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  • Now we're going to learn how to use the six deflections against an attack. Continuing

  • the series on Wing-Chun blocks, we're going to go through some basic blocks. So we have

  • Wu-sau. We showed you before the basic move. wu-sau is deflecting the person with the wrist

  • pushing forward like this. As he's punching, I'm deflecting with wu-sau across the wrist.

  • I can do it on the outside, this is called the outside of the person, outside gate, or

  • the inside gates, wu-sau across here. So this will be wu-sau on the outside, this would

  • be wu-sau on the inside. I can do it against the other arm, wu-sau on the inside, and then

  • he punches here, wu-sau on the outside. Or I can combine them; wu-sau on the outside

  • here, wu-sau on the outside here. Okay, that's the basic blocks for wu-sau. Next one we're

  • going to go through after wu-sau, we have pak-sau. Pak-sau if he punches here, I can

  • pak-sau, which is a slap block on the inside. I can pak-sau on the outside. All these blocks

  • when you deflect, you're going to also hit at the same time you deflect. So if he punches

  • here, as I delfect I go to hit. If I do it the same thing on the inside, I can deflect

  • and hit from here. I could also pak-sau the back arm, and hit from here. Or I could pak-sau

  • the back arm this way, come across. So, pak-sau is a slap block, slapping the person away

  • with the hand. Okay, you can use the left side here, or you can use the right side.

  • You can use both both of them. So we have wu-sau, pak-sau, tong-sau. Tong-sau, the palm

  • is up, tong-sau means palm-up block. The palm is up deflecting the punch away; that can

  • be on the outside, or it can also be on the inside deflecting the punch away this way.

  • Same thing. So if he punches with this hand, I can tong-sau on this side, or I can tong-sau

  • on the outside here. So you have wu-sau, pak-sau, tong-sau. Jum-sau. Jum-sau is like wu-sau;

  • pushing forward with the wrist, but it sinks down. So if he's punching more chest level,

  • I would jum-sau, push down the wrist to deflect and punch. If he punches with this arm, same

  • thing, I jum-sau, push down the wrist and punch. So you have wu-sau, pak-sau, tong-sau,

  • jum-sau, bong-sau. Bong-sau. Bong-sau is the next one. Bong-sau as he's punching here,

  • I'm deflecting with the arm; Bong-sau means "Wings of Crane", deflects with the arm the

  • back arm is up. Wing-Chun style is a combination of Snake and Crane styles. This would be the

  • wing arm. And then I can go into a strike. Or, I can bong-sau this arm if he punches

  • from here, I can bong-sau on the inside this way. So bong-sau is deflecting the back arm

  • is up in a wu-sau position deflecting. So again the back arm he punches here, I bong-sau

  • across here; he punches here, I can bong-sau this way as well with the back arm. Lop-sau.

  • Lop-sau is a grab. When he's punching here I make a circular motion like this, not passing

  • my shoulder, palm is facing him; I grab the arm, and that can go into a lop-sau grab.

  • So on the outside, block the arm here. Same thing if he punches here. He throws a punch,

  • I lop-sau on the inside. I can do that with both arms. He punches with this arm, I can

  • lop and hit him here. He punches with this arm again, I can lop and hit him here. So

  • those are some of the basic blocks: You have wu-sau, pak, tong, jum, bong, lop. The next

  • section we're going to go through combining the blocks with kicks.

Now we're going to learn how to use the six deflections against an attack. Continuing

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詠春拳初學者詠春磚的使用 (Beginning Wing Tsun Techniques : Using Wing Tsun Blocks)

  • 45 3
    白玉柱 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary