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  • Hi there my name’s John Green; this is Crash Course: World History and today were going

  • to talk about Jesus.

  • This is a Roman coin from around the time Jesus was born in the Roman Empire, and it

  • calls Augustus, the emperor, the son of God.

  • So let’s just state at the outset that in 4 BCE, being the son of God, or at least being

  • the son of a god was not such an unusual thing. But a poor Jew being the son of God

  • that was news.

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • Any understanding of Christianity has to start with Judaism, because Jesus was born a Jew,

  • and he grew up in the Jewish tradition.

  • He was one of many teachers spreading his ideas in the Roman province of Judea at the

  • time, and he was part of a messianic tradition that helps us understand why he was thought

  • of not only teacher but something much, much more.

  • Let’s go straight to the Thought Bubble today.

  • The people who would become the Jews, were just one of many tribal peoples eeking out

  • an existence in that not-very fertile crescent world of Mesopotamia after the agricultural

  • revolution.

  • The Hebrews initially worshipped many gods, making sacrifices to them in order to bring

  • good weather and good fortune.

  • But they eventually developed a religion centered around an idea that would become key to the

  • other great western religions. This was monotheism, the idea that there is only one true god

  • (or at least that if there are other gods around, they are total lameoids).

  • The Hebrews developed a second concept that is key to their religion as well: the idea

  • of the covenant, a deal with God.

  • The main man in this, the big macher was Abraham.

  • Not to make this too much of a scripture lesson, but it’s kind of hard to understand the

  • Jews without understanding Abraham, or Abram as he was known before he had his big conversation

  • with God, recorded in Genesis 17:

  • When Abram was ninety years and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him,

  • "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."

  • And I’m a make a covenant with you and a bunch of cool things will happen like youre

  • gonna have kids and your descendants will number the stars and you can have

  • all the land of Canaan forever, it’s gonna be awesome.

  • I’m paraphrasing by the way, Thought Bubble. So God promised that Abram would have kids

  • with his wife even though the dude was already like 99, but there was a catch:

  • This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;

  • Every man child among you shall be circumcised.

  • Keep it PG-13, Thought Bubble.

  • Now that is asking a lot from a guy, especially a 99 year old geezer like Abram living in

  • a time before general anesthesia.

  • But those were the terms of the deal, and in exchange God had chosen Abraham and his

  • descendants to be a great nation. From this we get the expression that the Jews are the

  • Chosen people.

  • Thanks for keeping it clean, Thought Bubble. So, some important things about this god:

  • 1. Singularity. Heand I’m using the masculine pronoun because that’s what Hebrew prayers

  • usedoes not want you to put any gods before Him. He is also transcendent, having always

  • existed and he is deeply personalhe chats with prophets, sends locusts, etc.

  • But he doesn’t take corporeal form like the Greek and Roman Gods do. He is also involved

  • in history, like he will destroy cities, and bring floods, and determine the outcomes of

  • wars, and possibly football games. Stan, no! FOOTBALL games!

  • Probably most important to us today, and certainly most important to Jesus, this god demands

  • moral righteousness and social justice.

  • So, this is the god of the Hebrews, Yahweh, and despite many ups and downs, the Jewish

  • people have stuck with him for- according to the Hebrew calendar, at least- over 5700

  • years.

  • And he has stuck by them too, despite the Jews being, on occasion, something of a disappointment

  • to him, which leads to various miseries, and also to a tradition of prophets who speak

  • for God and warn the people to get back on the right path lest there be more miseries.

  • Which brings us back to our friends, the Romans. By the time that Jesus was born, the land

  • of the Israelites had been absorbed into the Roman Empire as the province of Judea.

  • At the time of Jesusbirth, Judea was under the control of Herod the Great, best known

  • for building the massive temple in Jerusalem, that the Romans would later destroy.

  • And by the time Jesus died, an expanded Judea was under the rule of Herod Antipater.

  • Also, unhelpfully, known as Herod.

  • Both Herods ultimately took their orders from the Romans, and they both show up on the list

  • of rulers who are oppressive to the Jews, partly because there’s never that much religious

  • freedom in an empire. Unless you are, wait for it...

  • The Mongols

  • or the Persians.

  • Also, they were Hellenizers, bringing in Greek theater and architecture, and rationalism.

  • And in response to those Hellenistic influences, there were a lot of preachers trying to get

  • the Jews to return to the traditions and the godly ways of the past, including the Sadducees,

  • and the Pharisees, and the Essenes, and the Zealots.

  • And one of those preachers, who didn’t fit comfortably into any of these four groups,

  • was Jesus of Nazareth.

  • Jesus was a preacher who spread his message of peace, love and, above all, justice, across

  • Judea over the course of his actually average-length life for his time.

  • He was remarkably charismatic, attracting a small but incredibly loyal group of followers,

  • and he was said to perform miraclesalthough it’s worth noting that miracles weren’t

  • terribly uncommon at the time.

  • Jesus’s message was particularly resonant to the poor and downtrodden and pretty radical

  • in its anti-authoritarian stance.

  • He said it was easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to

  • get to heaven, he said the meek were blessed, that the last would be first and the first

  • would be last

  • All of which was kind of threatening to the powers that be, who accordingly had him arrested,

  • tried and then executed in the normal method of killing rebels at that time, crucifixion.

  • Also, just to put this question to bed, the Romans that crucified Jesus, because he was

  • a threat to their authority. Later traditions saying that the Jews killed Jesus? Very unfortunate.

  • Also, very untrue.

  • Were not going to discuss Jesus’s divinity, because 1. This isn’t a theology class,

  • and 2. Flame wars on the Internet make me so uncomfortable I have to turn to camera

  • 2,

  • Hi there camera 2, I’m here to remind you that 3. Fighting over such things, like fighting

  • over whether the proverbial cake is a lie, rarely accomplishes anything,

  • Plus 4. What matters to us is the historical fact that people at the time believed that

  • Jesus was the Messiah, the Anointed One, the son of God.

  • And they believed that he would return some day to redeem the world. Which leads us to

  • two questions about Christianity:

  • First,

  • Why did this small group of people believe this, and

  • Why and how did that belief become so widespread?

  • So why would people believe that Jesus was the Messiah? First, the Jews had a long tradition

  • of believing that a savior who would come to them in a time of trouble.

  • And Judea under the rule of Herod and the Romansdefinitely a time of trouble.

  • And many of the prophecies about this savior point to someone whose life looks a lot like

  • Jesus'. For instance, Isaiah 53 says the person will be misunderstood and mistreated, just

  • like Jesus was:

  • He was despised, and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:

  • and as one from whom men hide their face he was despised; and we didn't respect him.”

  • And a lot of the prophecies like Daniel 7:14, for instance, explained that when the Messiah

  • comes there will be this awesome new, everlasting kingdom.

  • And that had to sound pretty good to people who’d had their autonomy taken away from

  • them.

  • So some religious Jews saw Jesus in those prophecies and came to believe either during

  • his life or shortly thereafter, that he was the messiah.

  • Most of them thought the new everlasting kingdom was right around the corner, which is probably

  • why no one bothered to write down much about the life of Jesus for several decades, by

  • which time it was clear that we might have to wait a bit for this brilliant new everlasting

  • kingdom.

  • I should note, by the way, that the idea of a messiah was not unique to the Jews at the

  • time. Even the Romans got in on the action. For Instance, the Roman poet Vergil wrote

  • of a boy who:

  • Shall free the earth from never-ceasing fear. He shall receive the life of gods, and

  • see Heroes with gods commingling.”

  • Sound familiar? But Vergil was writing about Emperor Augustus in that poem, not Jesus,

  • which points again to the similarities between the two.

  • Both called sons of God. Both sent to free the earth from never-ceasing fear.

  • But one ruled the largest empire in the world; and the other believed that empire, and the

  • world, needed to change dramatically. So why did the less wealthy and famous son of God

  • become by far the more influential?

  • Well, here are three possible historical reasons:

  • Reason #1: The Romans continued to make things bad for the Jews.

  • In fact, things got much worse for the Jews, especially after they launched a revolt between

  • 66-73 CE, which did not go well.

  • By the time the dust settled, the Romans had destroyed the Temple and expelled the Jews

  • from Judaea, beginning what we now know as the Jewish Diaspora.

  • And without a Temple or geographic unity, the Jews had to solidify what it meant to

  • be a Jew and what the basic tenants of the religion were.

  • This forced the followers of Jesus to make a decision; Were they going to continue to

  • be Jews following stricter laws set forth by rabbis, or were they going to be something

  • else.

  • The decision to open up their religion to non-Jews, people who weren’t part of the

  • covenant, is the central reason that Christianity could become a world religion instead of just

  • a sect of Judaism.

  • And it probably didn’t hurt that the main proponent of sticking with Judaism was James,

  • Jesus’s brother, who was killed by the Romans.

  • Reason #2: Is related to reason number 1 and it’s all about a dude named Saul.

  • No, not that Saul. Yes, Saul of Tarsus, thank you.

  • Saul, having received a vision on the road to Damascus, became Paul and began visiting

  • and sending letters to Jesus followers throughout the Mediterranean.

  • And it was Paul who emphatically declared that Jesus followers did NOT have to be Jews,

  • that they did not have to be circumcised or keep to Jewish laws or any of that stuff.

  • This opened the floodgates for thousands of people to convert to this new religion. And

  • the other thing to remember about Paul is that he was a Roman citizen. Which meant that

  • he could travel freely throughout the Roman Empire.

  • This allowed him to make his case to lots of different people and facilitated the geographic

  • spread of Christianity.

  • Oh, it’s time for the open letter? Alright.

  • An open letter, to the fish.

  • But first, lets see what’s in the secret compartment today. Oh, Stan. [JCSS-esque music

  • briefly plays] It’s my favorite album Jesus Christ Superstar, finally available in my

  • favorite format, the cassette.

  • Did I color-coordinate my shirt to Jesus Christ Superstar? Yes.

  • Dear Ichthys,

  • So check this out: In the first century when it was still super underground and hipster

  • to be a Christian, you were a secret symbol of Christianity, used to kind of hide from

  • the Romans.

  • Ichthys, the Greek word for fish was an acronym and it was a super clever way to talk about

  • religion without anyone knowing that you were talking about it.

  • But youll never guess what happened- even in places where it’s completely fine to

  • talk about Christianity now and to use, you know, regular Christian symbols, like the

  • cross

  • You have had a huge resurgence thanks to the plastic automobile decal industry.

  • I mean seriously, Ichthys, I haven’t seen a comeback like this

  • since Jesus.

  • Best wishes, John Green

  • And lastly, Christianity was born and flourished an empire with a common language that allowed

  • for its spread.

  • And crucially, it was also an Empire in decline. Like even by the end of the first century

  • CE, Rome was on its way down.

  • And for the average person, and even for some elites, things weren’t as good as they had

  • been, if fact they were getting worse so fast that you might have thought the end of the

  • world was coming.

  • And Roman religion offered no promise of an afterlife, and a bunch of squabbling whiny

  • gods- sorry if I offended adherents to Roman religion, but seriously, they squabble.

  • So even though early Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire and sometimes fed to the

  • lions and other animals, the religion continued to grow, albeit slowly.

  • But then as the Roman decline continued, Emperor Constantine allowed the worship of Jesus and

  • then eventually converted to Christianity himself.

  • And then the religion really took off. I mean, Rome wasn’t what it used to be, but everybody

  • still wanted to be like the Emperor.

  • And soon enough there was a new son of God on coins.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next week.

  • Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Danica Johnson.

  • The show is written by my high school history teacher Raoul Meyer and myself and our graphics

  • team is Thought Bubble.

  • As only 62 million of you guessed last week, the Phrase of the Week was "Chipotle Burrito"

  • if you want to guess at this week’s Phrase of the Week or suggest future ones, you can

  • do so in Comments where you can also ask questions about today’s video that will be answered,

  • hopefully, by our team of historians.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course, and as we say in my hometown, don’t forget to be awesome.

  • Ow... again.

Hi there my name’s John Green; this is Crash Course: World History and today were going

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從猶太教到君士坦丁的基督教。世界歷史速成班#11 (Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11)

  • 616 47
    Chi-feng Liu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary