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  • 'Everyone told us and told us

  • 'marriage is hard work.

  • 'Not for me and Nick.'

  • 'As you all know, my wife, Amy Elliott Dunne,

  • 'disappeared three days ago.

  • 'I had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife.'

  • Did you kill your wife, Nick?

  • You ever hear the expression,

  • "The simplest answer's often the correct one"?

  • Actually, I've never found that to be true.

  • I'd never seen a story

  • that kind of traversed

  • three different terrain.

  • You know, it starts as

  • fundamentally a mystery,

  • and then it becomes this perverse, absurdist thriller,

  • and then it finally kind of becomes, um, satire.

  • And I hadn't seen that done.

  • This wasn't a conventional, like, leading-man performance,

  • where he's always smarter than everybody

  • and knows all the answers

  • and has the gun and gets the girl.

  • That it was a guy who...

  • Likeability was kind of anathema to David.

  • Even, you know, sort of this...

  • he thinks of it as obsequious and pandering for a character

  • to try and curry favour with the audience with his behaviour.

  • And so we see aspects of this guy's personality

  • that are clearly flawed, and we see him struggling.

  • 'I will practise believing my husband loves me.

  • 'But I could be wrong.'

  • And you think, "God, if I do this part I get to sort of do everything."

  • It's... You know, it's being every aspect of being a woman.

  • You know, you get to express the thing that's alluring

  • and the thing that's repellent and the...

  • You know, you get to create a facade, you get to strip it down.

  • It's... It's... It was... It's really exciting, that.

  • But daunting, absolutely. And also you read the book

  • and you think, when you're inside a character's head,

  • how are we going to express this in this film script?

  • How are we going to make that into action in a scene?

  • Er, and that's the sort of mastery of Gillian Flynn,

  • that's she's done that with her screenplay.

  • Because it's so much easier to understand a character

  • when you inside their mind.

  • Amy? Who are you?

  • A, I'm an award-winning scrimshander.

  • B, I'm a moderately influential warlord. Hmm.

  • C, I write personality quizzes for magazines. OK.

  • Well, your hands are far too delicate for real scrimshaw work,

  • and I happen to be a charter subscriber

  • to Middling Warlord Weekly, so I'd recognise you.

  • I'm going to go with C.

  • And you.

  • Who are you?

  • I'm a huge movie buff, I always have been.

  • My dad's a film professor,

  • so I grew up thinking about movies

  • and talking about movies,

  • and to me, that was thrilling,

  • it was also... It was frightening

  • till David Fincher came aboard.

  • You know, it's a strange book.

  • The tone of it's a little off-kilter sometimes,

  • and it has these strange bursts of humour

  • amid all this kind of darkness,

  • and, you know, I worried, depending on the director,

  • it would have been a very different film than the book was, totally.

  • And then once David came aboard I felt entirely comfortable.

  • She had, uh, decided on...things that really supported this idea

  • of narcissism, and who we sort of narcissistically project

  • as the best version of ourselves in order to...

  • not ensnare, but seduce a mate.

  • And how this drama could be spun out of the resentment

  • that came from one or more of those parties deciding, um...

  • they didn't want to keep it up.

  • We've a nation, very adept at transformations.

  • And we have all the tools. We have, you know,

  • cameras at our fingertips, we're very aware, suddenly, of...

  • Everybody, not just actors and models, are suddenly aware of,

  • you know, their best angles and things,

  • and they're editing their lives to be more enviable,

  • as they present their photos on Facebook, and...

  • um... And what does narcissism mean for relationships and marriage?

  • It means that instead of just being who you are in a selfless way,

  • you're requiring the other person to project the image of yourself

  • that you want to put across. And that is very, very different.

  • And I thought... That's an interesting idea,

  • and it's really well-articulated, and...

  • I could see myself sitting in a theatre watching this story unfold

  • and be, um, entertained with,

  • "I have no idea where this is going next."

  • That's not good enough for you? I hit her?!

  • It's not even close! Absolutely not. I never touched her.

  • I trusted having him around, that was the great thing.

  • You work with a director you don't trust,

  • you have to rely on your own inner barometer.

  • But when you have a guy like David, you just go, like,

  • "Well, tell me what you think. Let's do that."

  • I expected David to be meaner.

  • I expected him to be...

  • cranky and super-focused

  • and a little aggro.

  • And instead, while he demanded excellence and while he...

  • That was the standard, was excellence,

  • so you were really nervous to, um, to have him approve of you...

  • Er, he was a very calming energy. He knows exactly what he wants.

  • Mr Dunne. Mr Collings.

  • I know you! I saw you at the volunteer centre.

  • I wanted to help.

  • Well, I hope you don't mind me coming by.

  • I got address from this letter that you wrote my wife.

  • Amy and I believe in the lost art of letter-writing.

  • I always wondered why you kept in touch.

  • After...

  • everything.

  • She was my first serious girlfriend. Why did you break up?

  • That's a strange question. Did you treat her bad? Did you cheat on her?

  • That's a rude question.

  • 'I don't know how to think like an actor,'

  • so I leave that to them.

  • I feel like their contribution is...

  • of equal importance to mine,

  • of equal importance to the sound recordist's,

  • of equal importance to, um, you know,

  • the people who are booking the orchestra to...

  • You know what I mean? It's like we're all trying to do the best work

  • that we can, and anybody who can help you tell your story

  • your best friend.

  • He forces you to really articulate everything,

  • like what you're trying to do and why it's there,

  • and if he disagrees with you he lets you know,

  • and, um, usually does it in a way that makes you laugh.

  • David's a very charming guy,

  • and so he's sort of like... gutting you,

  • but you're kind of laughing at the same time

  • because the way he explains it, you're kind of like,

  • "That's... Yeah, I guess you're absolutely right."

  • You know, he throws you curveballs.

  • You think you've got the meat of a scene

  • and he'll just come at it from another angle.

  • I mean, there was this time when I was...

  • You know, you see me in one part of the movie

  • and I'm exploring a house I've never been in before,

  • and the camera's on the back of me,

  • and he said, "I can see you're not impressed enough.

  • "I want you to be impressed by that vase."

  • And I thought, "Wow, OK. The camera's on the back of my head..."

  • And... And then you see it.

  • You know, he can see every part of your body language

  • or everything that's reading.

  • So, your wife has no friends here.

  • Is she kind of stand-offish?

  • Ivy League, rubs people the wrong way? She's from New York.

  • She's complicated. She's...

  • got very high standards. Type A?

  • That can make you crazy if you're not like that.

  • You seem pretty laid-back. Type B.

  • Speaking of which, Amy's blood type.

  • I don't know, I'd have to look it up at the house.

  • You don't know if she has friends, you don't know what she does all day

  • and you don't know your wife's blood type? Sure y'all are married?

  • I remember that the feeling of a lot of these scenes

  • was of sort of, um...

  • being under siege. You know, always sort of being

  • overtly or implicitly, you know,

  • accused of something,

  • and feeling like the walls are closing in on you.

  • And I liked that this guy's weapon of choice

  • was sort of how he was raised, just be polite, be nice to people,

  • be ingratiating, and, you know, it becomes sort of absurdist

  • when he's kind of smiling...

  • People are taking your picture, they say smile, you smile,

  • if you're a nice guy.

  • And he sees himself that way,

  • so he's standing in front of this picture, his wife's missing poster,

  • and they're like, "Smile!" and he kind of smiles,

  • Quickly realises maybe that's a mistake,

  • but nonetheless, that kind of charm, to me,

  • is less charming than it is kind of...

  • a kneejerk personality sort of defence mechanism.

  • How was your marriage, Nick? Are you asking me if I killed my wife?

  • 'Man of my dreams.

  • 'This man of mine may kill me.'

  • What about my side? Nick!

  • "This man may kill me." In her own words.

  • This man may truly...kill me.

  • Right now, in the marketplace, in the culture, this is

  • the only movie that's dealing with relationships and marriage

  • in this caustic and incendiary and provocative a way,

  • and so I hope that helps people be interested. It certainly...

  • I mean, this would be special and different because David made it,

  • but also because, you know,

  • you're not likely to see... certainly a full-blown studio movie

  • that takes this attitude towards relationships.

  • You know, I said to David, "Is this film like what you had in your head?"

  • and he said, "Well, no. That's the thing, it can never be,

  • "because you're always, you're dealing with real people,

  • "and you just have to go with

  • "the vision that's becoming, coming to life in front of you."

  • It's not a movie about your life or my life.

  • But it has to be built on a foundation of understanding,

  • and...and so you need the characters to feel...

  • realistic, but they're in service of something that, you know,

  • hopefully no-one has any experience with.

'Everyone told us and told us

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本-阿弗萊克、大衛-芬奇+羅莎蒙德-派克上演《亂世佳人》。 (Ben Affleck, David Fincher + Rosamund Pike on Gone Girl)

  • 152 10
    milanolu6 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary