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- I feel like a kid
who wasn't prepared for the pop quiz.
- ^ I don't know much about makeup in general.
- ^ But do you know what these things are on my face?
- ^ I for sure know that there's some lipstick going on.
- ^ I have taken Steve to Sephora,
and I love it and I could spend hours in there.
- ^ Oh, she loves Sephora!
- ^ We do go to Sephora together sometimes.
- ^ Yeah, no, I black out.
- My makeup sits next to the sink
where he washed his face every morning.
- Every morning.
- Your actually makeup?
I see it on your face.
I've never seen it in a heap.
- I know what the end result looks like.
- I do have some very clear objects in the makeup bag
that should be a give away.
- If you don't get, it's okay
You know I don't mind.
- Well, I know that
because I've failed every single BuzzFeed competition ever.
- I was gonna rely pretty heavily on the bag itself.
Because I definitely know Safiya has a pink bag
that she puts her makeup in.
- There's so many
different things in each of these bags,
you guys really stuffed it in there.
- ^ I'm hoping for the silver lining to be
there's just one piece of makeup
that isn't in any of the other bags
that I've seen before.
- This is a tattoo liner, liquid eyeliner.
Okay, so Saf uses eye liner,
I mean, that's a possibility.
- We got some Sephora, uh oh, uh oh!
- It all smells like Sharpie.
- I've definitely seen Saf
doing the dab thing on her face before with this guy.
- Now, I know Freddie likes color,
but she's very specific with her colors.
- Yeah, no, I don't think Saf would wear that.
This looks more like nail polish.
- I don't know, it all looks familiar.
All right, maybe I'll get some more luck with this.
- There's a lot of skinnier items in here.
- Jen doesn't strike me as
someone who would take the time
to use primer water.
- It's got a little mirror in here.
How's it going?
- No, this is, this is not Jen.
- Perfect brow pencils for the brows.
She likes her brows.
I know she wants to cut my brows.
- We've got a little bit of the smoking gun right here.
She's talked really highly of this
metal matte lipstick from Kylie.
- This is our number one contender right now.
- Okay, this one currently is my frontrunner.
- It's instinctual.
I don't know.
I'm repelled by this one.
- See all of this.
All of this stuff.
May as well all be the same to me.
- Oh, hello.
- I don't know what this is, Urban Decay, heavy metal.
I'm gonna say this might be Freddie's.
I'm just gonna throw that out there.
- All right, uh oh.
There's hair sticking out of it,
which I deduce that based on the fact that
your hair is all over the place,
this could be a clear indicator.
- This is for sure her brand,
I don't know if this is hers specifically.
- Uh oh.
I haven't seen a photo finish at any point
in our bathroom.
Maybe this is not the one.
- You know what, there's no Kylie Jenner in this one.
Now that there's a Kylie Jenner played,
I don't know if I really can.
I don't wanna be wasting anyone's time here.
I think I would've seen this guy,
to be honest.
It's a little bit of a brighter color,
it looks like a clown nose.
- We got this bad boy.
Oh I touched it, oh no.
I'm sorry to whoever's bag this is.
- So this is a little bit worrisome.
This is a ColourPop.
Again, I've just heard the word ColourPop.
- Woah.
This is called better than sex mascara.
- Oh, shit.
So I feel like there's games being played right now.
This is a Kylie Jenner lip kit,
and this is a metallic one.
- Is this Kylie, like Kylie Jenner?
I feel like Jen doesn't have this.
- Like bronzy, poppin lipstick.
Okay, that was the same as the bag
that was heavy, number one contender.
So this is throwing me off a little bit.
- No, this is not Jen's.
The color scheme across the board,
I feel like this is a lot of tans.
- I think I'm ready to make my decision.
- All right, it's between these two.
- ^ It all comes down to these two.
Kylie Jenner in both.
ColourPop in both.
- The eye things are kinda throwing me for a loop.
- My gut says this one,
but what does my heart say?
- Can I just go head and pick one?
- That's my opinion, is that this is your bag.
What do you think?
- How confident are you?
- I'm 100%.
- ^ You're right!
- ^ Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Woo!
- ^ You got it right!
- ^ Aye!
That's great!
- ^ He nailed it.
This is my bag.
But what I thought Steve would get,
is that he bought me this glitter eye liner.
- When did I buy you that?
- In Vegas!
When he was drunk.
- So it's these things that
that gave it away?
The funny thing is,
I just got these two,
and I have not worn these around you ever before.
- That's great.
- I was so impressed by how much attention you pay
to the stuff that I like.
- Well you like this stuff,
its meaningful to you.
- I'm proud of you, Steve.
- I'm so proud of you.
Because honestly, that was really hard.
- ^ What video game are you playing right now?
- ^ I'm playing that Batman one.
- ^ There you go.
See look, you pay attention to stuff I'm doing, too.
- Arkham City.
- ^ Arkham City, that is what I'm playing, it's a good game.