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In game, champions are balanced for optimum gameplay.
But which champions are the most powerful ones according to lore?
To make the list, we must first define 'power'.
I made this list, defining power as "ability to shape the universe at your will."
This is not an official list. I made this list reading a lot of lore and Rioter posts, combining them with my opinion.
So let's begin.
Ryze worked with many differend wizards, shamans and witches in many years.
He has an incredible amount of information about magic and thanks to his magical tattoos, he is so much more than a simple mage,
a human that is almost unified with the magic itself.
This building sized monster from the Void is shrinked in Summoner's Rift for gameplay purposes.
Yet he is incredibly fearsome, destructive and smart.
The pile of armor called Mordekaiser has been inducing fear in his enemies hearts for aeons.
Even if you manage to kill him somehow, he can be resurrected from his bones everytime.
Too powerful to be controlled by Black Mist, this ghost is a great danger with his dark magic.
We don't have the information to sort the Aspects that climbed the Mount Targon; Pantheon, Taric, Leona and Diana.
However they all bear incredible power, much beyond this world.
Lissandra was blessed by the Watchers centuries ago and lived ever since.
This Blind Witch is incredibly smart, and is a great danger to Valoran with her army.
We don't know the exact powers of this Demon which is at least as old as humanity itself.
Don't be fooled by his seemingly interest in human relations, surviving for that long is not an easy task.
Renekton became an Ascended with the ritual, now beholding god-like powers.
However, being mad is kind of a draw back in a list like this, making him weak compared to other Ascended.
Product of a 'failed' Ascension ritual, Azir is not as ancient as Renekton.
However with his wits and leadership he has great potential.
We don't know much about Nasus, Renekton's brother.
However, so old that he forgot his mortality, this demi-god has been walking on sands on Shurima for aeons.
Spirit of Freljord itself, Anivia is a very powerful magical creature
She have died countless times, and resurrected as much, watching over the snowy mountains for centuries.
Before continuing with the top 5, let's say hi to some champions that did not make it to the list,
but possesing great potential or unknown powers.
Syndra is so powerful that she can lift up a huge Temple and stabilize it in air.
This mage is so full of potential that she probably has no limits in terms of power.
Kog'maw is a fearsome Void creature that consumes anything in it's path, seemingly disobeying laws of physics.
Also from the Void; Vel'koz can destroy life forms with ease.
He is also incredibly smart and has incomprehensible amount of imformation.
No one knows where he came from, or what is he capable of.
But according to the old lore, Fiddlesticks is so powerful that League can not destroy him.
One of the most mysterious champions, Jax's lore includes League system and is now non-canon.
However, considered one of the most powerful champions since the launch of the game,
this "might be a Darkin" guy with a mask, should be respected.
Malphite is not so unique at his homeland, however in Valoran; a living mountain is definelty powerful.
So let's continue.
Aatrox the Darkin has shaped many battles and made men lust for blood for centuries.
We can say that he is a God of War, walking among mortals.
Xerath betrayed his emperor and stole the Ascension ritual, and the lives of people of Shurima.
He is now free from his mortal body, a dense form of magical energy.
This concious form of energy is probably the strongest result of the Ascension ritual and he has the potential to become omnipotent.
For as long as its people have known death, Kindred has stalked Valoran.
Kindred is the embodiment of Death itself, and has been ending lives of mortals for aeons.
And looks like 'they' will continue, until only Kindred is left in Valoran.
He saw the Shurima fall,
Watcher Rising,
and even Blessed Isles falling to darkness.
And he watched, silently.
Bard does not intefere to even the greatest dangers to human kind and Valoran.
He only acts if the universe it self is in danger.
Boundless from time and space, this ageless entity can be trapped, banished or even destroyed by close powers of magic or other beings.
Born in the first breath of creation, Aurelion Sol roamed the vast nothingness,
creating stars, arranging galaxies, 'painting' the universe with his creations.
Even though he was tricked and forced to servitude by magic of Targonians,
he is now back for revenge and he is the most powerful champion of all.
And that's the end of the list! Please don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed the video, and send a comment if you have any questions!
Thanks for watching! :)