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You might think that taking actual people out of a movie means taking the mistakes and human error out with them.
But anyone paying close attention to modern animated films knows that even the smallest mistakes are hilarious considering someone made them one frame at a time.
And the bigger the mistake, the better it is to search for.
Here are 20 Massive Mistakes in Animated Movies.
這就來看動畫片裡的 20 個超明顯錯誤!
Zootopia: The animals may have evolved to walk and talk, but math is still a problem.
Predators make up just 10% of the population, but assistant mayor Bellwether later claims that they're outnumbered 10 to 1.
掠食性動物佔整個人口的10%,但副市長卻說掠食性動物和其他動物的比例是 10:1。
Hopefully kids didn't take that as a math class, since 10% means a ratio of 9 to 1, not 10.
還好小孩不會把看電影當作在上數學課,因為 10% 指的是 9:1 的1,根本不是 10:1。
No older fan of Zootopia can forget the cameo from actor Tommy Chong playing the mellow Yax, one of the city's "Naturalists"
這部電影年紀稍長的粉絲也不會忘記 Tommy Chong 所飾演的客串角色 mellow Yax,他是方城市裡頭的「自然主義人士」(Naturalists)。
The word the writers were looking for was actually "Naturists" another words for nudists.
The Lion King: The age of hand-drawn animation may be all but over for Disney, but some awesome mistakes remain thanks to one animator.
Look closely when Mufasa is filling Simba in on the kingdom, and you'll notice the label "45" appearing on screen for two frames.
And you'll wonder how you never caught it before.
Beauty and The Beast: Nobody fights like Gaston - or talks like him.
His lips don't match his words in the final fight with Beast, since his line - "Belle is Mine" was originally "Time to Die."
因為他連對嘴都對錯!在一場格鬥戲裡,他的台詞「Belle 是我的」原先設定是「你的死期到了 !」
Softening the tone makes sense, but the original animation was left behind.
The Good Dinosaur: The movie may be set in an alternate history, one where the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago completely missed.
One problem though: the hero Apatosaurus and his family went extinct over 50 million years before the asteroid ever struck.
Wreck-it Ralph: It isn't an animation glitch or error that gives Wreck-it Ralph its funniest mistake, but time itself.
Think about it: did you ever notice that Ralph makes a jump into Hero's Duty as the arcade opens, only for it to close just minutes later?
想想看,你有沒有注意到Ralph 在遊戲店剛開時跳進射擊遊戲《英雄使命》中,而不久之後遊戲店就關門了?
Either time passes faster in the game, or it's an editing shortcut audiences aren't supposed to catch.
The animators went to serious lengths to fill the movie with video game cameos and details, but a few mistakes slipped through as a result.
The sign at Game Central Station clearly says that "Burger Time" is Now Playing - but nobody told the star chef, serving pie to Q-bert and his friends.
在遊戲中央站的 LED 告示板寫著現在是「漢堡時間」,但廚師顯然渾然不覺,還在車站內把派分給 Q-bert 和他的朋友們。
Despicable Me: The devil is in the details, especially in animated films.
When Gru first reveals the stolen jumbotron from Madison Square Gardens, the animators added in some missing bulbs for character - missing bulbs that somehow scroll along with the words - it should have been one or the other.
The movie's villain, Vector gets what's coming to him eventually, but he should have gotten his even sooner.
電影裡的壞蛋 Vector 罪有應得,不過他早該遭到報應的。
When he idiotically shrinks his sink and toilet, his bathroom should have been a disaster of spraying pipes - apparently, his toilet doesn't even need plumbing, but it's a bad lesson to teach troublemaking kids, either way.
Aladdin: The animators took the time to make sure all the writing in the film was Arabic, but when scrolls are read, or Genie takes an order while in the form of a waiter the writing is written and read left to right, like English.
But Arabic is read right to left.
As part of the romance between Aladdin and Jasmine, the pair enjoy a Chinese fireworks show in every color of the rainbow.
阿拉丁和女主角 Jasmine 約會時,頭頂的煙火五彩繽紛、燦爛耀眼。
But colored fireworks are a more modern invention, so the fireworks would only have been yellow or white prior to 1850 - which the movie most definitely is.
但其實五花八門的煙火是現代的產物,在故事背景的 1850 年其實只有白或黃的煙火而已。
The Little Mermaid: Endings don't get much happier than this one, with Ariel and Eric sailing off into the distance, married, and treated to a rainbow. But dark magic might still be at work - the rainbow is reversed, making it one truly weird mistake.
《小美人魚》的結局皆大歡喜:Ariel 和 Eric 駕著小船駛離岸邊、結婚,還有一道彩虹歡送。
Finding Nemo: Sure, fish can't talk.
But you'll have to ignore science and physics, not just marine biology when the final scene of Finding Nemo comes, showing the escaped fish each in their own bags of water - magically defying physics, keeping their bags full of water floating above the surface, instead of sinking to match the height.
Monsters, Inc: The billions of hairs covering the monster stars meant hours to render a single frame.
Luckily, some old fashioned mistakes slipped through too, like the Pixar artist who forgot the "i before e" rule when it came to the word "yield" in Mike's file - TWICE.
所幸,有些老掉牙的錯誤沒被放大檢視,就像皮克斯忘了簡單的拼音法則「i 要放在 e 之前」,在 Mike 的檔案裡拼錯了兩次 yield。
A misspelled word is one thing, but how about the biggest plot hole Pixar's ever seen?
Boo's laughter is so powerful, it overloads entire city blocks when she really gets giggling... that is, until she spends the rest of the movie laughing with absolutely no effect on the city around her.
小女孩 Boo 的笑聲宏亮至極,只要咯咯地笑就可以讓整個城市亮起來。但是儘管Boo在這部片的後段不斷大笑,對周遭城市卻毫無影響。
Shrek: Kids now know that ogres aren't monsters to be feared... well, not until they catch the mosts disturbing animation glitch in the entire
It's still giving us nightmares all these years later.
當 Shrek 瞇著眼時,他的眼球竟然穿透了眼皮。
The plot holes get even bigger when it comes to the movie's villain, Farquaad, who sets the movie in motion because he needs a princess to marry, so he can become king. He chooses Fiona over Snow White, but Cinderella is also offered as a candidate... which doesn't make much sense, since she married a prince, she wasn't close to a princess before.
光用想的就令人髮指啊!壞蛋 Farquaad 的劇情漏洞更大,整部電影幾乎為他展開幾乎為他展開,因為他需要娶一個公主才能當上國王,而他選擇了 Fiona 而不是白雪公主,雖然灰姑娘也是候選人之一 ... 但這實在不合理啊。她是嫁給王子後才當上公主的呀!在那之前她什麼都不是!
Frozen: As much as we'd like to believe that the famous "Let it Go" musical number is perfect, one of the strangest, most debated mistakes can be found in the scene.
縱然《冰雪奇緣》中的主題曲,"Let it go" 已經紅遍全球,其中有一個最奇特、也具爭議的錯誤。
Watch as Elsa pulls her braided hair from behind her shoulder to the front - until it magically travels through her shoulder, already in front ahead of time.
出現在這首歌之中。可以看到正當 Elsa 把辮子的馬尾從肩膀後方撥到前方時,她的辮子神奇地穿過她肩膀。
Don't be surprised if you don't catch it the first time, but trust us, it doesn't add up.
Toy Story: It may be Pixar's first movie mistake, and it's impossible to miss for any parent who's used a baby monitor to keep a close ear on a sleeping baby.
When the army men first set out to see what new toys Andy's gotten for his birthday, they're carrying a handheld unit - which only plays audio.
當一群軍隊被派去查看 Andy 在生日時,收到什麼生日禮物,他們扛了一個手持的監測器,只能撥放聲音那種。
They use the monitor as a walkie-talkie, and Woody's base unit should let him send messages, but the actual device wouldn't make much sense if it sends both ways.
他們用那個監測器來當作對講機,而且 Woody 的基地單位應該讓他傳遞訊息,但實際的裝置無法達成願望,因為只有一方可以傳遞聲音。
Tangled: When your lead character has hair longer than a football field, some mistakes are to be expected.
But it's obvious the animators wasted no time in deciding what they could and couldn't actually show: the second Rapunzel leaves her tower, her hair ceases to exist.
但製片人員顯然不在乎哪些東西不該出現:當 Rapunzel 離開那座塔的瞬間,她的頭髮就變短了。
It's understandable, but still a shame since it's impossible to miss on repeat viewings.
Those are the animated movie mistakes we'd love to watch out for, but what are yours?
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