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Meet Atlas, a humanoid robot developed by the American robotics company Boston Dynamics
讓我們看看 Atlas 這臺由美國機器人公司 Boston Dynamics 開發的人型機器人
which is now owned by Google
現在是 Google 旗下的公司
it was developed with funding and oversight from United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA
Atlas stands approximately 1.8 meters or six feet tall weighs 150 kilograms
Atlas 身高大約 1.8 米,也就是六英呎,重達 150 公斤
and is designed for a variety of search and rescue tasks
Atlas is based on Boston Dynamics earlier PETMAN humanoid robot that can not only walk across rough terrain
Atlas 是以 Boston Dynamics 之前的 PETMAN 人型機器人作為基礎,PETMAN 不只是能行走在不平的地形上
it also react to slipping and can retain balance much like a human can
it has four hydraulically actuated limbs and is constructed out of aluminium and titanium and illuminated with blue LEDs
它擁有液壓傳動的四肢,由鈦鋁合金製造而成並且用藍色 LED 燈進行照明
Atlas is equipped with two vision systems a laser range finder and stereo cameras both controlled by an onboard computer
Atlas 配有二個視覺系統,一個雷射測距相機和一個立體相機,皆由機載式電腦所控制
it has hands with fine motor skill capabilities and its limbs possess a total of 28 degrees of freedom
它的雙手配有良好的馬達功能而且四肢一共擁有 28 個自由度
it can do advanced tasks like finding and picking up objects
and if they are dropped it will try again and again until it completes the task
Atlas can also react to external forces like being pushed or kicked
Atlas 可以對一些外力像是推或是踢等動作作出因應
and it can also get up if it falls over
Atlas can also do things like finding an opening doors, climbing ladders, clearing debris locating valves
Atlas 也可以做一些事像是找尋一個打開的門、爬階梯、清理閥門裡的碎片瓦礫
all the sort of tasks a human rescue worker would need to be able to do.
The Cheetah robot built by MIT is the first four legged robot to
由麻省理工學院開發的 Cheetah 是第一個四隻腿的機器人
not only be able to autonomously jump over obstacles in the way but also run up 28 miles an hour
它不只能自動跳過路上的障礙物,它的奔跑速度也可以達到一個小時 28 英哩
slightly faster than Usain Bolt using it's on board lidar visual system which
這個速度比 Usian Bolt (牙買加短跑運動員,為100公尺、200公尺和400公尺接力三項世界紀錄保持人) 還要快上一點,它使用機載式激光雷達視覺系統
uses lasers to map out the terrain in front of the robot, it can see where it's going and where to jump over obstacles
The team at MIT developed a three-part algorithm to plan out the robots path based on the LIDAR data
both the vision and the path planning system our own board the robot giving it completely autonomous control.
This works out the height of the objects and also of a distance from itself
and also the speed at which the robot is traveling
then it works out the best place to jump and clear the object in experiments on a treadmill and also an indoor track
the Cheetah robot successfully cleared obstacles up to 18 inches tall more than half of the actual robot height
Cheetah 機器人成功地通過高達 18 英寸、己經超過機器人實體高度的一半的障礙物
whilst maintaining an average running speed of approximately 5 mph
同時保持平均每小時 5 英哩的奔跑速度
testing the robot in an open area actually worked better than on the treadmill
because it had more time to react with it clearing 90% of obsticles
因為機器人擁有更多反應時間來通過障礙物,它在公開場地可以通過 90%,
compared to only 70% on the more limited area on the treadmill
Spot is the latest electrically powered and hydraulically actuated four legged robot come from Boston Dynamics
Spot 是來自 Boston Dynamic 公司最新的電動和液壓驅動四腿機器人
designed for both indoor and outdoor operation and also to take a good kicking from its makers
though that is really just a good test to show its stability and ability to react to external forces
It can negotiate rough ground, climb hills even stairs but it is still remotely control a moment and
not a truly autonomous robot like his Big Brother the Atlas
不像它的老大哥 Atlas 一樣是個全自動的機器人
as for what purpose it I have is unclear at the moment
but it could be a robot scout in a military situation or autonomous guard dog
or maybe even it could be a mechanic pet
we'll just have to wait till Boston Dynamics releases more information
我們必須等待 Boston Dynamics 公司釋出更多的資訊
it uses a form of scanning LIDAR for its navigation and it's backwards facing legs,
like that of a goat give it also great deal of agility
At around 1m tall and weighing approximately 72 kilograms, Spot is smaller than the previous versions like big dog
它的體型約有 1 公尺高,重約 72 公斤,Spot 比前面幾個版本像是 big dog 要來得小
and being all electric it's much quieter without petrol engine that is installed in the bigger robot LS3
而且不採用裝載在較大型的 LS3 機器人的石油引撆,其全電動設計讓它動作時更為安靜
Probably the most well know robot is the Japanses Honda ASIMO
或許最知名的機器人是日本本田公司的 ASIMO
whist it can act realistically it has been a long time in the making.
In 1986 Honda under took a challenge that seemed straight out of science fiction at the time
在 1986 年,本田公司接下了一個挑戰,這在當時只有在科幻小說裡才看得到的情節
to build a humanoid robot that might one day help people move with it and improve thier lives
making this dream a reality took decades testing the skill of the world's most capable engineers
their first hurdle was to build a machine that could walk on two legs.
a process that we humans take for granted and Honda throughly researched
The initial prototype had deliberate flat-footed steps each taking fifteen seconds to complete
Later prototypes had a more natural gait, they walk dynamically falling forward between steps as humans do
Up right balance took several more years to perfect
Then, 1992 Honda achieved the milestone prototype E6
之後,在1992 年,本田公司達到一個里程碑,它們的 E6 雛型
not only walked in a straight line without support but it was also able to climb stairs
Hondas engineers advanced to the next level of development adding a torso, head, arms and hands
the first humanoid robot that Honda showed the public was self-contained of walked under remote control
it stood nearly six feet tall and weighed over 200 kilograms
它站起來將近六英呎高,重量超過 200 公斤
the next version in 1997 was lighter more compact and better able to interact with people on a more human scale
1997 的下一個版本更為輕量,完成度更高而且和人類互動的能力更好,可以做到更多人類能做的事
As the new millennium approach, rapid advances in computers hydraulics and micro circuitry
brought science-fiction another step closer to science fact
and Honda greeted the world with a more approachable friendlier a robot
it called advanced step innovative mobility the first ASIMO. Over the next seven years
它稱為先進革命行動裝置第一代 ASIMO, 在未來的七年裡
ASIMO's movements were refined to handle complex environment and perfom new tasks
ASIMO 的行動能力被優化成可以適應複雜的環境並執行一些新的功能
Its size was reduced further to accommodate human living spaces
and today three decades since Honda engineers first accepted a challenge
本田工程師接受ASIMO 這個挑戰距今己經三十年
ASIMO has a host of advanced physical and intelligence capabilities
ASIMO 已擁有許多先進的物理和智慧功能
ASIMO is now an autonomous robot but now only runs, jumps, spins around and anticipates people's movement
ASIMO 現在是一個自主的機器人,不只能跑、跳、旋轉以及預見人們的移動
but can also manipulate objects and distinguished people by their voice and their face
As development continues, ASIMO is a fountian of innovative mobility ideas
隨著持續的開發,ASIMO 成為許多革新的行動機械的點子來源
that go far beyond its original design and are much closer to practical reality
ASIMO is a dream that Honda realized one step after another that someday soon
ASIMO 是一個夢想,本田公司體認到只要一步一步地前進,不久後的某一天
robots will coexist with people move for those who can not, work in difficult situations
and be the ears, eyes, hands and legs for people that need help in everyday lives
introducing the newest in Honda advanced step in innovative mobility - ASIMO
介紹本田公司最新的科技,先進的創新行動科技: ASIMO
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