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All right, time to rant So I was on Facebook last night when I came across this article
talking about something called the bellybutton challenge. Weird name, I know. So I read the
article and my first response was: Seriously? Stupid, stupid, stupid, so freaking stupid
once again we see another trend aimed at young women that make themselves feel horrible about
themselves. The Bellybutton Challenge is supposed to test your healthiness and what you do is
you wrap your one arm around your torso and you try to touch your bellybutton. If you
can touch your bellybutton, then you're healthy. If not, apparently you're not healthy. I'm
not a scientist and I'm not a doctor, but I already know that this test is so beyond
inaccurate. This challenge is so stupid; it is not accurate. It does not test your skinniness
or your healthiness. It doesn't test anything except maybe flexibility. The one thing I
will give the bellybutton challenge is that it makes you want to try it. Because even
if you can say logically in your head that this is stupid not at all an indicator of
healthiness you still kind of want to see if you can do it. For those of you guys who
haven't seen it, I'm going to do it right now just so you guys can see what it looks
like but then also realize how ridiculous it is. All right, I'm going to try to do the
Bellybutton Challenge. Here we go! So you're supposed to take your arm, wrap it around
your torso, I don't know how you do it! Ow, this really hurts. I'm going to try with my
other arm. See how that goes. I can't do it! Yeah, that was really dumb. Look, I consider
myself a very healthy person, fairly thin, and I could not do the Bellybutton Challenge.
And even if I could, it doesn't matter cause guess what? It's pointless! Doesn't tell you
anything about yourself. Except that you did succumb to trying it, which I did. You know
what else I noticed when doing this Bellybutton Challenge is, besides how silly I look doing
it, is that it really hurts. Like, it physically hurts me to do it. Because you're wrapping
your arm around your body in a way that it really isn't supposed to bend or twist. It
hurts. Let that just sink in that people are actually hurting themselves trying to prove
how skinny they are. In a way, this challenge is almost poetic, it's showing the pain that
people will put themselves through to fit beauty standards. Cause you're literally twisting
your arm trying to see if you're deemed skinny enough for society. So stupid. What I don't
understand is why we keep insisting that beauty is some exclusive thing. As if to be beautiful,
you have to be part of some secret club; a club that keeps upping its requirements to
enter. First, you just had to be thin. Then you had to be tan, then you had to have long
hair, then you had to have white teeth, then you had to have long lashes, then you had
to have a gap between your thighs, then you had to have big lips, now what? You have this
ridiculous bellybutton thing? And then the other day I saw some collar bone challenge
where you try to fit coins in your collar bone to see if you have a strong enough collar
bone. Where is the intelligence? Who makes these? Is there some center for idiotic trends
where they just pump these things out? Last week people were making out with jars trying
to have Kylie Jenner lips. And now they're trying to be contortionists with this Bellybutton
Challenge. I don't understand. And what I find so horrible in all of this is that there
are some people who believe that this is an actual indicator of healthiness. That if they
can't touch their bellybuttons they're inadequate and they need to change. To those people who
believe that, I need you to know that you are worth so much more than this meaningless
test. The #BellybuttonChallenge or whatever other crap beauty trend comes along does not
determine your value as a person. Nor your beauty as an individual. That is up for you
to decide. Screw what the magazines say, screw the stupid challenge, screw all the people
who say you're not enough. Because you are. If you're healthy, and I don't mean the size
0, flat abs healthy that the media tries to sell you, but I mean actually healthy, then
you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You've got one body, and only one life so
don't waste it worrying about these challenges and trends that tell you you're not enough.
So that was a bit of a long rant. Hopefully you guys enjoyed watching that little rant
of mine. I just really wanted to get that message out there; I saw the challenge last
night and I saw how it was negatively impacting a lot of people so hopefully it can help somebody.
If you guys liked this video, please give it a big thumbs up. I would really really
appreciate that. And also, feel free to share this video with anyone who you think needs
to hear this message. I know for me I think that the world needs a little more body positivity
out there so hopefully this video can help a little bit with that. Feel free to subscribe
to my channel; I put new videos out every week and my social media links are in the
downbar below if you guys want to follow me on twitter, instagram or snapchat, any of
those. But other than that, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys
next week. Byeee! Guys I found the secret to doing the Bellybutton Challenge you just
take your hand -- I did it!