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Hi! Hello, welcome to Let's Talk in English
on BTS and the radio. I'm Campell
Andrea? oh, I'm sorry. Andrea is not available right now
Can I take a message?
ok, all right. Bye!
Hi Campell! Hi students! Welcome to the show.
So, Who was on the phone?
I don't know. some guy. He wanted to talk to you.
A guy
well, who was he?
what's his name? Did he leave a message?
No, I asked him if he wanna leave a message
but he said he'll just call back later.
Really. huh!
Well, I wonder who he is?
Do you recognize his voice?
No, I don't think I have heard his voice before?
Andrea, why are you so interested in this caller?
Well, I'm just wondering who this guy is.
oh, I see what's going on here
actually Andrea, the guy did sound pretty cute
you know, he probably called to ask you out on a date
campell. anyway, let's go on with out lesson
Today we're going to keep learning how to be polite on the phone. And here is today mission for you.
Oh, Andrea, I'll let you get that. It may be your special...
Alright friends, let's start with conversation A
Well, Aaron sounds very professional. He's doing a great job on the phone.
I just can't believe that Becca called him and used a different voice.
She asked to speak to the manager.
And yes. Aaron was very professional as he said "I'm sorry, Becca is not available right now."
May I take a message?
She said she'll call back later
now let's learn our keyword here
when you call someone and they're not available to answer the phone
you can leave a message.
Right. A message, these are words that you tell someone to tell someone else
For example, If I call my friend and she is not home
I can leave a message
I can say: hi! this is campell. Can you call me back later. Thank you!
Great! so, you can leave a message for another person by telling someone else,
or you can also leave a message on a machine
Ok, a message
Well, Becca didn't leave a message. She said that she would call back later.
now, what does it mean to call back later?
well, when you call back, that mean you already tried to call that person once
and you are going to call them again.
If you call someone and they're not there, you may want to call them again later.
When you call them again, you call them back.
that's true. Now, let's learn more about this conversation from our friend, Thomas. Hi, Thomas!
Hello, Hi Aaron! May I speak with the manager please?
Oh, she's not there. oh no, thanks!
I won't leave a message. I'll call back later. Thank you!
Campell, are you making a prank call?
No, I wasn't making a prank call
A prank call is when you call someone as a joke because you think it's funny.
I was calling Aaron to test him, just like our friends.
Campell. well, can I try?
Sure. But first, let's teach our lesson, ok?
Ok! well, in conversation B, Becca said Aaron did a good job, answering the phone
He was very professional and polite.
And polite is our keyword.
If someone is polite, this means they have good manners
They're careful of what they say and what they do.
They don't do anything to make anyone sad or angry.
When someone is polite, they act the way the should act.
We can say "Jonas is very polite. He always rises his hand in class when he wants to talk"
Well, our next keyword here is special.
Now, when restaurants have specials, this is food that they don't sell all the time.
This is food they serve only at special time.
You can have a special of the month. This is food that they only serve for one month.
or special of the week. Food they only have for that week.
alright, we found the answer to today mission in this conversation. the question is..
alright friends, great job
Let's go and see our friend, Thomas, and learn some more.
What? Now, Mia wants to call Aaron
I guess everyone wants to make a prank call
But they're not making a prank call, the're just testing Aaron
Just kidding. Well, at the beginning of our conversation, Becca quietly tells Jeff to put Aaron on Speaker phone.
Right. Because If he's on speaker phone, everyone can listen to him.
Well, Aaron asked "May I put you on hold?"
Let's learn our keyword here.
when you're using the phone and you're waiting to speak to some one,
you are on hold.
Sometimes you may be talking to someone and they'll get another call on their phone
they may put you on hold to talk to the other person.
Now, when you're on hold, you may hear some music or the radio playing as you wait for the person you want to talk to
We have another keyword here, and it's a really cute one. The work is "Cute".
when someone is cute, they are really kind and sweet.
When someone is cute, this means that they're kind and sweet
In our conversation, the way Aaron is acting is really cute
Aaron is a cute guy.
We'll also see our calender phase here.
Well, we know that it's time to go see Thomas.
Hey friend!. Let's review today keywords together.
Our first keyword is message.
Thank you for saying those with us. Now, let's review today conversations
May I use your phone a minute. Sure.
Thank you for calling the Nest Cafe. This is Aaron. How may I help you?
Aaron, I'd like to speak to the manager
I'm sorry. Becca is not available right now. May I take a message?
No, thanks. I'll call back later. Goodbye!
Becca, why did you call Aaron? And why did you use a different voice?
I wanted to see how Aaron answers the phone. Sometimes he's not very professional.
Did he do a good job just now?
Yes, he was pretty professional and polite.
I want to call him.
Jeff, what are you going to do?
Don't worry Mia. Aaron won't even know it's me.
Honey, aren't you a little old to make prank calls?
These aren't prank calls. They're test.
Hello! Nest Cafe.
What specials will you have next week?
Put him on speaker phone.
I'll check for you, Sir. May I put you on hold?
Wow, Becca. He's very polite
Yes, he is. I guess he really listens to me
Yeah, actually he's very cute.
I want to call him next.
Who is on the phone?
It was Claire. She wanted to talk to you.
Why didn't you tell me?
I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here.
She said she would call back.
I'm not going to wait for her to call back. I need to talk to her now.
What do you think she wants.
I don't know. I just hope she doesn't call off out date.
You have a date, with Claire?
It's not really a date. It's just two friends going to the movie.
Well, I still hope she doesn't call it off.
Me, too.