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♪ (ragtime music) ♪
- ♪ (singing in Japanese) ♪ (crowd roaring)
- Wait a minute. Is that--
It's a cartoon?
- Is that a real person?
- Or are they just dressed in costumes?
- Like a cartoon of Lady Gaga?
♪ (rock music) ♪ - Is that a real artist?
I don't know.
- Shake it, baby. (chuckles)
- ♪ (singing in Japanese) ♪
照理說應該要有個真人歌手在台上 這真的有點…怪怪的
- It sounds Japanese.
- Japan or some oriental country.
好險我已經不是小毛頭了 他們還得被迫看這種東西
- How do they do that?
- Hmm.
- And then there's real musicians on stage.
That's really strange.
- ♪ (singing in Japanese) ♪
- That is so cool. She's so cool.
- I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore
and forced to watch something like this.
♪ (song wrapping up) ♪
- Yeah, they love it.
But what the heck is this thing?
♪ (song ends) ♪
- That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
- That's a trip.
我超喜歡的,我…我完全被衝擊到了啊 真的是衝擊啊,太有創意了
♪ (pop intro) ♪
- Oh no, another one?
Fine Bros 提問: 你們知道剛才看到的是什麼嗎?
- Twins.
- ♪ (singing in Japanese) ♪
- I don't-- have no idea what I'm watching.
- ♪ (singing upbeat song in Japanese) ♪
- ♪ (hums along) ♪ Fancy tune.
- Take off the animation and let me see the real deal here.
Fine Bros 提問: 你看到的是真人演唱嗎?
- I think that is absolutely unique.
- I hope those people didn't spend a lot of money on tickets.
- I'm just not relating to this at all.
- ♪ (tinny singing) ♪
- Wow. Wow, I've never seen anything like that before. (chuckles)
我不認為台上的是真人 但為什麼不是真人、動作還可以這麼流暢?
- I love it. I ca-- I'm--
Fine Bros 解答: 他們不是真人,這是用電腦繪製而成的
I'm overwhelmed. I really am truly overwhelmed. How creative.
我的天哪,我要是在現場會嚇壞的… 舞台上面的東西根本不是真的
What was it?
Fine Bros 提問: 你知道是怎麼做的嗎?
♪ (ragtime music) ♪
- (Finebros) Do you have any idea what exactly you just saw?
- No.
- No.
他們可能是用全像投影技術 就是…有個投影幕之類的
- I am, like, baffled.
我怎麼可能知道原理 我連我的手機是什麼原理都不知道
- A very unusual, unique rock concert.
Fine Bros 提問: 台下群眾對動畫歌手瘋狂歡呼,你有什麼看法?
- (Finebros) Was it a real person singing? - I don't know!
- I got no clue.
的確是不太尋常 台下的人喊得跟甚麼似的
- I can't tell if it was human or not.
所以其實舞台上什麼也沒有? 他們去參加一個什麼也沒有的演唱會? 這世界是怎麼了?
- I'm beginning to suspect they weren't.
- No, I don't think they were real people.
But how could they move like that if they were not real people?
- (Finebros) They're not real people. They're computer generated.
我對觀眾的反應沒那麼驚訝 我驚訝的是居然這麼先進的科技 真的是令我大開眼界
- (sighs) Oh, my gosh.
Fine Bros 提問: 這些歌手又稱為「Volaloids」(美聲姬) 你知道這是什麼嗎?
I would be freaked out if I was at a concert
and they were not real things up there.
- (Finebros) Well, how do you think they did that?
感覺這個 Vocaloid 是電腦做出來的音效
- I don't know.
- I don't know! How would I know that? Heh.
我 ‧ 是 ‧ 你 ‧ 的 ‧ 朋 ‧ 友 要 ‧ 我 ‧ 唱 ‧ 歌 ‧ 給 ‧ 你 ‧ 聽 ‧ 嗎
- Robots?
Fine Bros 解答: 這個技術是透過真人錄製多個旋律和音節 並輸入到電腦程式供消費者購買 人們可以用這個人的聲音做一首曲子
- It's some projection of some sort.
- Maybe they're using holograms, you know? A screen of some sort.
- I don't know how they did it.
I'm still trying to work on my cell phone
to figure out how the hell they did that.
大家都只是去看投影科技不是嗎? 不是去看人家多會唱、只是去看科技的
- (Finebros) What do you think about a crowd going crazy
Fine Bros 解答: 你看到的這個女孩子叫做「初音未來」
for an animated singer? - They had too much saké.
- Oh, that's not unusual.
I mean, how many people cry at Bambi?
- So there's nothing really there?
She looks rather tar-gee. That tar-gee with "T".
And they actually go to a concert
她跟 Vocaloids 美聲搭配得不錯
to watch nothing that's really there.
Fine Bros 解答: 然後這是鏡音鈴、連
The world has gone insane.
- How much were they getting paid to act crazy like that?
- (Finebros) They pay to go to that. - They pay?!
看起來有點好笑 這樣說會不會太過分了?
- The crowd itself doesn't surprise me really that much.
It's just the great technology. It just blows my mind away.
我超愛的; 當你把這東西加入一點人性 看起來就會活靈活現的
- (Finebros) Well, these singers, they call them "Vocaloids."
Fine Bros 提問: 這項技術讓動畫人物變得有創造力 在日本和其他國家變得非常轟動 你的看法如何呢?
Do you have any idea what a Vocaloid is? - No.
無關我個人好惡 但你怎麼會跟…卡通做連結?
- Not-- mm-mm. I'm not from that country.
- I have a feeling that a Vocaloid is a computer-created sound.
對我來說非常新奇 讓我大開眼界,就像呃…
- I'm thinking androids, you know.
未來就在眼前,科幻小說的情節成真了 就是…有點讓人畏懼,機器人可能會掌管一切
That's the only other thing I know that's an "-oid." (chuckles)
你知道這能賺多少錢嗎,你只要雇用幾個人就能搞定 也不用忍受某些很難搞的藝人 還得在休息室放她指定的巧克力之類的 這種模式其實很聰明啊
- (robotically) I am your friend.
Fine Bros 提問: 你會在乎人們用電腦做出歌曲 或是傳統真人歌手演唱歌曲嗎?
Should I sing you a song?
我會比較傾向… 一個有歌唱才華的人親口演唱
- (Finebros) This is a technology
我當然要真人演唱啊 你不覺得剛才那東西很沒有溫度嗎? 聽起來就像機器人在唱歌,給人有隔閡
where a person comes in and records various noises
我倒不是很在意 畢竟電腦程式也是人設計出來的 設計者也是要有藝術涵養的
and syllables into a computer program that you can then purchase
以前可以自己擷取你想要的旋律 現在則是連人聲都可以擷取了 我想這是很自然的發展,音樂仍然是由真人、 透過創意、對消費者的瞭解所創作出來的
and then you can make songs using that person's voice.
Fine Bros 提問: 若是以前有人說 「未來將會有電腦歌手誕生, 而且去聽演唱會的人會擠爆整個會場」 你會怎麼回應呢?
- Oh, that's interesting.
- Can I do that with Robert Plant? (snickers)
- Why would you do that instead of a singer?
- Well, you have to be impressed by the technology.
- We're becoming a bit just enthralled with technology,
不可能,這永遠永遠不可能發生! 然後補一句「你怎麼不去吃X啊?」
aren't we? (chuckles heartily) Not talent. Technology.
- (Finebros) So here's the girl that you saw.
Fine Bros 提問: 你會想去聽 Vocaloid 演唱會嗎?
Her name is Hatsune Miku. - "Hatsune Miku."
I like her hair.
- She's very cute.
- Totally dig the nylons. I'd buy those.
- She looks rather tarty.
That's "tarty" with a T.
我真的覺得這東西很驚奇 但要我去的話…算了吧
- Well, she works good for a Vocaloid. (chuckles)
Fine Bros 提問: 這些科技對你有什麼感觸?
- (Finebros) And this is Rin and Len. - What is there to like?
- They're little sailors.
- They're kind of fun.
It's not offensive.
有點吃驚啊,到了這把年紀 這才知道自己錯過了些什麼
- (amused) Whoever does their costumes, that's great.
讓我覺得…原來我活在這麼精彩的時代 有這麼多事情不斷在發生 我會很想知道「然後會有什麼新東西呢?」 「接下來還有什麼有趣的東西會讓我驚訝?」
- I love it.
When you put a personality to it,
請留言告訴我們接來該做什麼主題 但下次主題還是給我們來點真人吧
like they're doing, then it becomes a real thing.
- (Finebros) So this technology has led
to these animated characters being created
that have become hugely popular in Japan and other countries.
What are your thoughts on that? - I think it's so impersonal.
How do you connect with... a cartoon?
- Why would you want that instead of human beings?
- It's amazing to me. I'm blown away.
I mean, it's like, aah!
- The future is here. Science fiction is real.
I mean, it's kinda scary, robots taking over.
- Think about how much money you can make.
You're paying very few people.
So you can really clean up on that.
And you don't have to deal with some damn diva
who needs her green M&Ms put in the room while she's waiting.
That's actually very smart.
- (Finebros) Does it matter to you if a song is created by people
using a computer in a program
versus it being actually sung by an artist in the regular way?
- I would prefer to have a vocal talent from a live performer.
- I want a real person to sing it.
That was so cold. The voices were so cold and distant.
It was like hearing a machine singing.
- I don't think it would matter,
because the computer program was created by somebody.
Somebody had to do the artistic formation.
- It used to be
on your gear, you could pull up any musical sound you wanted.
Up until now, I guess you couldn't pull up a vocal sound.
I think it's a natural progression still created by real people
with a creative mind knowing what the consumer wants.
- (Finebros) If someone told you in the past that one day
there would be singers made by computers
that would fill massive stadiums with screaming fans,
what would you have said to them? - What's a computer? (laughs)
- What have you been smoking?
- No way.
- I would have never believed that.
- It's impossible. It will never, never happen.
I would have said, "Go [bleep] yourself."
♪ (heavy metal) ♪ (explosions)
(eagle screeches) (gunshots)
- (Finebros) Would you ever go to a Vocaloid concert?
- Yeah, I'd love to go and see it.
- Oh, absolutely!
- (chuckles) No.
- (amused) Why would I want to pay to see nothing?
- Personally I would not.
- I am fascinated by it.
But for me, no.
- (Finebros) How does all this technology make you feel?
- Empty, like something is lost.
- I think it goes too far sometimes.
- It's a feeling of fear that I can't catch up with technology.
- It is terrifying in a way, because I know it's passing me by,
so you know you're older.
- It makes me feel like I'm living in such an exciting time
that all these things are happening.
And I go, "I wonder what's next. What's next?
What will amaze me next?"
- Thanks for watching another episode of Elders React.
- Leave a comment for what we should watch next,
but maybe a real person next time?
- (robotically) Make sure you hit the Thumbs Up,
or we're gonna take over the world. Ha-ha ha ha ha ha-ha!
- Bye-bye!
- Please don't turn me into a Vocaloid one day.
♪ (ragtime music) ♪