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  • Let's turn to last night's Republican primaries,

  • where the big winner was once again Donald Trump.

  • And that makes me so happy, because, uh, you never know

  • what's going to happen when Trump gets to talk.

  • For instance, last night, his victory speech

  • somehow ended up, uh, with a Secret Service agent

  • guarding a table of wine and steak.

  • That is a real thing that happened last night.

  • A Secret Service agent was guarding food.

  • So how did we get here? Well, it started

  • when 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney

  • gave a speech last week pointing out

  • some of Trump's embarrassing business failures. And that

  • led to the best, classiest infomercial ever.

  • Mitt Romney got up and made a speech, uh, the other day.

  • He said, "The steak company." And we have Trump Steaks.

  • And by the way, if you want to take one,

  • we'll charge you about, what, 50 bucks a steak.

  • We sell water, and we have water.

  • And it's a very successful... you know,

  • it's a private little water company.

  • And I supply the water for all my places and it's good.

  • But it's very good.

  • Hmm.

  • $50 steak and very good water.

  • You sure know how to treat a lady.

  • So we've got Trump Water and we've got Trump Steaks.

  • Uh, how much would you pay for all of that?

  • Well, wait, don't answer yet.

  • Trump Airline. Well, I sold the airline.

  • And I actually made a great deal.

  • Trump Magazine, this comes out, and it's called

  • The Jewel of Palm Beach, and we...

  • It's all... goes to all of my clubs.

  • I've had it for many years, and it's...

  • The magazine is great. Anybody want one? Here, take one.

  • Donald Trump would make a great Jehovah's Witness,

  • wouldn't he? "Have you read about the...

  • (stammering) "Take one, take one.

  • Yeah. Yeah, whatever. See you in hell. Whatever."

  • Just-just to remind you, this is an acceptance speech

  • for a Republican presidential candidate!

  • Now, some of the ha... the haters out there

  • might be saying, "Oh, well, how am I gonna make it through

  • "a Trump presidency? I'm literally going to have

  • to be drunk every single day."

  • Well, once again, Trump's got you covered.

  • And by the way, the winery, you see the wine.

  • 'Cause he mentioned Trump Vodka.

  • It's the largest winery on the East Coast.

  • I own it 100%. No mortgage, no debt.

  • You can all check. You just have to go check the records, folks.

  • In fact, the press, I'm asking you, please check.

  • Well, uh, Mr. Trump, if you insist.

  • To check it out, we go live

  • to Senior Political Correspondent Jordan Klepper,

  • -people! -(cheering and applause)

  • Jordan, Trump clearly challenged the media to check his claims.

  • Uh, so what did you do?

  • I (bleep) checked it, Trevor. (chuckles)

  • And right there on the Web site of the thing

  • he boasted he owned 100% of, it says that Trump Winery is...

  • But, Jordan, what kind of balls does it take to dare the press

  • to check something that is so untrue?

  • The kind of balls that gets sworn in next January.

  • But the winery is just the tip of this false-berg.

  • Take these Trump Steaks. Now, these are not Trump Steaks.

  • Because there is no such thing as Trump Steaks.

  • -But, Jordan, he called them Trump Steaks. -Well,

  • there used to be a thing called Trump Steaks back in 2007.

  • Trump used to sell them through The Sharper Image catalog.

  • I assume between the dog Segway

  • and the Ionic masturbation wand.

  • (laughter)

  • Well, who buys steaks at The Sharper Image?

  • Well, the jury is still out on that one, Trevor.

  • Because according to Sharper Image's then CEO, they

  • "literally sold almost no steaks."

  • (laughter, applause)

  • I'm no businessman, but that might have been a factor

  • in them being discontinued.

  • (laughter)

  • What is Donald Trump doing, Jordan?

  • -There's no wine, there's no steaks. -He's coasting

  • to the Republican nomination, that's what he's doing.

  • Let's just keep it rolling

  • because, like a midweek Chicago brunch,

  • steak and wine are just the appetizer.

  • How about the Trump magazine?

  • Let me guess. There's no such thing as Trump magazine.

  • Oh, see, there was a Trump magazine.

  • From 2007 to 2009, they published about ten issues.

  • Like this one, with its hard-hitting cover story

  • about champagne and tits.

  • -(laughter) -So if the magazine doesn't exist,

  • what did he hold up last night?

  • Well, Trevor, while claiming he was holding Trump magazine,

  • his Trump brain accidentally told us the truth.

  • It was a different magazine.

  • We have Trump magazine.

  • It's called The Jewel of Palm Beach.

  • (laughter)

  • Jewel of Palm Beach

  • is basically the brochure for Trump's resorts.

  • It's like if SkyMall (bleep) a Chinese takeout menu

  • and gave birth to an ad for a topless Brazilian steakhouse.

  • -(laughter) -Wow. Okay, so, basically,

  • all of Trump's claims of business success?

  • They're crap. They're just crap, all right?

  • Trump Airlines went (bleep).

  • The business defaulted and was sold off.

  • Trump Water is just generic bottled water

  • he slapped his name on.

  • Trump University is a joke.

  • I mean, I spent all night looking into this stuff.

  • And spoiler alert-- it's all bull(bleep).

  • -(laughter) -Wow! Wow!

  • That is fantastic work, Jordan. It really is. I mean...

  • -Yeah. All of it. -(cheers and applause)

  • Great job on that.

  • Um, oh, but real quick, um, since we're fact-checking...

  • -Yeah. -Since we're fact-checking,

  • what about Trump's trade policies or his tax plan?

  • Oh, Trevor, look, yes, those are all very important,

  • but I have only had time to deal with the bull(bleep)

  • -that's literally on this table. -(laughter)

  • I'm in over my head, and to be honest with you,

  • I'm feeling a bit light-headed.

  • Jordan, did you have some of that Trump Wine?

  • Yeah, and I... I chased it with some Trump clams.

  • -(laughter) -Don't think those were clams.

Let's turn to last night's Republican primaries,

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每日秀》--唐納德-特朗普的勝選演講/資訊短片。 (The Daily Show - Donald Trump's Victory Speech/Infomercial)

  • 610 15
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary