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There are a variety of different baseball pitching grips that pitchers can
utilize to throw off hitters' timing. The most common grip that all
position players use and pitchers, commonly, is the four seam fast ball grip.
This grip will throw the baseball in the straightest, fastest fashion.
It's important with all of these grips that pitchers keep the same
arm speed and arm slot as they deliver the pitch so, as not to tip off the
batter as to what pitch is coming.
The second grip that can be used on the baseball is the two seam fast ball
grip as the two fingers are held across the two laces. And this creates a downward, sinking motion.
Thrown from a left-handed pitcher's arm,
the ball will drop down and away from a right-handed batter and vice versa for a right-handed pitcher.
Another pitch that can be thrown is known as the cut fast ball.
The cut fast ball is effective in that's it's a combination of the fast ball and the slider
and that it runs away from the batter. So a right-handed pitcher
like Mariano Rivera, who mastered the cut fast ball, throws pitches that
精通卡特球的 Mariano Rivera ,右投所投出的球會
run away from a right-handed batter and into a left-handed batter as a right-handed pitcher.
The cutter, as it's known, has been Rivera's only pitch his entire career as the greatest relief pitcher of all time.
眾所周知,卡特球是史上最偉大的救援投手 Rivera,整個生涯唯一在投的球種。
Another effective pitch, which more young players should be focusing on, is the change up.
The change up can be thrown with two different grips.
The three finger, or trophy change up, in which three fingers are on top of the
三指變速球或 trophy change up,三隻手指放在球的上方,
baseball and the thumb and the pinkie fingers are attached below the baseball.
And the circle change up, where the player will make an okay symbol
然後是圈指變速球,投手會做出 okay 的手勢,
with his pointer finger and thumb and drape the other three fingers around the baseball.
As with all change ups, it's imperative that pitchers
not slow down their delivery when delivering a change up. Otherwise, the batter will be tipped off.
Another pitch that's an effective pitch to use at higher levels is the
split finger fast ball. The split finger fast ball, which was mastered by Mike Scott in the late 1970s,
那就是快速指叉球, 70 年代末的Mike Scott 精通此球種,
early 1980s, has been used by many players since, including Roger Clemens.
而 80 年代後許多球員也開始使用,包括 Roger Clemens。
The split finger fast ball is held between
the pointer finger and the middle finger, and it is thrown just two to
three miles an hour slower than a fast ball. The batter perceives that it's
只比快速球慢 2 到 3 英里。打者會以為
a fast ball approaching, and then the ball drops right out from under.
And he swings over it quite commonly.
The fork ball is a similar pitch to the split finger fast ball, except that
it's held deeper in the hand. As a result, it goes slower than a split finger fast ball
and it has a tumbling action. The fork ball has been
perfected by a couple of pitchers in history, namely, Jack Morris, in the mid-1980s and early '90s
投得好的投手也不少,像是 80 年中和 90 年初的 Jack Morris
and most recently, Tim Lincecum of the San Francisco Giants.
以及現在舊金山巨人的 Tim Lincecum。
Another pitch that's become very popular is the knuckle ball.
R.A. Dickey of the New York Mets has had a Cy Young-level season by perfecting the knuckle ball.
紐約大都會的 R.A. Dickey 靠著完美的蝴蝶球,投出賽揚等級的賽季,
He has the fastest knuckle ball in history.
The curve ball is a pitch thrown with the two fingers next to each other
along one of the seams on the baseball. This ball will break from nose to
toes or 12 to 6 as hands on a clock. An effective curve ball is thrown with
從上到下或 12 點到 6 點鐘一樣。強而有力的曲球投法,
the fingers leading the way and the back of the hand being thrown towards the catcher.
Dwight "Doc" Gooden was known to throw an excellent nose to toes curve ball.
Dwight 「Doc」 Gooden 也是以優秀的大幅度曲球為名。
And in modern times, Stephen Strasburg of the Washington
現代的話,華盛頓國民的 Stephen Strasburg
Nationals has a very sharp, breaking curve ball.
The slider is another effective which pitchers can use to throw off
hitters' timing. The slider is a combination fast ball and curve ball, and
it's thrown much more like a fast ball. And the pitcher will put his
fingers together against the seam and really focus on that middle finger as he delivers the pitch.
C.C. Sabathia is a modern-day pitcher who throws an effective slider.
C.C. Sabathia 是現代投手中,將滑球投得相當好的人。
Decades ago, Bob Gibson was known for having a wicked slider.
幾十年前,Bob Gibson 以出色的滑球聞名。
And perhaps most famously, David Cone, in July of 1999, threw a
但最有名的可能還是 David Cone,他在 1999 年 7 月
perfect game by throwing a very sharp, nasty slider.