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  • Ben and I love barbecued pork shoulder.

  • It has a great texture to it, a phenomenal bark,

  • and a nice, smoky finish to it.

  • We really wanted to make here at ChefSteps, but we can't.

  • We can't smoke in the market, because everyone complains.

  • So here's a way around it that we

  • want to show you to make smoky pork shoulder at home.

  • The technique we settled on we think rivals, if not

  • beats, traditional smoked pork shoulder.

  • First, we sous vide to achieve the perfect texture.

  • And then we finish it in a low-temp oven

  • to really develop that dark, unctuous, crispy bark

  • that everyone loves about barbecue.

  • It's super easy.

  • You can do it at home without a smoker.

  • Here's how to do it.

  • The first thing you need to do is make a brine

  • and make a glaze.

  • Our glaze is our good old fallback, molasses,

  • liquid smoke, and amino acid mixture.

  • The brine is a mixture of smoky salt, brown sugar,

  • and liquid smoke.

  • You can then put the pork shoulder

  • in the brine for six to seven days

  • and brine it traditionally, but we

  • like to inject brine to speed things up.

  • So, we'll inject it several places throughout the pork

  • shoulder and then put it back in the brine for 24 to 48 hours

  • to allow that brine to disperse throughout the piece of meat.

  • When the pork shoulder is ready to come out of the brine,

  • we like to add a little bit of nitrate back to the brine.

  • Once it's dissolved into it, we place the pork shoulder back

  • in there for about two hours.

  • That's just going to give you that nice pink ring around it.

  • Totally optional.

  • Doesn't change the flavor.

  • Once it comes out, you're going to glaze it with the house

  • glaze that we have.

  • And then you're going to place it into a sous vide bag

  • and cook it at 60 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.

  • That's going to give you a really nice, succulent texture.

  • One the pork shoulder's finished cooking,

  • remove it from the bag and pad the surface dry.

  • Then brush it a second time with the molasses glaze.

  • This is going to darken up the surface a bit

  • and also make it a little bit more

  • tacky so it's ready for rub.

  • This is our favorite house rub that we make,

  • but you can use any that you prefer.

  • Toss it into a low-temp oven, around 125 Celsius,

  • for 3 to 4 hours, and that's going

  • to develop that thick rich, unctuous

  • bark that everyone loves about barbecue.

  • Once that's finished, you're ready to eat.

  • That's it.

  • That's the best pork shoulder you're ever going to have.

  • Don't make me introduce myself.

  • I hate introducing myself.

  • This is Ben.

  • My name's Nick.

  • And we're going to talk about barbecue.

Ben and I love barbecued pork shoulder.

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無煙薰豬肩 (Smokerless Smoked Pork Shoulder)

  • 54 3
    amber posted on 2021/01/14
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