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We have some breaking news to report.
Donald Trump is running for president.
And I don't know if you've heard,
but he's made a few bold promises.
We're gonna knock out ISIS. We're gonna knock 'em out.
I know how to build.
And that wall is going to be a real wall.
We're gonna repeal Obamacare.
We are going to replace Obamacare
with something so much better.
And there are so many examples of it.
I'm really a good businessman. I'm so good at business. Oh!
You people are gonna be so rich so fast, you don't even...
(cheering and applause)
Oh! Look how much it's hurting him.
He's so... he's so good at business,
he's getting a business migraine.
"Oh! I'm so good at business."
Oh, he's suffering for you, America.
"Oh, I'm so good at business. Oh."
But for once... I will admit that Trump actually...
He-he does know what he's talking about, you know?
He says he wants to replace Obamacare.
Well, guess what, he actually has health care experience,
and it comes from a business that he ran
and it was called the Trump Network.
I want you and your family to benefit
from our breakthrough health and wellness products.
The Trump Network wants to give millions of people
renewed hope and with an exciting plan
to opt out of the recession!
Why are you always shouting?!
You're only two feet away from the camera!
We can hear you!
You don't have to shout like that!
We have microphones for a reason!
This guy must be a nightmare.
Can you imagine pillow talk with Donald Trump?
"Say something roman..."
"You look so beautiful right now!"
And, also, selling health supplements.
Yeah, that-that sounds legit.
Who better to take health advice from than a man
with this picture-perfect physique? Yes, yes.
The point is... the point is we can look at the Trump Network
for an example of how Donald Trump runs a health care system.
And, my friends, it's so simple.
The concept wasn't really revolutionary.
Companies like Mary Kay have sold products
through what's called multilevel marketing for years.
Those at the top tend to reap the most benefits.
One person recruits three friends
who recruits three friends and on down the line.
Right. So-so, basically, uh, you pay a large fee up front
to join and then you enlist your friends
and then they enlist their friends and so on and so on.
Think of it as a pyramid-shaped business opportunity.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now, you might be wondering, uh, what sort
of amazing health products was Trump pushing
through this network. Well, there was something
for everyone, uh, like a brand of healthy kids' snacks
called Snazzle Snaxxs, with two Xs,
so you know it's poison!
Snazzle Snaxxs!
It sounds like a dog treat you buy for a dog
that's also a stripper. Just like a...
"She's working her way through obedience school.
Please welcome Snazzle!"
But the most interesting product,
the most interesting product in the Trump health care lineup
was a line of vitamins that got weirdly personal.
WOMAN: A key product was personalized vitamins,
supposedly tailored to each customer
after they sent their urine to a lab for analysis.
(laughter and groaning)
And here we are, my friends.
The reason we're doing this story.
The Trump Network's flagship product was sending boxes of pee
-through the mail in exchange for vitamins. -(laughter)
This is the same guy who thought it was disgusting
to even think of Hillary going to the bathroom.
This is the same guy.
But I guess now, it turns out
that he was just upset that she was wasting it.
-He was like, "No!" -(laughter)
"I could have used... No!"
But I don't understand. Why...?
Like, why would Donald Trump want everyone's pee?
You know, that's... I can't figure...
Like, maybe it's human pee
that gives his hair that perfect ammonia shine.
-(laughter and groaning) -Maybe.
So what happened to the Trump Network here in America?
Well, it really blew up before it actually blew up.
WOMAN: A reported 20,000
independent sales representatives
bought the Trump Network products
and tried to recruit others to sell them, too,
but within two and a half years,
the recession-proof business collapsed.
Wow, man. If a pee-based vitamin supplement business
can't survive the recession, what's America even for?
WOMAN: Trump declined our request for an interview.
His attorney says he did not own the company,
or make the products.
He also said Trump never endorsed the merchandise,
despite this letter signed by Trump saying,
"I believe in the Trump Network products."
-Now, now, no, no, no, don't you judge him, guys. -(laughter)
His signature and endorsement doesn't count as an endorsement.
We all know that when Trump endorses merchandise,
he puts a crown on his head and a sash around it.
-That's how he works. -(laughter and groaning)
Which I guess, which I guess leaves this one question.
If the business collapsed, what happened to all that pee?
Oh, Trump went through a lot of trouble to get all of that pee.
He wouldn't just throw it away. He's a businessman.
So where's the pee? Is it hidden?
-Is it...? -(laughter)
Oh, wait.
What if it's been right in front of us the whole time?
We're benefiting all these other countries.
Turned out I was right on every single subject.
We need a change. We need a change fast.
♪ ♪
(cheers and applause)
It looks like, for the second time in a row,
you're nominating Goldwater!
(laughter and groaning)
At least... at least we now know where all the pee went,