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Ro: Hey guys it’s Ro! Today I’m here with my sister Mo. Mo: Hey Everybody!
Ro: And Mr. Husky! Husky: Hello!
Ro: We got so many requests from you guys to play the not my arms game, so today
Ro: I am gonna show you how to assemble and decorate the perfect cake,
Ro: but with a twist, I won’t be able to use my arms, they are gonna be behind my back
Ro: and Mr. Husky, who cannot see, will be my arms!
Ro: Alright, are you ready team? Husky: So ready! Mo: Yeah.
Ro: Alright, put it in, we’re gonna do perfect cake on 3. 1, 2, 3!
All: Perfect Cake!
Ro: The first things that you’re gonna need to do is grab a little hat, you want a little
Ro: chef bakers hat, Molly, I got you one too. Mo: This is so cute!
Ro: Yeah, it’s got a little Velcro in the back so you can like, adjust it,
Ro: to find your, the right size. It’s good to keep hair out, out of your face!
Mo: Oh yeah.
Ro: In front of us we have two round 8 inch cakes, and they have chilled in the fridge
Ro: so that they won’t crumble, they’re really easy to work with and now we are gonna
Ro: level them. You’re gonna put your cake leveler flat, and wiggle it back and
Ro: forth, back and forth and saw it all the way down the cake.
Ro: This is gonna make our cake nice and flat so that we can stack them.
Mo: Oh! Ro: Yeah, we don’t need, yeah! Mo: Oh OK! RO: Who needs it!
Ro: We’re gonna put the first cake on the cake plate, and then I’m gonna place it
Ro: on the turntable, this will help us decorate later.
Ro: There we, look at that! Look at that!
Mo: Woo! These are pretty fun! Ro: Isn't that fun? Mo: Err-roo-err-roo!
Ro: So you’re gonna grab your icing, I put it in a plastic bag with a little circle tip
Ro: at the end for a little bit more control. Mo: OK.
Ro: And we’re just gonna ice, ice, ice, the top of this cake.
Ro: You can make a circle all the way around, smooth out the icing, you just want it
Ro: nice and smooth before you add the second cake.
Ro: Here we go…. Gotta eyeball it, make sure it’s right.
Ro: Oh, oh!
Ro: The next step is to ice! We are going to ice our whole cake,
Ro: so you’re just gonna take a big bag of icing. Again, I put it in a plastic bag,
Ro: with an icing tip, just for a little bit more control.
Ro: We’re gonna start on the top, we’re gonna ice the top of our cakes first.
Ro: Thin amount evenly around, letting a little bit hang over the side.
Ro: Then you’re gonna take your big spatula, and we’re gonna smooth it out!
Ro: Smooth out all the bumps, the wrinkles.
Mo: Can we just eat it now? Ro: Oh! Mo: Oh, you are! You did it.
Ro: Yes we can eat it now!
Ro: Now that we’ve frosted the top of the cake, we are gonna take our icing and frost the sides of the cake.
Ro: And this is where that turntable really comes in handy!
Ro: Because you’re just gonna hold that icing steady. Mo: Mmmhmmm.
Ro: And frost it all the way around as you spin the turntable.
Ro: Alright, done-sies!
Ro: You know what I was thinking Molly? Mo: What?
Ro: What’s the next step there?
Ro: Let me just get my hair out of the way here.
Ro: So now, the first thing that we’re gonna do is decorate the sides of our cake.
Ro: We’re gonna be making little loops that go loop, loop, loop, loop, loop!
Ro: And that is called swag! Isn’t that funny?
Ro: Watch a pro do her work Molly!
Ro: Watch a pro in action here. Mo: Yeah. Ro: Let me show you how to do this.
Mo: How do you do it?
Ro: So you’re gonna start at the top of your cake. Mo: Uh-huh.
Ro: And then you’re gonna do a loop on the side, just loop, loop, loop.
Mo: Oh, OK. Ro: You’re gonna go all the way around, you’re gonna use the turn table as well.
Ro: Just incase you forget, oh I got a little out of control!
Ro: Now we’re gonna take our pink icing, I put a little bit of pink icing in a
Ro: plastic bag with another star tip.
Ro: This tip is a little bit larger than the other one that we use for the swag designs.
Ro: And, we’re gonna oooh! Ooopsie-doopsie!
Ro: We’re gonna start on the bottom, we’re gonna put a border all the way around the
Ro: bottom, just boop-boop-boop, little stars all the way around.
Mo: Just little stars?
Ro: Come on! Mo: Hey! Ro: Come, come on!
Mo: You’re scaring me over there!
Mo: You’re scaring me over there lady!
Ro: Yeah, I take my baking very serious.
Ro: I over-filled my bag. Mo: Oh. Ro: So, this is another tips and tricks for you
Ro: guys at home, you don’t want to fill your icing too full.
Ro: I got a little over-zealous, I just got excited! I love frosting!
Ro: Now we’re gonna move on to the top of the cake, we’re gonna put little
Ro: stars all around the top. Mo: Oh! Ro: But mine looks so good, that I’m gonna skip this step.
Ro: Because mine looks really good!
Ro: But I’m gonna supervise to make sure Mo’s doing it right you guys, because…
Mo: Yeah, can you just give me some tips. Ro: Hagh… Yeah.
Ro: Yep, there you go. Mo: Is that OK? Ro: Mmmhmmm, mmmhmm.
Mo: Uh, you know I think I got it, I’m almost done.
Ro: I can help, I can help. Mo: I’m feeling really good about this.
Ro: Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme! Mo: No, you’re just gonna eat my icing.
Ro: I will. Mo: So you just stay over, I can see that you’ve been eating it, I see the pink. Ro: You know me!
Ro: Now we’re all done piping, now we’re gonna add some sprinkles! For design!
Mo: I love sprinkles. Ro: Me too! Mo: Jinx!
Ro: Here we go!
Ro: Make it rain!
Mo: Oh, my gosh! Ro: Oh wow! Mo: You used all the sprinkles!
Ro: Ummm, I… Might have some extra.
Ro: I have these cute little candles, these are birthday candles, and I thought
Ro: we could use those today to decorate.
Ro: They’re little candles that spell Happy Birthday.
Ro: Place these in the cake to spell Happy Birthday. I’m gonna put this… Here!
Ro: Alright, and now I’m gonna add one more set of candles, just for fun.
Ro: Oh, here they are!
Mo: These are adorable! They remind me of little emoji’s at the top!
Ro: Bewwww! Pscbhbbbbbbbbb!!
Ro: There we have it, let me spin my cake around so you can get a good look at it.
Ro: Bew!
Mo: Whoa, pretty good!
Mo: Are you gonna eat that icing? You better put that back on the cake!
Mo: Oh my gosh!
Ro: Just one more bite.
Both: Ta-da!
Ro: Here are the cakes that we made today, they are perfect for any occasion.
Ro: Mo’s is for a birthday, a birthday cake. And then mine is um, for me!
Ro: A big thank you to you guys for suggesting a not your arms challenge,
Ro: And a big thank you to Mo, and Husky for being my arms today.
Ro: And lastly, a big thank you to Wilton for partnering with me to make this video.
Ro: I teamed up with them to make a real video of how to assemble and decorate a cake,
Ro: with some awesome tips and tricks over on their channel.
Ro: So I’ll put a link down below for you to go check it out, if you’re interested.
Ro: And if you guys have any other ideas for any other games we should play,
Ro: please leave me a comment down below. And, Molly, should we do a taste test?
Ro: I mean this has been looking pretty good. I’ve been nibbling a little bit throughout
Ro: the day, but, do you want to have a bite? Mo: Yeah. Do you just want to grab a piece?
Ro: I don’t have a knife so I’m just gonna karate chop it. Mo: Oh wow.
Ro: Yummy little bite.
Mo: Oooh!
Ro: Oooooooh!
Mo: Mmmmm! Mmmhmmm. Ro: Yep…
Ro: Did I get a cake on my face? Right here? Mo: Just a little.
Ro: I feel like I got a little somethin-somethin on there.
Mo: I would just, I would just lick your lips a little bit.
Ro: Molly, you got a little something on your nose, let me get it for you.
Mo: Well, that...