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  • A few months ago the headlines were dominated by the fact that physicists think they found

  • the Higgs bosonWell, the media said, this is a great discovery, but what do you mean

  • you think you found the Higgs bosonWell, to within five standard deviations, yes, we

  • think we found the Higgs bosonAnd the media said, what do you mean by that? Well

  • I would have answered the question differently.  I would have said, "With 99.9999% confidence,

  • we have bagged the Higgs bosonIf you are an odds maker in Las Vegas, and the bets are

  • that you are 99.9999% confident that you have it, then yes, you have it." So experimental

  • data is not ironcladYou have a bell-shaped curve of information, a bell-shaped curve

  • where the data indicates that you're sitting right here on the top of the bell-shaped curve,

  • but as you go away from the bell-shaped curve, you undergo one standard deviation, two standard

  • deviations, three standard deviationsand here we have five standard deviations of proof

  • So in physics we use that as the gold standard: if you can say you found something within

  • five standard deviations, then it means that, within 99.9999% accuracy, you have actually

  • found itMost people would say, of course you have found it. The Higgs boson is important

  • not just because it gives particles massThat's how the media played it, and people

  • say, well, so what; ten billion dollars for another god darn subatomic particle that gives

  • us mass; what's the big deal; why call it the God particle; why say that it's one of

  • the great achievements of modern scienceWell, you have to understand something: we

  • physicists squirm when we hear "God particle," but, you see, there is some truth to the name

  • "the God particle" because the Bible says that God set the universe into motionThat's

  • what God did in Genesis, chapter one, verse oneHowever, we physicists say that the

  • universe was created in a big bang 13.7 billion years agoBut then the question is, why

  • did it bangWhat set off the bangWe don't knowIt's a big mysteryWell,

  • the answer is a Higgs-like boson set off the Big BangIt put the bang in the Big Bang.

  • See, the purpose of Higgs bosonsand there is more than onethe purpose of the Higgs

  • boson is to break a symmetryAnd when you break symmetries like the symmetry of the

  • universe, then you get big bangsSo what is the Higgs bosonThe Higgs boson is a

  • fuseIt's a matchIt's the spark that set off the Big BangIt put the bang in

  • the Big Bang.  

A few months ago the headlines were dominated by the fact that physicists think they found

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Michio Kaku:是什麼讓 "大爆炸 "變成了 "大爆炸"? (Michio Kaku: What Put the Bang in the Big Bang?)

  • 55 5
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
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