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  • Elephants. Some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

  • With cognitive abilities rivaling that of other highly intelligent animals such as dolphins and apes

  • elephants are incredibly fascinating. They are highly social and

  • altruistic, meaning that they are greatly concerned with the wellbeing of others.

  • Nothing makes this more clear than the almost human-like grief and sorrow they display at

  • the death of a herd member. Going so far as to covering the deceased with branches, leaves,

  • and dirt while remaining by their side for several days. This altruistic behavior even

  • extends beyond their own species as there are countless documented incidents of elephants

  • attempting to aid wounded people or even mourning deceased humans as one of their own.

  • However, this respectful and intelligent behavior may soon be a thing of the past. For many

  • decades now, illegal poaching and extensive habitat loss has created an increasingly turbulent

  • environment for all of elephant society. So much so that reports of unprovoked and lethal

  • elephant attacks are now commonplace and rapidly increasing all over Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

  • Biologists and other experts believe this abnormal level of aggression to be an

  • unforeseen side-effect caused by humanity's continued mistreatment of the species.

  • You see, much like us humans, young elephants need guidance and time to learn from their

  • elders. Calves need to learn how to behave, how to communicate, what to eat and what not

  • to eat, what's dangerous and what's safe, and the list goes on. I mean, it should go without

  • saying but children need their parents. However, due to illegal poaching, a lot of calves become

  • orphans at an early age and thus their natural development is interrupted. Not only that

  • but because of their intelligence and strong familial bonds, seeing their loved ones being

  • brutally massacred and mutilated right in front of them is about as traumatic as it

  • would be for you and me. These events can significantly impair normal brain development

  • and cause hyperaggression and unpredictable behavior similar to that of people suffering

  • from PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. So not only is humanity slowly driving the

  • species towards extinction, but due to our ruthless means of doing so

  • we may also be responsible for their mental, societal, and intellectual decline in the process.

  • Okay, let's forget about humanity's failures for a second. It's just too depressing. Let's focus

  • on one of nature's failures like the platypus. An animal that would honestly make a lot more

  • sense if it was inspired by Psyduck than the other way around. The platypus is one of the

  • only five remaining species of monotremes. Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs, as opposed

  • to giving live-birth, and are endemic to Australia. It was discovered by European explorers in

  • 1798 and a specimen was later examined by zoologist George Shaw. Its strange appearance

  • and features made Shaw question whether or not this was a hoax. Again, how can you not.

  • It looks like a reversed beaver. He writes in a scientific journal from 1799 that:

  • "Of all the Mammalia yet known it seems the most extraordinary in its conformation; exhibiting

  • the perfect resemblance of the beak of a Duck engrafted on the head of a quadruped."

  • He also writes "it naturally excites the idea of some deceptive preparation by artificial means".

  • So in more modern terms, was this just another social experiment by some 18th

  • century YouTube prankster or could the specimen truly be that of a real creature? Evidence

  • for its existence and its supposed egg-laying capabilities remained highly debated topics

  • for almost a century. Of course, we now know that this Scrooge-McDuck-looking Pokémon-template

  • of an animal is more real than your hopes and dreams.

  • How do you tell a lion from a lioness? No, no, no.. besides looking at their genitals. Most would

  • argue that the easiest way to tell them apart is that a male lion has a mane while the females

  • do not. However, this isn't always true. Multiple maned lionesses and maneless lions have been

  • observed in select regions across Africa. Experts believe increased and decreased levels

  • of testosterone to be the cause and in the case of maned lionesses it may prove to be

  • quite advantageous. You see, a lion pride consists of multiple adult females, cubs,

  • and a small number of adult males. The amount of males in a pride is directly proportional

  • to how threatening that pride will seem to outsiders. So if the maned lionesses are perceived

  • as males they may actually boost the pride's overall threat.

  • It's a perfect example of how random genetic mutations can cause a species to change and evolve over time.

  • This is a rare sight. A fully functional parliament. As strange as it may seem, a parliament is

  • the collective noun for a group of owls. Besides having a permanent "How the hell did I get here?"

  • facial expression, owls also have a knack for necks. All 200+ owl species can

  • rotate their necks and heads up to 270° which makes humans and owls the only two species

  • capable of doing this. The only difference is that when humans do it, we die. Owls are

  • able to survive such extreme neck twisting as they have 14 cervical vertebrae while many

  • other vertebrates have a lot fewer. For example, we humans only have a laughable seven.

  • Like many other nocturnal species, owls do not have eyeballs instead they have eyetubes.

  • This peculiar shape allows for exceptional night vision. However as the eyes are non-spherical

  • they are completely fixed in their sockets which is why owls need such flexible necks.

  • If you live to be 90 years old you will be older than people who have yet to reach or surpass that age,

  • you will also have spent 32 of those years asleep.

  • Instead of dreaming about your dreams, that's 32 years you could've spent awake, not achieving your dreams.

  • But if you're a dolphin or a duck sleep isn't half as wasteful. A few select

  • aquatic and avian species has developed what's known as unihemispheric sleep. Which is the

  • ability to sleep with one half of the brain while the other half remains awake. This ability

  • can be quite beneficial for different reasons. In the case of unihemispheric sleep capable

  • birds, such as chickens and ducks, they literally sleep with one eye open. This allows them

  • to constantly keep an eye out for potential predators and it's 100% adorable. On the other

  • hand various aquatic animals, such as dolphins, aquaman, and whales, use this ability to surface for

  • air even when they are half-asleep. It's been widely scientifically unproven that if humans had this

  • ability, we would spend this extra time speculating over what we would do if we had more time.

  • When ants sporadically roam about in search for food they can travel as far as 200 meters

  • from their nest. To avoid getting lost most ant species leave scent trails and can thus

  • smell their way back home. They can also keep track of directions using the position of

  • the sun and by combining this information, they can work out the shortest path back to

  • the nest. But in certain environments, this method of navigation is not an option. Such

  • is the case for the desert ant. The featureless landscape along with the windy conditions

  • of the Saharan desert completely negates the use of scent trails. Instead, they've learned

  • to count the number of steps they take to keep track of travel distance. A sort

  • of internal pedometer. You may be wondering, how could we possibly know this? Well, a team

  • of researchers observed as a group of ants slowly made their way towards a piece of food.

  • Once they arrived the ants where collected and experimented upon. 25 of the ants received

  • stilts and another 25 had their legs shortened. As the ants made their way back home something

  • interesting was observed. The stilt-legged ants overshot the nest by more than 50%

  • while the amputated ants undershot the nest by nearly as much. In other words, they must

  • be using an internal step-counter to keep track of travel distance.

  • Male humpback whales can spend more than 24 hours continuously repeating the same 10-20

  • minute song. So what you're listening to may be one of the hottest mixtapes to hit the blue market.

  • Either that or Chewbacca is in dire need of help.

  • The purpose behind these extensive musical performances largely remains a mystery.

  • Researchers believe it could be to attract females, to challenge other males, or a form of echolocation.

  • Or perhaps, and I may be going out on a fin here, perhaps they just love to sing, right?

  • It wasn't part of any of the scientific articles I could find but surely it's a possibility

  • worth considering at least? The ocean is a pretty big place. Maybe this is how they pass

  • the time. I mean we sing in the shower just to pass the time and whales live in the shower so...

  • I don't know, I feel like they jumped the whale on this one. Like they avoided the

  • whale in the room. I guess now, the whale is out of the bag.. Okay I'm sorry...

  • What we do know is that these songs often spread amongst humpback whale society much the same

  • way the latest pop-music can spread across the globe in our human society. It begins with a localized

  • population of whales producing a unique string of melodies and after roughly two years time,

  • the song has moved between numerous whale populations across the pacific. And the songs

  • are often heavily remixed along the way. Each year, a new viral hit

  • takes form and the underwater music industry continues to thrive.

  • Ah, the very face of freedom itself. Few things can better symbolize American patriotism than

  • the bald eagle. As the national animal of the United States of America this bird has

  • become known as an American symbol and it has an equally iconic sound.

  • The problem is, this is not the sound of a bald eagle. Credit should instead go to another North-American

  • bird known as the red-tailed hawk. Whenever a bald eagle made an appearance in the early

  • days of television it was often dubbed over with the powerful scream of the red-tailed hawk as it has a

  • rather unimpressive screech of its own. This is what the bald eagle unfortunately sounds like.

  • Bees are capable of flapping their tiny wings with an astonishing speed. Their wing-beat

  • frequency has been recorded at 230 flaps per second. It's so fast that the flapping generates

  • a positive electrical charge. And they can actually use this ability to their advantage

  • as the pollen they collect from flowers is normally negatively charged and will thus

  • be electro statically attracted to the bee. Furthermore, it was recently discovered that

  • bees can actually detect the presence of floral electrical fields. What this means is that

  • bees can fly over a meadow and quickly determine if a flower has already been visited or not

  • depending on the electrical charge of the flower.

  • Sloths. The traffic jams of the animal kingdom. Natures response to slow motion photography.

  • Actually why is this shot filmed in slow motion? Did I just spend $50 on stock footage that

  • looks like a sloth PowerPoint presentation? Oh don't blink, or you might miss nothing.

  • Nothing is happening. The idleness of sloths is how they conserve energy. The reason they

  • need to conserve energy is due to their folivorous diet, which means they mostly eat leaves.

  • These leaves provide very little energy and nutrients, and take up to a month to digest

  • completely. In fact, when this guy is satisfied roughly 2/3 of his body weight consists of

  • leaves. Almost anything else would be less of a struggle to consume. You live in the

  • god damn jungle with tasty fruit and insects all around yet semi-edible leaves is your

  • food of choice. Truly the face of brilliance. About once a week, the sloth descends from

  • above for a quick toilet break. And by quick I mean slow. It climbs down, digs a hole in

  • the ground, defecates, covers the hole with leaves, and climbs back up to safety.

  • Now you may be wondering why would they not just simply hang from a tree branch and let gravity do

  • the rest? Well you're not alone as no one truly knowns. Perhaps it's to fertilize their

  • favorite tree, to prevent the brown from making sounds as it falls to the ground, or maybe,

  • and this is my personal theory, they're just a bit slow.

  • And this defecation ritual is truly bizarre as more than half

  • of all sloth deaths occurs when they climb down to poop. They are slowly pooping their

  • way to extinction. Speaking of poop, they also like to eat it. No, not their own. That

  • would be disgusting. Only the most pungent of stenches oozing from an overflowing human

  • latrine can drive them down from the tree tops. In it, they will bathe and fill their

  • stomachs to the brim with human waste. The majesty of the sloth is truly unrivaled.

Elephants. Some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

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10大事實 - 動物 (Top 10 Facts - Animals)

  • 113 13
    Celine Liu posted on 2021/01/14
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