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  • Today we're going to learn about the famous artist, Vincent van Gogh.

  • Born in 1853, Vincent van Gogh was a 19th century Dutch painter.

  • Dutch is the word for people from the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a small country in Western Europe.

  • When he was a young man, van Gogh traveled to France, England, and Belgium,

  • but near the end of his life he moved to France.

  • Although van Gogh began to draw when he a child, he did not start painting until he was in his late twenties

  • and many of his best paintings were only done in the last two years of his life, before his death at the age of 37.

  • His work is very famous now, but while he was alive most people didn't want his paintings.

  • Vincent van Gogh made over 900 paintings while he was alive, but we only know about one that someone wanted to buy.

  • His first really good paintings were dark and serious.

  • At the time, people were looking for brighter, more colorful art.

  • When he moved to France, van Gogh saw new kinds of art, with new, brighter colors.

  • He liked what he saw so much that he started to paint with brighter colors himself right away.

  • Later, he moved to the south of France, where the sunlight was very strong and bright. The beauty and color of the place he lived

  • inspired him to paint it, and his artwork got even brighter and more colorful - full of new intensity, and also full of emotion.

  • People started to become interested in his new, bright paintings.

  • If he had lived longer, van Gogh might have sold many pieces of art,

  • and could have become a very famous painter, but unfortunately he died in 1890.

  • Vincent van Gogh's distinctive style makes it easy to recognize his paintings. His art was something

  • new, a new way to see the world, and a new way to paint. Because of his paintings, a

  • new form of art, called Expressionism, was invented, and his work still influences artists today.

  • He did not live to see it, but today Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous

  • painters in history. The paintings that no one wanted to buy are now worth millions of

  • dollars; some of the most expensive paintings in the world, and some of the most famous.

  • I hope you enjoyed learning about the famous artist, Vincent van Gogh and seeing some of

  • his beautiful artwork. Goodbye!

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文森特-凡高的兒童傳記。兒童傳記 - FreeSchool (Vincent van Gogh for Children: Biography for Kids - FreeSchool)

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    Jim posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary