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I had an experience that faith is very important
In the last episode,Da Zhangwei impressed everyone as a teacher of the model
Keep going
Just tell yourself that you can do it
I'm not eating
A battle against food Look how Bear hates that egg
Members enjoyed punishing Bear with all complaints gone
His revenge is coming
Bear's revenge plan starts
Will he have revenge to us
Having experienced so many challenges, members are gradually accustomed to life here
But they don't expect that Bear will have revenge to them so soon
Good morning
I'm Mask Superman
The worst delicacy is waiting for them
as well as the most difficult challenge
I know that she does this every day
but this is my first time to see that
[Bai Jingting]
[Da Zhangwei]
In the forest of Bake Valley,
Bear has set the most difficult challenges for them
Members have to go across the fall and valley with ropes on their own
Only Bear knows how difficult it is
Members will realize that only by trying their best
can they finish this task in such dangerous jungle
But now,they're unaware of that
They're fealess,firm and positive
They choose to go against the current directly to Bake River Fall
When I walked into the water, the current kept pushing me back
I could hardly stand firmly
Such rapid current
It's so cold
And it's hard to keep going
like a jacuzzi
really like a jacuzzi
Its resistance is so strong
Luckily,we had two days' cold shower, which make us accustomed to such coldness
Protect each other
There're two rocks here for supporting
Keep going
I can't swim at all
Da Zhangwei
He keeps saying that I'm not going to force you
but I'll be forced eventually
It's important to rush there
He looks so relaxed
I hate swimming
I don't know if I can do it I couldn't do it that day
What are you talking about
Can you hear that
It's very deep
I can hear you
[Jiang Changjian]
Don't worry If there's a problem,he'll drag us
[Bai Jingting]
[Wu Qian]
You can't touch the ground
[Zhang Danfeng]
Be careful,Xue
I have to forget my injuries and finish the task
I think that's a mental challege for me
Here's a rock Stand on that
[Zhang Junning]
not bad
[Liu Yuxi]
[Xie Tianhua]
Come on
Get down a little more
[Da Zhangwei]
How about walking there directly
No,it's too deep
You can't walk here You have to swim here
The most amazing about this is that it's not about persistence but couragement
You may know this will hurt you or something But you must be brave to go
Then you can overcome it
He can't swim actually
But he smiled when he started to go
At the beginning of this game, he did all those challenges with bad faces
with nervous looks
That's it
You can do it
He was like a balloon
He can swim now
Why did you put your head in the water
Da,why did you do that
Because I can't swim
I used to swim with a swim ring
and a tube for air
So I'm accustomed to putting my face down the water
You lied to us You can swim
compressed cereal bar
I hate to hear food from him
But luckily,it's operational ration
Never give up
Oh no,it's not ration
What's that
Testicles of the bull
It's too big to swallow at once
It's sort of gross for girls to eat that
Is that really a testicle
I only eat one egg,not that one
That's like a package
Too smelly
Not bad
It smells like tea eggs
Thank you
It's liquid inside
It's liquid inside
It's definitely not edible
Eww,I hate to hold this
Let me set an example for them
Don't make the liquid out
That liquid went out
It looked so terrible
It's too disgusting
It tasted like swill
I felt that I could hardly forget that taste for my life
I must vomit it
Come on
It made our mouth smell bad
we may lose endorsement for washing products
If I endorse for a brand of toothpaste which can make your mouth smell good,
people won't believe me because I ate testicles of the bull
It's not convincing
It's an egg
How do you feel
What's that
Is it easy to swallow
Let's share it
It's just an egg
I can't bite it off
Try hard
I couldn't bite it off
It's like a sausage
I tried for so many times
It really tasted like an egg
Danfeng was pretty good
How does it taste
It tastes good
Here you are
Not bad
Too disgusting
Come on,Xue
Salted Duck Egg
Can you
Honestly,we just resisted it mentally
But it may taste really good with some sauces
How do you feel
It tastes like an egg
like duck eggs
That liquid
The liquid sprayed all over my face
That was too terrible
He said that big one could make me a man
I don't think there's something related between being a man and eating testicles
It tastes like duck gizzards
Not bad
But that liquid tastes too bad
I really want to know that whose idea is this
It's too terrible
I'll never eat that again in my life
I'd rather eat some bugs
You go first
Two eating together can be called as sharing the same terrible egg
Sharing the same terrible egg
Yuxi can definitely do it
It's good,isn't it
It may taste good with some sauces
Not bad
Not bad,right?
It tastes good
like duck eggs
We're ready
Mysterious Karst Jungle has been quiet for thousands of years
Now members walk and breathe in the jungle
The jungle is awakening
The rope across Bake River Valley is about 120 meters high and 70 meters wide
Rapid current of Bake River is down the rope
Members will go across the valley by the rope
It must be pretty hard
It's too difficult
It's like acrobatic performance
Too hard
Girls may have good balance
but not good physical strength
The best way is to avoid falling
Because once we fall,we're unlikely to save ourselves like Bear
If I turn over,I'll go across like this
And turn over in the middle of the rope
First pair
Don't ask me
I'll waste too much time
We'll go first
Fighting So nervous
I hope so
I've never tried that before
It was much harder than I had imagined
That distance looked short
but it felt like about 700 meters far when I were on that rope
It's shaking
The rope is shaking fiercely
It's very high
It's so terrifying
When I lost the balance, I told myself not to panic
He's getting tired
Stabilize my body first
and keep my breath in control
Just calm down
What really weird was that the rope calmed down as I had expected
Come on,Laughing Sir It's close
Too exhausted
I'm super great Cool
How much time did he use
9 minutes? So great
Yuxi,come on
There's one advantage for girls that they're lighter
The rope may not shake so fiercely
But the strength of arms and legs is weaker
I couldn't stay stable on the rope
So I thought I might fail
Because I couldn't even start
I'm worried that girls' strength may be unable to make it through these 70 meters
It's really a long distance
It's more difficult for girls
It's no use talking about it
It's really difficult
There's a difference between girls and boys in physical strength
When I tried for the third time, I could keep balance
So I was a little confident then
I was stable on the rope at least
You're super great
You're approaching
Come on,Yuxi
When I heard him calling my name at the end, I felt I was close to victory
So I accelerated
One more move
You're arriving Great
She looks so tired
You're awesome
I felt so grieved I don't know why
She got tears all over her face
I cried for a while hugging Laughing Sir
Now I calm down
When you rushed to me with tears,
Oh my god
When people suffer a lot,
tears can't be held at sight of someone familiar
When she rushed to me, I knew she felt that way
Let's go
We can do it
The next one is Jun? I don't know
It can't be Da Zhangwei
He won't agree to do that
It is Da Zhangwei
Trust yourself
Just stare at the rope
You can do it
Lie down and hold the rope with your hands
Lie down
Da,Jun is watching you behind
Don't give up
Da,lie down
It hurts
He didn't give up Look,he keeps trying
I think his change is that he will try his best to do it
even if it's too difficult for him
At the beginning,he was unwilling to try even if he was capable of it sometimes
But he really endeavors to do it today
This is his biggest change
I've never been so afraid
I felt so
shameful,you know
Da Zhangwei is still trying
I think I will definitely fall
because I can't keep balance
At least you can try to lie down on the rope
I'll hold your legs
You can put your leg on me
Put your strength on me
Use some strength
Straighten up your leg
One more try
We'll help you with this again
Come on
Lie down on the rope
It's glorious even if you fall down
It's pretty good to be brave to start
I gave up twice
So this time I thought I could definitely not give up
definitely not
Move your body forward with your legs
Jun,help him relax the left leg
Release your left leg and feel the balance
Let's see if he can take the first step
If he can take the first step, he may get the balance
In that case,we believe that he can keep going
He must prove it to us that he can do it
Bear and I will hold you, so you won't fall
Release your left leg
Release it
Feel the balance
Release it
Feel the balance
Breathe and concentrate
Release your left leg keep balance
Don't push me
Don't push me
Keep balance first
Don't lay down your right leg
Release your left leg
I'm running out of strength
Stop it
You can't push him It reaches his limit
I'm running out of strength
Don't push me
If others can do it, at least I should try
Even if I can't hold on and fall
But my legs don't listen to me
I told them to move But they just wouldn't listen to me
I can't stand up
I'll hold you
Sit down
There's a rock You can sit down
It doesn't matter You're really great
At least you tried
You're really great
You're super great
At least you tried
Great It doesn't matter
Don't worry
He ran out of his leg strength
This is really difficult for him
His physical strength is not very good
And he's afraid of losing balance
He's more than 30 years old He didn't pretend to be afraid
It was really his limitation
For a man in his thirties, he never hides his fear
For others,I may not be so emotional
But for him,I really know him I know how much he paid for it
He raised his whole family after he became a star at the age of 16
He worries too much
He knows that it may not be so terrifying
But he can't stop to worry about it
He overcomes his fear by joking
You can see that he looks happy every day
I got along with him a lot these days
I knew he was not pretending
For him,it's really his limit
You've tried your best
When I lay down there, I felt completely out of strength
I tried to move forward
I knew I might fall
But it would also be giving up if I fall from the rope
So I kept lying down on the rope
I told myself that I can't give up
I might move one step forward
But I just couldn't
I didn't look at the rope at all
I moved forward by institution
just kept watching somewhere
At that time,I thought about Da's eyes when he walked to me and stared at me that day
That power
Jun,it's very close Come on
Three more steps
Three more steps,come on,Jun
I feel so shameful
The point is that he starts to care about it
He didn't care about it
We pushed him to do it
It was we who told him that he can do it
But now it is he who tells himself that he can do it
It's a totally different attitude
Give me a hug
Come on,give me a hug
No,so shameful
It's not shameful,not at all
You're super great
Little Bai,fighting
You go first or me
I'll go first
You're going down
You shocked me
I'm going down
If I can do it,you can do it Don't worry
To make you confident,I'm going first
I'll try my best
People may anticipate what they will do
When Little Bai was watching, he said that if he falls,
he will go across it
And it happened
It's tangled He should go from the other side
Little Bai,try the right side
The rope is stuck
It's too tough
It's really tough to turn back
I can't hear you
Let him try again
In my heart,he can do almost everything
But I had never expected what happened today
He didn't find the balance
It's a pity
You should give youngsters more chances,right?
I think he can do it He should try again
I was so afraid of heights and balance
I'm the one who's afraid to step on the manhole top
I'm easy to lose conscience when I'm nervous
Too nervous to remember anything
Little Bai will encourage me and tell me to relax if he's beside me
He knows when I'm very nervous
But he wasn't beside me at that time, so I told myself to relax
I focused on the rope within 30 centimeters
I could see every details on the rope
I could only forget what was below me and complete it in this way
Qian,come on
Use your leg strength
One more step
Qian,you're so great
Great,so great
I completed it for Little Bai
Where's Little Bai
I saw their standard postures, but I just couldn't make it
So I totally relied on the balance
I could hardly see the rope or look up
I kept looking down the river to find some reference substance once in a while
I kept finding another reference substance while I was moving
I watched her over there
Her hip was at the left side of the rope
Her body and head were at the right side of the rope
She moved forward with a twisted posture
I was so worried,you know?
She kept that posture on the whole way
Come on
It's close
One more move
Thank you
How's your left hand
Is it okay?
Actually I was under too much pressure
The rope looked thinner when you were on the rope
So it was really difficult to keep balance
I was pretty nervous
And there were two boys having failed before me
It's close One more move
Be careful
Little Bai,fighting
I'll make it
Wait a minute
It's very dangerous with two legs together
He was in a hurry
It's very difficult to regain the position like Bear
Very very hard
Because we can't resist earth gravity
I'm afraid that he may run out of his strength there
He doesn't want to give up, even at this moment
Come on,Little Bai
Come on,Little Bai
Come on,Little Bai
He tried twice but failed
For him,it really upsets him
I think he needs some space alone now
Do you still remember that I was the first to fall down among you at that day
I felt that I made you disappointed
I felt the same way at that day
I thought I did a bad job when everyone made it except me
I heard them shouting my name when I was hanging up there
Come on,Little Bai
I really tried my best to do it But I just couldn't make it
You've been the one without any mistakes and weaknesses among us
You did a great job in other missions
You could do what we were afraid to do
I'm so upset because I've never been hit like this before
That's right
You may be accustomed to it if you resist it like me from the beginning
Come on,smile
This is the disadvantage of boys
Girls can cry to release their emotions But boys can't
I cried so loud at that time
I can't cry at this moment
If I cry,I fail completely
I think Little Bai is very ambitious
He looks gentle, but he's very aggressive and ambitious
He never talks about it, but you can see from his eyes
from his behaviours
He never hesitated at these challenges
I believe that he has a strong sense of self-esteem
Let's see how many times you will fall
We welcome everyone who fell down
I fell once.Little Bai fell once It's your turn
Otherwise,it's shameful for me to be the only one falling down
None of you fell
All of you are great
I don't think I deserve this reward
Because everything has its principles,
I can't take that reward
no matter how hard I tried
I didn't make good use of two opportunities
So I don't deserve that reward
Look at that cover
Wow,the superman has its pants
Why do people like to send you pants
I gave him a pair of pants,too
Why didn't you think about me
Laughing is not good at Chinese
You're bullying him
Won't you kiss this pig
I saw some guts at that day
It smells so bad
It's too stinky
Let's help Laughing Sir together
How to help him
Just cover our noses
Pull them out
You can't tie the shoe laces
It's too terrible
Get away from there, you don't have to do it there
Come out
Don't forget the pig
Carry the pig
One two three
Don't worry about him Go
It's of no smell with mud rubbing on the way
It's time for boys to show yourselves
Slow down
Stay away from me
Should we keep some distance
One two three
This is the hardest punishment
That's a punishment,too
It's not a reward but a punishment
In the next episode,
They'll explore new territory
Wu Qian was hurt by accident
Mr.Jiang behaved weirdly
Extremely terrible environment drove them crazy
The last show is on
On the night of next Friday, Survivor Games of Dragon TV is still on