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So blow drying techniques for long hair. If you have fine hair and you want to give some
fullness to it, you should actually dry your hair upside down and lift up the roots while
drying your hair with your finger. Don't put a brush to your hair when your hair is super
wet because it's a waste of time and it will damage your hair even more because you'll
put more heat and longer on it.
So when you blow dry your hair, also go with the hair, meaning don't over blow dry your
hair on the underside because you'll get all those fuzzy frizzy hair to come. So follow
your hair the way it's going to go. Remember your hair is going to go straight down. The
air of the dryer will follow that. Pull on it with your hand, smooth it out with your
finger as much as you can before you put a brush on it. The more you will dry your hair
with your finger, the easier it will be later on with the brush. So don't be afraid to use
your hand and go through your hair as much as possible.
Now, that will not be enough to actually make your hair look very nice. So you will need
to take a round brush, depending on if you want movement or if you want your hair straight,
it all depends on the size of the brush. The smaller size of the brush will give you more
wave and also will actually lift up the roots a little bit more. So always start at the
So again you have to make a clean, nice section. You will need to start there with your brush
all the way to the roots. Start with the roots first and make your way down. Make sure the
air of the dryer is facing downwards so you don't actually bring the small little frizz
up. Once the roots are done, it's pretty much 90% of that piece of hair that will be done.
Keep the same tension. Once you get to the end, roll your brush to make it nice and smooth.
Take another section. Now if you want to give a little fullness to the roots, you will want
to pick your hair up and put the air on them so you give it a little lift, a little fullness.
Don't forget that the dryer is hot. So if you want to do a little setting on the hair,
you want to use a little bit of the cold air button to actually cool it down. It's almost
like a setting.
Now for the front part, you will take it, bring it down towards the face and give a
slight movement. Remember the most important part of your hair is what's around your face.
Most of the time we all get frizzy or little fuzzy hair here. So that's when you need to
work this a little bit more than the rest of it. What I mean by that is actually putting
the brush here and going backwards so you actually smooth all those little piece of
hair here, because that's what you're going to see in the mirror but that's also what
you're going to see in real life and that's what people are going to actually see when
they first see you. People are not going to look what's in back. They're going to see
what's around your face. So if that doesn't look good, nothing else is going to look good.
So that's some blow drying techniques that you can use at home.