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Hi everyone! Travis Robertson real estate coach
CEO and founder of Robertson coaching international
where we help agents just like you create businesses that support their
and don't run their lives. now I'm coming to you today with the third
part in our five-part series on the five phases of marketing.
if you haven't had a chance yet make sure you watch the first two phases
using the links in this video or down below. so what is phase 3?
phase three is all about lead conversion meaning from the time somebody raises
their hand and says
"I wanna meet with you" to the time that they signed on the dotted line either
for you to list their home
or if you get them to sign a buyer agency agreement. see what happens is for
most agents
from the time somebody raises their hand to the time they sign on the dotted line:
not a whole lot. So what does this need to look like? First what we want to do is
we want to make sure that we're answering
the right question. Remember I told you that every phase
has a key question that you have to answer for your business?
what's that question here? How can I improve
my conversion rate? How can you improve your conversion rate from the time
somebody raises their hand
to the time somebody signs on the dotted line? Unfortunately
for most agents when somebody raises their hand and says "hey I want to meet
with you";
you know what happens? Not a whole lot. Maybe they set an appointment
for Friday afternoon and then between Tuesday
and Friday afternoon their marketing dries up. Maybe
just maybe they do what? They call to confirm the appointment but beyond that
nothing else is happening and this is a huge
opportunity for you to put a large distance between you and any other
that potential client may be meeting. So how do we do this?
A couple ideas I want you to think about. One of our coaches by the name of Nathan
converts his listing presentations at ninety
four percent, month in, month out, converts his listing presentations
at 94 percent. So what are some other things that he does?
First what Nathan does when somebody raises their hand and says "maybe we want
you to come take a look at our home
and tell us what you think you can list it for." What Nathan does is he
doesn't set the appointment right away. Instead his
process is designed to give him a couple of
extra days to market to that person. So he says "you know what, if today's Tuesday
we're not going to meet until Friday. Friday is the first availability
that I have for them." Now what does this do for Nathan?
This allows Nathan to send his prospects
valuable information that's gonna educate them, inform them
on the process that they're going to be going through and
on Nathan's team, but it's not a puff piece; they're not brag pieces.
What they are is they're pieces that are designed to build rapport
with the people that they're trying to serve. So a couple things they do is they
send a package via First Class Mail
and it's got beautifully designed brochures. It's got
information on what it's like to list your home,
how to interview an agent. Another thing they do is they send out a video,
an incredible client testimonial video that's rather than Nathan standing back
there going
"aren't I awesome? aren't we great?" Which let's be honest, everybody expects Nathan to say
because at the end of the day none of us walk up to somebody and go
"hey you know what I'm kind of a little shady, kind of a little slimy,
probably gonna lie to you throughout this entire process." Nobdody is going to do
So instead of Nathan bragging on himself, what he did
is he got a great video pulled together where his clients are the ones providing
the testimonials
and putting the prospect's mind at ease so by the time Nathan
shows up on Friday for the appointment, you know what he's got?
He's got a person who's much more likely to move forward.
in fact about half the time Nathan shows up they don't even want him to do
the listing presentation
they just say "Nathan, none of the other agents did everything that you do.
None of the other agents provided all that value, all that information that you
Can we just sign on the dotted line?" And instead of saying absolutely, you know
what Nathan does?
He says "I need a set proper expectations with you.
So we're still gonna go through the listing presentation and I'm still going to walk you through
everything we need to do
and this is going to be how I provide you more value
then maybe you're getting from other people so that you walk into this with
eyes wide open
and I walk into this with eyes wide open as well." There's a lot you can do from
the time somebody raises their hand to the time somebody signs on the dotted
It just takes a little bit of creativity and a little bit of thinking
outside the box and realizing what a great time to not just slow down the
but to ramp up the marketing. That's it for phase three of this series talking about
lead conversion.
Still two more phases to go, lots of ideas and tactics and strategies you can
As always if you have any questions or comments or ideas
let us know in the comments below or visit us online at travisrobertson
dot com
and we can answer any questions you have about the content in this video
or our coaching program or training programs and how we might be able to
help you
take your business to that next level. I look forward to seeing it
in the next video.