play connect the dots
imagine if my stress pimples where Harry Potter scar that would be a game-changer
so by the time I actually review
Deadpool it's gonna be on DVD and all of you will have seen it if you love
me you should watch the movie but if you don't love me or Canada and you just
have something against Ryan Reynolds which is personally having something
against me then I don't want to be your friend we don't have to be friends I
have Harry even though he's sleeping because that's what what I wish I was
doing because like the normal amount of sleep is like this and you know usually
get like this but right now I'm getting this and I'm doing double work so
whatever graft type thing I was trying to convey
I'm getting no sleep I haven't slept in a very long time and I'm still
growing out my hair
still going to be like ponytailed or I meant bunned? next video is going to be hopefully
Saturday you know life throws another ball at me like a hurricane hits me before I
spontaneously combust would that be so bad I don't know you could roast
marshmallows over me or have a funeral for me don't have a funeral
just throw me into the sea
cause then i could live my lifelong dream of not becoming a mermaid and just swimming forever
alright refreshment let's party it's been too long I wish had some kind of
music to play well we drink non-alcoholic beverages unless you know
partying while watching this video for reals thats cool
once upon a time
forever ago I'm made a video about sleepwalking I don't know if you remember that because we've
all aged like seventy years since then but I don't sleep walk but I know one of
you out there what was that one of you I'm putting little glasses on you
nice you look good
I was going to try to wink but then I just blinked winking with both eyes have
you ever liked gone up in the middle of the night in thought you missed ur alarm
you don't even check the time he just kinda like get ready I did that I've
done that I've done it twice and you know the one time I just got up and I
shower and I saw there was 3 a.m. and I went back to bed so in you know it's so
nice when you wake up like a couple hours before your alarm like the
best feeling like i can sleep more but then whenever you wake up and it's
like 559 up with six and you just like you know that's not gonna be a good day
that's like that's how my week's been going it's like whenever you have a
shoe you're wearing the shoe and ur wearing a sock with the shoe not a sandal because you
don't do that
adidas sandals that I do not like them I do not like socks with any kind of
sandal...just a no go the dylan skellydun
fashion police will come after you also with the socks that you we're up to your
like like those athletic socks that boys teenaged boys wear with their link their
shorts the basket ball shorts they wear them up like to the like butt oh my god I hate those
oh i just like immediately get heartburn I gag when I see those its just like I'm
allergic to them that if they touched me I would break out in hives so one-time
freshman year I did that look around here like this cannot be I could have
not slept through my alarm can't happen no so did happen and so I like got in the
shower shshshshsh shower sounds like ate a quick bowl of cereal with two hands
apparently and I was out the door I didn't do the homework that I had
procrastinated thinking that you know i'd get up early even though once you already
decide you're going to get up early the next day to do homework you're not gonna
do it you just know you're just fooling yourself like a strapped on my back pack
ran up the street cuz my bus stop was at the top of my street and I'm waiting and I
out of breath and it's like in the middle of the night so it's dark but I'm like
oh you know like before 6 a.m. it is that are like the Sun has not risen yet
so I'm just waiting and waiting and waiting and eventually I kind of
realized that I've missed the bus not like 2 a.m. and buses aren't coming for
like four hours and my parents were like the type of people that don't want to
drive you to school so I had to take the bus and the bus can be a terrible place
if your kid you know because when you're a freshman I hope you get to sit at the
front of the bus and gradually work your way back with the years ok and the
seniors were not nice people in like oh I just remember the first day I like sat
down in this kids like that's my seat and I'm like what????? was my first time ever riding this bus
I didn't know and he's like thats my seat get out
and I'm like omg okay so forgot my backpack and I got out of the seat and the dude through my backpack
like the worst first day of high school you could ever have that's a story for
another day another year apparently with the way I'm going
I'm like i missed the bus ok options
don't go to school parents will be mad at me ask parents to ride me parents won't do that
so I'm like I have to walk i had to trek I was on the road by Jack Kerouac of my favorite
book read it I was on the road so like realistically my the high school in the
middle elementary school are maybe like like a 10 minute walk from my house so I
decided to walk it at 2am down this dark road in the middle of the night and I'm
like jamming school school school school school school school
school like I get to school at 10 minutes I'm super pumped to be alive to go 10
minutes in the schools like pitch black like I like pull on the door and I'm
like no one's here so first my first thought when no one was at the school
was there like this was a nightmare started pinching myself and my backpack
down over like hello is anyone here??? cause y'know if its a nightmare u yell
someone someone might show up in the murder of you but at least I knew
someone was there but this car pulls into my school and it's like the way
that it is that goes to school driveway and then there's like a big
parking lot this is the front of the building and go back to this this car pulls up
and it's a cop car and pulled up he's like what are you doing and I'm like
trying to go to school to get my education
I'm trying to go to school whoever actually voluntarily says but I wanted
to do that at this point in time and he's like you know what time it is and
I'm like school time right its school time
I missed my bus man
well thats what I tell him Its school time I missed my bus and he's like are you smoking dope
and no I just want to go to school!!!
and he's like are you drunk?
I'm like a 13 year old kid ok i don't get invited to parties just want to come to school all I want
to I'm crying now because I just don't understand why he won't let me go to
school and he's like honey you know I what time is it? yeah it is like 630 is like seven
o'clock it's time for school sooner or later someone else is going to show up
and all the kids they're just hiding they're playing a mean trick so I'm like crying I'm like this is
embarrassing means like you want me to take you home and I'm like wow yeah
cause I'm not I'm not taking a walk of shame back up to my house taking not
taking a walk of shame i'll take the drive of shame in the police car he put me in the
back so I'm like a criminal for wanting to go to school
heaven forbid you know whatever he just got my house he's like do u want me to wait for ur
parents cuz he was gonna like you know do the knock my parents would've woken up and killed me I
would not have been here to tell the tale but they would have killed me so I'm
like no its ok my dad gets up really early for work in my mom's already at work I lied they were
asleep in bed but I want to have the confrontation that I would have to have
with them so I'm like oh I know you know it's ok I did my best smile its fine just let me go
in and it's like 330 ish like 315 in the morning and I'm like I know my dad get
nothing like an hour so they could set my backpack down and you know after a
adventure like this really is running its rushing in your veins I could not sleep
slowly going up the stairs
they're creaking with each step but I am gonna get caught because of these steps are crawling up
the steps slowly and then I get to the top of the stairs look up in my dad is
just staring down at me he saw the whole thing apparently the headlights from the cop car
shined in the house exposing me moral of the story is just set like a bunch of alarms like the
most annoying alarm so you wake up and if you've ever done that you've gotten
dressed at least you didn't go to school what's your alarm song or are you just like
that person that can Iike put it on chimes like wake up to chimes
like teenager was used to be like my tracfone used to have songs that was
one teenager but it was not by My Chemical Romance so what was the point
uh yeah so I'll see you saturday. see ya next time. i love u. stay strong and ok. apparently. stay okay.