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Welcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardon and today we're making a Coke bottle cake.
There have been lots of these floating around on the internet so, as always, I tried to
track down the original creator. The person who did it first to give them credit and the
earliest one I could find was Margaret, a blogger who did a photo tutorial in Italian
in September 2015 and I'll link to her blog post below.
To make my Coke flavoured version you'll need a 2 litre bottle of cola and mark where the
drink comes up to on the bottle there. And now to make the Coke jelly layer.
You'll need some gelatin and some Coke. And just tip some of the Coke into the gelatin
and I'll put all the recipe quantities for you on the website and I'll
link to that below. Stir that around and leave it to soften and
then once it's thickened like this, we need to microwave that for about 30 seconds to
melt it. If you're vegetarian you can use agar for this instead of gelatin.
Add the rest of the Coke and stir it really well, then let those bubble subside and pour
it into a tray lined with plastic wrap. We want to leave that in the fridge to set.
Next take some chocolate and some sherbet so that we can make our fizzy discs. Melt
the chocolate, you don't need to temper this because we want it to be a bit soft and mix
in the sherbet. Now sherbet is powder that is fizzy in your mouth and if you live somewhere
that doesn't sell it, I'll put a simple recipe for it on the website.
Once that is mixed through, squash it flat between two sheets of baking paper so that
it's really thin. Once it's starting to set, cut circles a bit smaller than the Coke bottle
size. Next for the Coke cream. Pour 500ml of Coke
into a saucepan and heat it over high heat until the water evaporates off and you're
only left with about 50ml. Leave that to cool and then we can add it
to the cream. Now you do need to make sure this syrup is compelely cool or it will melt
your cream. Whip them together until you get soft peaks
like this. For the cake part I'm going to be using one round chocolate cake and one
round sponge cake. And you can make them using the recipe I'll
put on the blog post or you can buy them. Cut each cake into two even layers and then
use a circle cutter to cut two circles from each layer so that you end up with 4 circles
of chocolate cake and 4 circles of sponge cake.
Now take the Coke bottle and carefully remove the label, we're going to use this later so
don't rip it. Just take it off super carefully and hang onto it.
Then take a knife and in the middle of where the label was cut the bottle in half. Now
it doesn't have to be super neat but you do obviously need to end where you started so
that you end up with two halves of the bottle. Turn the top side upside down and fill it
with tempered white chocolate, up to the line that we just drew. Leave that for a minute
and then tip it upside down to pour out the unset chocolate so you end up with a nice
lining of chocolate there. And then just straighten up the line using a spatula and let that set.
Pour in some tempered dark chocolate into the base of the Coke bottle and turn it and
spin it until it covers all of the sides. And then tip the extra chocolate into the
top half and do the same with that one, turning it until it's completely covered. And then
place them both upside down to set. To the base add some Coke cream, a layer of
sponge-cake, more cream, chocolate cake, then a layer of fizzy chocolate, then add a circle
of Coke jelly and more cream and continue to layer it up in this way right up to the
top. Place the top half in a glass to help it balance
and layer it up in the same way as we did for the base.
Now I have lots of you telling me every week in the comments that you are the biggest HowToCookThat
fan ever and one lovely girl has even made a HowToCookThat quilt cover for her bedroom.
So finally I said yes to one of the companies that keep emailing me wanting to do HowToCookThat
T-shirts for me. But here's what I want to know is what do you want on them. Do you want
a HowToCookThat logo, do you want Make It A Great Week? Do Giant Things? Let me know
what you think, I'll set up a poll and link to that below so that you can have what you
want on the T-Shirts. Now we need to get the plastic off our cake,
so take a knife and cut down that thin plastic, pulling it away from the cake as you cut so
you don't cut the chocolate. Rip off the think part of the plastic then
turn it the right way up and put it on some paper. Remove the lid and push down on the
white chocolate so you can take off that top hard part of the bottle.
Repeat that for the base, cutting down the plastic all the way to the base to remove
it. Stand the base upright and add chocolate around the cut in the middle there and then
place the top onto it. Support the cake inside of the top as you
flip it over so it doesn't fall out. Arrange it so the bottle is straight and then
use a knife to smooth out the chocolate and fill in any gaps. And this area will be covered
by the label but we still need to make it as smooth as we can so that label will sit
flat. Add the label back around the centre, then
take a strip of red fondant and wrap it around the top of the bottle. Now you could just
put the lid on but it looks a bit unusual, it doesn't quite look how I wanted it to.
Then use a knife to draw a line around for the piece of plastic that sits just under
the lid. Add a circle to the top and then use something flat to make indents around
the lid. Use a hot knife to cut through the chocolate
and take a slice of the layered Coke cake. Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe
to HowToCookThat for more cakes, chocolates and desserts.
Click here for last week's Easter Egg video, here for the recipe and here for more of my
cake videos. Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.