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  • Education is far less about a set of facts than a way of thinking, than learning how

  • to critically think. And therefore what I always think should be the basis of education

  • is not answers but questions. We should teach kids how to question. Now having said that

  • of course to be a productive adult there are certain skills that are requiredreading,

  • writing and in the old fashioned days we used to say arithmetic. Now we say mathematics.

  • And it’s important that we provide students those basic skills. And in that sense I’m

  • in favor of a common core because I think there are certain things that most reasonable

  • educators and most reasonable mathematicians and scientists and historians would agree

  • are a part of what every modern literate person should have as a tool to go out and look at

  • the outside world.

  • I am in favor of saying okay, let’s get teams of educators and experts in certain

  • disciplines to say what are the basic things that we think are an essential part of an

  • early education for people. Put them together and create as well as possible a set of goals

  • and tools to learn those things. One thing I cannot understand and people are probably

  • going to be upset about this is why local school boards have control over educational

  • content. Because local school boards are inevitably made up of individuals without any training.

  • One of the reasons we send kids to school is to help protect them from their parents

  • in a good sense. I mean most parents want their kids to learn good but the point is

  • the reason kids are outside the house is so they can get exposure to things that might

  • take them beyond the biases that they learn at home. And if we send them to school we

  • should take them beyond the biases that are present in local school board members. There

  • should be standards that are basedthat are determined by educators, not by people

  • who for one reason or another run for election to a local school board. So a common core

  • is something I’m in favor of. What I’m not in favor of by the way is standardized

  • tests however. Testing always inevitably means you teach students to be able to do tests.

  • And I’ve seen it at all levels including by the way at graduate school. We have many

  • grad students say from China who are excellent at taking physics tests but when they want

  • to become researchers just being able to regurgitate information is not what makes you a creative

  • researcher. And I think the same is true for a young person. Being able to know specifics

  • to pass a test is not the same as being able to understand how to go about answering those

  • questions.

Education is far less about a set of facts than a way of thinking, than learning how

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勞倫斯-克勞斯:我們需要教會孩子們創造性思維 (Lawrence Krauss: We Need to Teach Kids Creative Thinking)

  • 70 9
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
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