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I'm actually going to play the Goddyr, Trick
Let me show you the "6.10 my way" here, alright?
Trick2G: Ok, I'm ready for this.
Well, uhm
Oh, let's get'em team
Oh, that actually was really good
Nice pickup [!]
Oh, this is FREE
Dude if this was anyone but Sion, wait
wait, wait, wait, keep going
keep going
Oh, free. Stay free
OMG they are so free Trick
You dont have TP, don't you?
Trick2G: No, I mean, you can just, you know take experience from right there... unless you want the gold
I'm coming for the gold
Trick2G: You have to get the gold
No, I tried to smite that
OMG I had to
Trick2G: Yes dude, yes, I know
Trick2g: F*CK
Trick2G: I get that blue, right?
I don't care if you are Faker on zed
You're not taking my blue
Never give blue guys
Ok, you should give blue to some people, you know
that you really can trust with blue, you know what I mean?
Like, I mean, Trick, I mean can I trust him?
Oh Thaliyah is coming in hot with her
With her trump wall
Wow, look how useful that champion is
Holy, are you watching this Trick?
Trick2G: No, what's happening?
The champion here...
What the heck?
Trick2G: Oh my god, what did you do to her?
I think she tried to ride it, and then like I instant bear stance her
And she just stood there like :derp:
... yeah, I had to flash there because I didn't whant her to ulti away
This GP tanked all... Oh man
Come on man, come on
Trick2G: YES!
I'm afk dude, I'm afk
Yes Sion is down here too.
dude we have two ocean drakes, OMG
Trick2G: This mosquito doesn't get the fu...
Tell it dude, tell it.
To man respect you
OMG that damage
Hoooly, did you see that?
god-like god-dyr?
Did you see that, Trick?
BAM, two shoted
You want some too? Come here
Come here then
Come here then
Two shoted
Trick2g: Watch the tower
Trick2G: Get the kills
Shall I go back in?
I got another one
Bear stun again
Get some crits in
Three hundred armor?
More like
No hundred armor
Got 'em Kappa
Trick2g: My Rengar is pretty good
You hate that champion, what are you talking about your Rengar is pretty good?
You have no Rengar games
You don't even play 'em
He's done, he's done
You see that?
I like to call that the:
"The confident"
... anyways, flash Ori
'right, we're good
we're looking pretty good
let's watch Faker in action here
[Faker, what was that!?]
Trick2g: Did I almost get 'em?
I'm reading your chat: boosted, lag
They're salty right now
That's messed up
Tell 'em dude, tell 'em
Oh, is that him? Is that... [lul]
Oh, oh...
Ok, I respect that
I respect that dude
I fight 'em, I fight 'em... I fight 'em
I fight 'em
Check out this Baron, like...
Like real talk, check out this Baron
Alright, I'm gonna disrespect 'em
Check out this Baron, like
Like, like....
What Baron?
Easy dude
Trick2g: Later bitch, smite that motherf*cker down
Trick2g: Yeaah, get that highlight?
I mean yeah, dude, I saw it all
Oh I got exhausted
oooow, ow
I'm surviving
Stayin' Alive, just like the song
I'm going in, I'm going in
Let me have 'em, let me have 'em
One more, one more
Hold on
Here we go
Trick2g: OMG DUDE We got 'em
We got 'em
Trick2g: Was that a bear slap?
That was a bear slap, dude that was a bear slap
Trick that is how you 6.10 Udyr, Goddyr
[Who would stand against us?]