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♫ [Sorry, Bieber isn't here]
♫ This song's the shit ♫
♫ It made grown men admit that they're fans of me ♫
– That's pretty good. – Catchy.
♫ All of my R's sound like V's for some reason, regrettably ♫
♫ Referee ♫ [sings: "Vefervee"]
♫ These girls dance so jerky, they look like they're hurting their hips and knees ♫
♫ Stole their clothes from "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" ♫
You did not just take my clothes!
♫ I'm running late, so these skanky young ladies will twerk for you ♫
Who are you calling skanky?!
♫ Did I just said "skanky"? I meant to say "swanky and super cute" ♫
That's better!
♫ Why are they dancing like they all need to use the ladies' room? ♫
♫ Buzz me up, I'm downstairs, in the lobby ♫
– What? You're breaking up. – We can't hear you, bye!
♫ It's not like me to be this tardy ♫
♫ Now I'm gonna miss the butt-slapping party ♫
I can hear it!
♫ I wonder why they're dancing so wobbly ♫
♫ Oh, I bet it's because I gave them all crabs ♫
♫ They're trying to shake them out of their pants ♫
♫ Ooh, wee, ooh, wee, ooh Ooh, wee, ooh, wee, itchy ♫
♫ Pintchy, pintchy, pintch Pintchy, pintchy, pinchy ♫
♫ Yeah, I know I gave you all STD's, but can we keep this between us, please? ♫
♫ Those girls got mad and knocked me on the head And left me for dead ♫
♫ I'm buried alive while they're in my spotlight ♫
– ♫ Doing the stanky leg ♫ – Stank, stank!
♫ Argo, yugo... Yugo was a cheap car, Argo was a film ♫
– What? – ♫ I'm losing air, what I said there was utter nonsense ♫
♫ I just remembered I know karate ♫
♫ Focus, Bieber-san. ♫
♫ I'll do the coffin punch that you taught me ♫
♫ Choppy, chop, chop, choppty, chop! ♫
♫ Good thing I have so many hobbies ♫
♫ Now the coffin's cracking, I'm almost out ♫
♫ I think a worm just fell in my mouth ♫
♫ You beat me up like I was paparazzi ♫
♫ What is he?! ♫
♫ OMG, he's a Bieber zombie! ♫
– ♫ Shoot him in the head! ♫ – ♫ He's dead, but he's still kind of a hottie! ♫
♫ Just one thing before you blow my brains out: Is it to late to say sorry now? ♫
– ♫ Um, I guess not ♫ – ♫ Then, I'm sorry ♫
♫ Oh, that makes everything better! ♫
– ♫ Zombies are hot! ♫ – ♫ He can bite me! ♫
♫ I can score with dancers, models and MILFs Even when I'm covered in filth ♫
♫ We love you, Zombieber! ♫ – Bieber, zombie, Bieber!
♫ [The Key of Awesome theme song] ♫
Hey, everybody, thanks for watching The Key of Awesome #104!
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Yes, subscribe! I haven't asked people to do that in a while...
What else should I promote, I can't really think of anything...
Oh I know, "Cat Hospital"!!!
I'm never gonna stop talking about "Cat Hospital"!
Watch it!