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  • Like many heroes of Greek myths,


  • the philosopher Hippasus was rumored to have been mortally punished by the gods.

    哲學家 希帕索斯 謠傳被眾神處死,

  • But what was his crime?


  • Did he murder guests,


  • or disrupt a sacred ritual?


  • No, Hippasus's transgression was a mathematical proof:

    不是!希帕索斯的罪行 是一個數學的驗證:

  • the discovery of irrational numbers.


  • Hippasus belonged to a group called the Pythagorean mathematicians

    希帕索斯屬於一群 稱為「畢達哥拉斯學派」的數學家,

  • who had a religious reverence for numbers.


  • Their dictum of, "All is number,"


  • suggested that numbers were the building blocks of the Universe


  • and part of this belief was that everything from cosmology and metaphysics

    這信仰的一部分是 萬物從宇宙學與形上學

  • to music and morals followed eternal rules

    到音樂與倫理道德都遵循 可描寫成 ‘數字比例’ 的永恆規則 。

  • describable as ratios of numbers.


  • Thus, any number could be written as such a ratio.

    5 寫成 5/1,

  • 5 as 5/1,

    0.5 寫成 1/2,

  • 0.5 as 1/2


  • and so on.

    甚至像這個無限延伸的小數 也能以 34/45 來表示。

  • Even an infinitely extending decimal like this could be expressed exactly as 34/45.

    現在我們稱這些為 有理數 (rational numbers)。

  • All of these are what we now call rational numbers.

    但 希帕索斯 發現一個數字, 它違反這個和諧的規則,

  • But Hippasus found one number that violated this harmonious rule,


  • one that was not supposed to exist.


  • The problem began with a simple shape,

    一個正方形其每邊長為 1 單位。

  • a square with each side measuring one unit.

    根據勾股定理(Pythagorean theorem),

  • According to Pythagoras Theorem,

    對角線長度等於 √2 ,

  • the diagonal length would be square root of two,

    不管怎樣努力,希帕索斯 無法用兩個整數的比例來表示 √2 ,

  • but try as he might, Hippasus could not express this as a ratio of two integers.

    他不放棄, 決定去證明它無法以比例表示。

  • And instead of giving up, he decided to prove it couldn't be done.

    希帕索斯 首先假設 畢達哥拉斯的世界觀是正確的,

  • Hippasus began by assuming that the Pythagorean worldview was true,

    就是 √2 可用兩個整數的比例來表示,

  • that root 2 could be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

    他將這兩個假設的整數 命名為 p 及 q 。

  • He labeled these hypothetical integers p and q.


  • Assuming the ratio was reduced to its simplest form,

    P 和 q 之間沒有任何共同因子,

  • p and q could not have any common factors.

    欲證明 √2 不是有理數,

  • To prove that root 2 was not rational,

    希帕索斯 只要去證明 p/q 不可能存在。

  • Hippasus just had to prove that p/q cannot exist.

    所以他在方程式的兩邊都乘上 q,

  • So he multiplied both sides of the equation by q


  • and squared both sides.


  • which gave him this equation.

    任何數字乘上 2 都會變成偶數,

  • Multiplying any number by 2 results in an even number,

    所以 p^2 必定是偶數,

  • so p^2 had to be even.

    若 p 為奇數,那不可能是對的,

  • That couldn't be true if p was odd


  • because an odd number times itself is always odd,

    所以 p 也是偶數,

  • so p was even as well.

    因此,p 可以 2a 表示,a 是一個整數。

  • Thus, p could be expressed as 2a, where a is an integer.


  • Substituting this into the equation and simplifying

    得到 q^2 = 2a^2

  • gave q^2 = 2a^2

    再次,2 乘上任何數字會變成偶數,

  • Once again, two times any number produces an even number,

    所以 q^2 一定是偶數,

  • so q^2 must have been even,

    而 q 一定也是偶數,

  • and q must have been even as well,

    如此使得 p 和 q 都是偶數。

  • making both p and q even.

    但如果這是正確的, 那它們之間會有 2 的共同因子,

  • But if that was true, then they had a common factor of two,


  • which contradicted the initial statement,

    這就是希帕索斯推斷 這種比例不存在的方法,

  • and that's how Hippasus concluded that no such ratio exists.

    就是所謂的反證法 (Proof by contradiction)。

  • That's called a proof by contradiction,


  • and according to the legend,


  • the gods did not appreciate being contradicted.

    有趣的是,雖然我們無法 用整數的比例來表示無理數,

  • Interestingly, even though we can't express irrational numbers


  • as ratios of integers,

    以 √2 為例,

  • it is possible to precisely plot some of them on the number line.

    我們只須畫一個直角三角形, 其兩邊長各為 1 單位,

  • Take root 2.

    其斜邊長則為 √2 , 可延伸畫在數軸上,

  • All we need to do is form a right triangle with two sides each measuring one unit.


  • The hypotenuse has a length of root 2, which can be extended along the line.

    底為那個斜邊長 √2,高為 1 單位,

  • We can then form another right triangle

    所成斜邊就等於 √3 ,

  • with a base of that length and a one unit height,


  • and its hypotenuse would equal root three,

    這裡的關鍵是 小數和比例是唯一表示數字的方法,

  • which can be extended along the line, as well.

    而 √2 只是兩邊長度為 1 的 直角三角形之斜邊。

  • The key here is that decimals and ratios are only ways to express numbers.

    同樣地,著名的無理數 π (pi)

  • Root 2 simply is the hypotenuse of a right triangle


  • with sides of a length one.


  • Similarly, the famous irrational number pi

    近似值例如 22/7

  • is always equal to exactly what it represents,

    或 355/113 都不能準確地等於 π 。

  • the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

    我們永遠不會知道 希帕索斯到底發生什麼事,

  • Approximations like 22/7,

    但我們確實知道 他的發現徹底改變了數學。

  • or 355/113 will never precisely equal pi.

    所以不管神話是怎麼說, 不要畏懼探索不可能的事物。

  • We'll never know what really happened to Hippasus,

    翻譯:Helen Lin

  • but what we do know is that his discovery revolutionized mathematics.

  • So whatever the myths may say, don't be afraid to explore the impossible.

Like many heroes of Greek myths,


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